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Got dragged off to a North East UKIP conference yesterday . Wanted to ask about there views on field sports as leader Nigel Farrage shoots and fishes . Unfortunately he was not there due to having to have an emergency operation on his spine as the result of a plane crash a few years back . Heard one comment that made me laugh , " at least he's got a spine ulike Cameron ,Clegg and Milliband "

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Got dragged off to a North East UKIP conference yesterday . Wanted to ask about there views on field sports as leader Nigel Farrage shoots and fishes . Unfortunately he was not there due to having to have an emergency operation on his spine as the result of a plane crash a few years back . Heard one comment that made me laugh , " at least he's got a spine ulike Cameron ,Clegg and Milliband "

Hehe yeah the great British backbone does seem to be on the verge of extinction



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I can't wait till next year to see the horror on the establishments faces after the Euro and local elections, there is so much irony in the fact that their little pet project will be the downfall of many many councilors up and down the country. Our Lib Dem councilor came round a few months back asking who I was going to vote for next year (clearly worried) and she got a bit nasty....never one to turn down a political debate I kept her there so long she was trying to escape down the drive ha ha

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Got dragged off to a North East UKIP conference yesterday . Wanted to ask about there views on field sports as leader Nigel Farrage shoots and fishes . Unfortunately he was not there due to having to have an emergency operation on his spine as the result of a plane crash a few years back . Heard one comment that made me laugh , " at least he's got a spine ulike Cameron ,Clegg and Milliband "


Amen to that.

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I can't wait till next year to see the horror on the establishments faces after the Euro and local elections, there is so much irony in the fact that their little pet project will be the downfall of many many councilors up and down the country. Our Lib Dem councilor came round a few months back asking who I was going to vote for next year (clearly worried) and she got a bit nasty....never one to turn down a political debate I kept her there so long she was trying to escape down the drive ha ha

Eastern Europeans can also vote in local and European elections. There's so many around here I'll be surprised if UKIP get voted in at all but I'll still be voting for them.

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Eastern Europeans can also vote in local and European elections. There's so many around here I'll be surprised if UKIP get voted in at all but I'll still be voting for them.


This was what the Councilor tried to get nasty with me about, she was clearly trying to make out I had some kind of unreasonable fear of immigrants and also she called UKIP racist. She had probably been schooled to use certain questions to which she would have set piece answers to but unfortunately for her I countered all of them. One of the things she said was "Which group of immigrants do you have a problem with?" and I just answer "none why are you asking me that?" lol I just said there's too many young people out of work and they are up against older more educated people from overseas who are taking the jobs which should be the starter jobs for kids....I got my foot on the ladder by doing all kind of stuff, I was probably useless but the employers had no chance back then, they had to take young people of they wanted cheap Labour. Now you get very intelligent foreigners with degrees working in supermarkets how can the unskilled or young compeat with that?


Here parting shot was "We said we would give you a referendum on Europe" to which I replied oh how many Lib Dems voted for it in the house of commons yesterday then? As she scuttled down the drive she shouted at me "You've had your say!" :D Well I didn't ask her to call and I doubt she will again ha ha!

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Eastern Europeans can also vote in local and European elections. There's so many around here I'll be surprised if UKIP get voted in at all but I'll still be voting for them.


About a year ago I posted on a UKIP/EU thread a report from UKIP MEPs that legislation was before the EU Parliament which would permit EU migrants to vote in UK elections. Also reported were briefings from the EU Parliamentary corridors on possible ways of enabling migrants to vote in UK general elections to address the "British problem".

The Pro EU/anti UKIP contingent jumped in to dismiss the claim insisting it was illegal, no such legislation was being considered and I was a scare-mongering...

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Here parting shot was "We said we would give you a referendum on Europe" to which I replied oh how many Lib Dems voted for it in the house of commons yesterday then? As she scuttled down the drive she shouted at me "You've had your say!" :DWell I didn't ask her to call and I doubt she will again ha ha!


You may be LUCKY enough to have been placed on their BLACK LIST and regarded as a difficult task! :good:

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Pint, fag, shoots & fishes...yeah a really good political stance


Well they at least have their opinions unlike the three 'main parties' who will change their policy on a whim and even when you vote for them they don't deliver what they say in their manifesto.

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Cameron has been such a disappointment to me , Clegg worse than expected but then he never dreamt he'd be in office, as for millipede after 13 years of B Liar and Brown how could anyone for for him and the aptly named Balls ? UKIP may not have the experience but I doubt they could do a worse job, I'm prepared to chance them.

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