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A decent day on wheat stubble


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I had a go on the fields at the back of my house today since there was a field cut last week .


There has been no number of birds on it but I just wanted to get out and I know this field has a flight line pass over it so there is always a chance.


After a hour and a half with only one bird in the bag I thought I had got things wrong and that I would be posting about yet another disaster of a day, but things soon changed for the better ,I managed a second bird and put the magnet out and it was as if a switch had been flicked.


Suddenly there were birds coming out of nowhere and perfectly into my pattern of 24 pro decoys , flapper and magnet .


I was shooting really well considering I have not put many shells through the new gun yet , I even managed 2 triples and the bag began to build nicely


Lots of young birds about today which were suckers for the magnet.


I finished with 73, only 70 in the photo , I picked 3 driving off the field .








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thats a good day there pal. how do you rate the gun, cheers simon


I like the versamax , not had any jams yet and I have put a load of 67mm cartridges through it with no issues , it fits me well and is the softest shooting auto I have had and handles well despite being a tad on the heavy side

My only niggle is the end cap works its way loose after a few shots and twice the stock bolt has come loose too after a good few shots , I will stop that with a dab of thread lock but will still have to keep an eye on the end cap.

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Well done, Fenboy. How do you find the prodecoys? I'm not a big fan. Some of mine have broken and have turned almost purple from the sun.


Mine are the new ones that A1 are doing , not sure if they are the same as the original pro decoy .

I did think the colour of mine was a little dark but in the couple of times I have used them they have worked fine , though I cannot give a long term review.


I only really use decoys when there are lots of flies about and I dont want to leave dead birds out.

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Well done Fenboy great shooting with the new gun....not taken you long to get the hang of it.

I thought it was a Hatsan when I first saw it....haha...sorry :innocent:

I was just thinking that it was obvious to me that they were young pigeon at the back of your house....you have shot all the older one's.

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