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Certificate fees update

David BASC

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Dear All,


Following discussion between BASC and the Home Office, BASC has been informed by the Government that there will be no increase in certificate fees this Autumn. Police representatives have been lobbying for fees increases with figures quoted from £92 to £250 for a five year certificate which currently costs £50.


A working party will be set up, which will include shooting representatives, to look at all of the costs involved in licensing and the potential cost savings of using online tools and e-commerce in the process. This will mean that police cost figures will be subject to proper scrutiny. The working party will report back in 2015. There will also be a review of GPs’ role in licensing to find a solution which helps to protect public safety, is not burdensome to administer and which does not penalise the applicant.


BASC welcomes the constructive way in which the Home Office and the Government have listened to and engaged with the concerns of people who shoot. Defra, as the sponsoring department for shooting, has taken a keen interest in the issue as has the All-Party Group for Shooting and Conservation and its chairman Geoffrey Clifton-Brown MP.


Fees have not increased since 2001 and an increase will ultimately be necessary. BASC is keen to see service-level agreements made with the police to see minimum standards of service introduced. BASC will work to see that any increase is proportionate, is matched by better service across the different police constabularies and is based on reliable cost figures.


Any developments will be on the BASC web site



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Well Done, Now that the interested parties are in discussion and as an aside to the cost aspect. What about trying to pin them down on stupid conditions like mentors and differing forces making up the rules as they go along. Here is a good case.



Please read my post #.10


And post #.4 on this one is anther thing.


Edited by fortune
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Well done, I don't think anybody minds paying a sensible amount if the service is vastly improved, regional variations are got rid of and there is consistency in the system.


Police Forces make so much extra work for themselves by all the misguided variation red tape, you should be cleared to acquire firearms up to the cleared limit of your land or range. End of problem and far less work for the police and if the new system was online, it would save £££.

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Maybe the ACPO would like to make a contribution to the fees budget?, after all they are a private company (supposedly non-profit) and as far back in 2009 they had almost £16 Million in assets with £9.2 Million in the bank and a turnover of £18 Million a year from criminal record checks and providing advice to private companies. This is on top of the £15 Million it gets from the Home Office, for full details have a look here, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/4631631/ACPO-makes-18m-from-criminal-records-checks.html

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I think a fee rise is acceptable only if it's reasonable. £250 for what you get is preposterous with the current situation and it is likely to put another barrier in the way for people getting into the sport. This is especially true for the much vaunted but seldom represented "young shots" that seem to be left out as often as not...

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I think if they do go daft and raise it to £250 then a lot of people will stop shooting (which is what some forces want)


If they are going to increase it then they should all be singing from the same songbook, ONE set of rules which is used, NOT their own interpretation of the rules,


None of this 1 county says this for fox but not that.......they should all have ALQ (Any legal quarry) as a condition for firearms, not named species


I really like the credit card type certificate, you wouldnt need the paper part, my license lists everything i'm allowed to drive, guns could be the same


It will only be a matter of time before some bright spark comes up with the idea of charging you per item!!


Also we would want the same service from all......If Northumbria can have a very quick turnaround (most within 7-10 days) then everyone should get that service,


We could use the same as Pizza firms do, if its not delivered in a certain time then you get a reduction on renewal....


Just my views



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They really should be bringing this process into the year 2000...Get an online option to manage your guns, ammo and to book renewal time slots in a calendar. Have online live chat with FAO to discuss any issues. Have possible telephone interviews with the FAO then only one visit to check security.


There are so many better ways to help lighten the load on this service.

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Part of the on-going review / campaign is to improve service and get slicker turn around - we will not accept paying more for a poor service!!


A quicker turn around would be a definite improvement.

I waited around 8 weeks for my FAC grant interview, was told he was happy to sign my application and he would put it in the tray to go back to headquarters next day.

Rang headquarters up after a week to see if they had some idea of timescale to be told they had not got it back and to be aware they were working on 16 to 18 weeks :no:

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I've just read on the BBC web site that the police spent over £600,000 on music for its staff last year, the Met alone spent almost £250,000, on another thread we hear of a PW member that was revoked for no reason and had to go to court to get his ticket back - the police employing a barrister at probably hundreds of £ an hour to fight the case they were bound to loose, they deliver in many cases an inefficient and cumbersome licensing system...do they try to save money and get smarter? No they just try to wring more money out of us!


Join the fight to stop this madness join BASC, get your mates on board and together we will keep up the pressure and deliver for all!



Edited by David BASC
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