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darren m

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any one had them

i,ve being feeling unwell , just a bad cold , but its lasted for months , then started itching a bit on right hip area along the side.

Anyway thought nothing of it until a rash appeared .

went to the docs and after having a look he said i think you have shingles


was told to stay home rest etc and take pain killers if needed nothing serious .


what i want to know is how long do they last for and is there not an antibiotic to help clear it up


any advice welcome.


ps. i,ve also got this little lump under my jaw appeared over this last week , its painful to touch , maybe a gland , does that sound like a shingle symptom





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Shingles is incredibly painful, take pain relief, paracetamol and ibuprofen (if you can), fluids, rest and see how it goes.


Don't ask for a diagnosis on here! Your dr already has done that.


I'm surprised you haven't been prescribed any anti viral drugs, but that is pct dependent.


It wouldn't surprise me if you have lymph nodes inflamed, bit odd if its nowhere near to the rash, but nothing to fret about.


See how you are in 48 hours and see yor gp if you feel no better, or if the rash infiltrates the other half of your body midline.


Good luck


Just noticed a q in your post, shingles is a viral infection, unless you get a secondary bacterial infection, anti bioethics have no use here.

Edited by kyska
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im not sure but i seem to remember that shingles can be linked to chickenpox...im sure someone can or will put me straight on that.............

It's directly associated to chicken pox, a strain of herpes that lies dormant in nerve tissue, that's why it can be so painful.

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Had shingles back in the 70's.

Indescribably painful. I had it round the back of my head and right hand side of my face. I was in the RAF at the time so I was in sick quarters. The pain was so bad that I begged a nurse to give me something to render me unconscious because I couldn't it. Gratefully, she called a Doctor who gave me the strongest possible which made it just bearable.


One downside of it is that the neuralgia (nerve pains) can last for up to ten years which it did for me.


To put it simply, it felt like the back of my head was being torn of by a mechanical grab.


You have my sympathy.

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Had shingles back in the 70's.

Indescribably painful. I had it round the back of my head and right hand side of my face. I was in the RAF at the time so I was in sick quarters. The pain was so bad that I begged a nurse to give me something to render me unconscious because I couldn't it. Gratefully, she called a Doctor who gave me the strongest possible which made it just bearable.


One downside of it is that the neuralgia (nerve pains) can last for up to ten years which it did for me.


To put it simply, it felt like the back of my head was being torn of by a mechanical grab.


You have my sympathy.

Neuralgia is relatively rare with shingles, you got a bad card fella!


Op if you start to get pain, see your gp.


Again, if the rash infiltrates to the opposite side if your body from where it started, see your gp.


Ibuprofen is the choice drug, piriton if its itchy, as LONG as you take these.

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Shingles is incredibly painful, take pain relief, paracetamol and ibuprofen (if you can), fluids, rest and see how it goes.


Don't ask for a diagnosis on here! Your dr already has done that.


I'm surprised you haven't been prescribed any anti viral drugs, but that is pct dependent.


It wouldn't surprise me if you have lymph nodes inflamed, bit odd if its nowhere near to the rash, but nothing to fret about.


See how you are in 48 hours and see yor gp if you feel no better, or if the rash infiltrates the other half of your body midline.


Good luck


Just noticed a q in your post, shingles is a viral infection, unless you get a secondary bacterial infection, anti bioethics have no use here.


he said its viral , but antibiotics would,nt help .

is there a difference between anti viral and antibiotic


it is painful , i,m taking cocodamol , also got paracetamol and ibupro in the house , also calomine


that lump , well actually i have a few lumps just under the skin , seem to follow my rib cage and theres a bit of pain around them , could that be lmyph nodes



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Neuralgia is relatively rare with shingles, you got a bad card fella!


Op if you start to get pain, see your gp.


Again, if the rash infiltrates to the opposite side if your body from where it started, see your gp.


Ibuprofen is the choice drug, piriton if its itchy, IF you can take these.

Edited by kyska
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Shingles is a viral infection which lays dorment in your system once you have had chicken pox. If you had gone to your doctor the same day the rash came out they can give you tablets that clear it up within a couple of weeks but it still can come back years later. The tablets or not effective unless you catch it as soon as the rash appears, so thats more than likely why you havn't been prescribed anything. It can last for months and normally surfaces when you are run down. from Auntie.

