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hw77 ?


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As you may be awar efrom my previous post I am on the lookout for a Springer and was looking at the HW97 and TX200 but I have just been offered an HW77 in .22 with scope and silencer for £150!


IS the HW77 anygood as a hunting rifle? Seems a lot cheaper than the HW97 or TX200 but can it do the job of keeping the rabbits down as well as the TX200 or HW97?


What do you think?

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I can speak from experience as I owned a HW77k and a Mk1 TX200 at the same time.


There is very little difference between the two to be honest - both are heavy and incredibly accurate, my personal preference was the TX just because it was that little but smoother but then the HW was a lot older.


As for their hunting abilities - I would say they are identical...both are very very accurate and in the right hands will take many bunnies.


If the 77 is in good condition with a decent scope on it then I would go for it - then send it off to Sandwell fieldsports for a tune up and service which I think is £70 so for £220 you have a really nice spring powered bunny basher.

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Good guns, unless its an absolute dog its a bargain.

I think (along with many others) that the earlier pre horrible stamped warninged HWs are best.

At that price i suspect it would be an older model with the 25MM piston which are rumoured to shoot better than the newer ones and they look better with out the daft please dont sue us warning.

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awwwsome gun, the underlever that all underlevers are judged by! they used to be THE springer to use for competitive field target shooting mainly due to fixed barrel and the legendry rekord trigger unit.

The HW 97 is just a restyled HW77 with in built silencer and a square section main spring.

buy now!!!! find john bowket send for a tune and shoot buffalo with it !!!

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Well the car had its service and a turbo intercooler + disks and brake pads + labour and he gun might just have to wait..... I love my Land Rover but **** when it goes wrong it does it in style....




What was to be a simple service costong £200 has now cost me £250 for the service + £300 for new brake disks and pads + £560 for a turbo intercooler and fitting.... I feel poor....

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