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Shingles is a viral infection which lays dorment in your system once you have had chicken pox. If you had gone to your doctor the same day the rash came out they can give you tablets that clear it up within a couple of weeks but it still can come back years later. The tablets or not effective unless you catch it as soon as the rash appears, so thats more than likely why you havn't been prescribed anything. It can last for months and normally surfaces when you are run down. from Auntie.


interesting - had chicken pox , twice if i remember correctly , second time i was much older and it wasnt nice , yea this is a bit similar

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Shingles is a viral infection which lays dorment in your system once you have had chicken pox. If you had gone to your doctor the same day the rash came out they can give you tablets that clear it up within a couple of weeks but it still can come back years later. The tablets or not effective unless you catch it as soon as the rash appears, so thats more than likely why you havn't been prescribed anything. It can last for months and normally surfaces when you are run down. from Auntie.

The anti virals haven't been prescribed because they are incredibly expensive, and most people suffering from symptoms don't need them.


They have therapeutic relevance at any time if infection, but most effective within three days or so.

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I've had it and from my experience you've either got a sky high pain threshold or just a cold and rash on your hip.


Although forced to go to A&E on a saturday afternoon because I thought I was having a big time heart attack but the ECG said not and I can't really remember how come I left the hospital with 'no fault found'. By monday when I saw the doc the rash had appeared on the left of my chest and on my back and he knew immediately what I'd got. Trouble is once the rash has appeared the antibiotics have no effect and it's just a matter of letting it run its course. I was the only family driver at the time and with Christmas three weeks away I had no choice but to keep off the happy pills. I hung on and got plastered on new year's eve and the next day I hit the drugs.


It finally cleared in the middle of February. The pain that is, I was left with an awful sense of claustrophobia which I couldn't get my head around as as an aircraft technician I've worked inside aircraft wings which you'd have thought a squirrel couldn't have got into. That was nearly three years ago and I'm only just right now.


Back to the doc re the lump.

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Unbelievable I know but I read an article recently which stated that Vitamin C is the wonder cure for shingles. Taken via an injection relief wasi almost instant! Can't do any harm.

Balony. Vitamin C is absorbed mostly by the gut, megadosing is a taboo.

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I had shingles about *yrs ago when I was in my mi 20's. I had it under my armpit and at first thought I was sore from a training session that evening until I had a look in the mirror. Didn't know what it was so went to the docs the following morning, he confirmed it as shingles, didn't prescribe anything but said to take painkillers if I needed to. For me it was all done and dusted after about a week.

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Yeah indescribably painful! That is the best way to describe it, had shingles when I was 16, a band from my over my left shoulder blade down and round under my right arm, me mum had to paint them with a liquid that looked like clear nail varnish twice maybe three times a day and had big pain killer tablets the looked, size wise, like those tablets me dad used to use to sterilise his false teeth! Spent a few weeks laid up on the sofa belly down watching tv. The pain was utter horrendous and I still have scars so the missus tells me.

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my god sounds like some of you chaps have had it really bad , i,m not too bad but have felt unwell for about 3 weeks like a cold / flu .

i was thinking about beating this weekend , but i guess i should stay away


the pain is along my right side , it aches like mad with sharp intermitant tingles and is hard to get comfortable.

i,ve got a rash red skin and what look like chicken pox pimples with in .


i,ve phoned the doctor , and he said at this stage antibi or anti viral would,nt be much use , greaat , although i have got some naproxin to try as a anti imflam.


mother in law had it a few months back , so may have come via her , although i stayed away my wife went to see her several times

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I had chicken pox when I was 24 nearly killed me I was covered over my whole body head, back, stomache, privates, legs and on the bottom of my feet. I was rough for weeks my mother sat with me worried sick and then she went down with shingles. Mates up the pub asked why she let me give her shingles she said someone had to care for me as my father wouldn't come near me god bless you mum.

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It's not contageous and can't be passed on.it is a dormant viral infection which could recur even in 30 years time. Hope you are feeling better soon..from Auntie.


Are you sure , i thought it was , thats why i,m trying to stay away from people , not even been to work and i need to because i,m self employed

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