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.25 duck.


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Not much of a picture but after a walk for woodies on the wind with the Holloway I returned home to change guns. What did I choose....another shotgun, nope. A muzzleloader,nope. How about a rifle, nope.

No I grabbed one of my favourite airrifles, a Hatsan Striker in .25!



I got also a 2 yard sqizzer, another squizzer and a woodpigeon at about 7yds! All in the wind and rain.


With the four woodies this morning thats 5 plus the duck....thats enough for them burgers my daughter is crowing about :rolleyes:



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Good shooting. What you thinking of the .25 Striker?

For how much they are they are good but!

Be prepared to hone/stone the trigger!

Polish the cylinder and piston. Grease the spring a little. No piston weight in these for legal reasons so watch they don't go over!


The barrel is good and it shoots pretty much any pellet. How ever don't go over twenty grainers by much! The RWS superdomes at 31grains are a little slow! Ok close up but......

The BSA Pylarms zip along, accurate and down woodies a treat. Milbro....won't bother again. H&N trophys and Bisley superfields are good.


Under thirty yards is best but when it hits it does seem to whomp them some!



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I've got a striker .25, use marksman No3, pylarm or H&N ftt's all around 18-20 grains. The milbro rhinos were awful.The strikers are designed to work at around 20ft lb so it seems that a really weak mainspring has been fitted to keep them down to 12ft lb. For the price they get a thumbs up from me, I've shot loads of crows, a few magpies and squirrels and a weasel with mine, plus other vermin. Not the best trigger, creeeeeep? Just a little,lol.

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Weasel! That was good then. Well done.


Burgers yeah. Done goose too. I just use a food processer and chop an onion in it. Add pepper. Maybe a little chili powder or whatever and then add the meat untill a paste. Spoon it onto parchment paper add paper on top and pat flat.


Another is to do the same but put it in a oven proof dish. Add a little olive oil and bake.

When cold this meatloaf slices easily and makes good butties.


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Shooting duck with an air rifle is totally unsporting and then posting the picture up just self gratification.. nothing personal but I think your an idiot and anyone who agrees with you... Quote .....,


lol a siting duck





If it's going to eating then why not!

Good shooting u

Edited by rapid basher
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Shooting duck with an air rifle is totally unsporting


I don't understand why you think shooting something should be a challenge? Surely the 'easier' it is, the more humane it is likely to be and therefore more ethical? As long as the shot is clean and the bird gets eaten then it doesn't matter. Saying it should be shot at x distance which a specific gun is pretty meaningless

Edited by wildfowler.250
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After checking up on this


it's perfectly legal to shoot fowl with lead if it's a single projectile - it's only shotguns that are covered by that law.




it's also perfectly legal to shoot fowl with a sub 12ftlb air rifle


So lets not turn this into a witch hunt



Thats what stopped me posting you were checking up !

I was going to put this at the time.


I see no problem with him shooting a duck to eat with a airgun , you are very mistaken if you think one would not kill a duck especially a .25 cal as underdog was using .


I think people such as yourself regarding airguns as little more than pop guns plays a large part in the reason there are so many accidents and even deaths involving them , they are and will always be lethal .


I do however agree that its pretty unsporting , hence the term sitting duck ,and I personally would not shoot one like that , but if its one for the pot why should sporting come into it.


I would also agree that it perhaps does our sport no favors putting things like that on a open forum , we dont want every tom **** and harry that has a £20 smk thinking its fine to start knocking off the ducks on the village pond


There are plenty of occasions where do but dont say is the right way !

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Self gratified I am sure.....why.......because it was bloomin difficult thats why. First I had to keep concealed enough the duck did not fly off and then I had to be close enough to get a killing shot in. The sport in this is getting close to the quarry, far more escapes without me ever leveling the gun on them! Try it!

I have shot enough duck in my lifetime with a shotgun (of which I assume would be agreable) to know that wounded duck are sometimes not retrieved so if the pot wants to call the kettle black go do it somewhere where they may care!




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Self gratified I am sure.....why.......because it was bloomin difficult thats why. First I had to keep concealed enough the duck did not fly off and then I had to be close enough to get a killing shot in. The sport in this is getting close to the quarry, far more escapes without me ever leveling the gun on them! Try it!

I have shot enough duck in my lifetime with a shotgun (of which I assume would be agreable) to know that wounded duck are sometimes not retrieved so if the pot wants to call the kettle black go do it somewhere where they may care!




Too right.

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Why is shooting the duck unsporting but the 2 yard squirrel and 7 yard pigeon not?


I think all species deserve the same respect (well, maybe not rats) and you can't do better than cleanly dispatching and eating your quarry.


As for self gratification, yes it is, but surely that's what the 'Sporting pictures' section is for?


Edit to say I am offended, but only by the Hatsan. Boy that thing is uuuuuuuugly.

Edited by shaun4860
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if its legal i suppose theres no problem realy,only i know why some folk don't agree as well, where i live i know young lads who have just past there driving tests up and down shooting ducks with there air rifles and thats how i have always looked at people who do that sort of thing, but i suppose done right and safe every one to there own,only theres no way i could do such a thing as ime in charge of a shoot and my mates would thing i had been smoking the green stuff all night, well ye good shooting pal and hope it tastes nice,atb simon..

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Lets be clear on this....these are not village pond ducks! And I did not shoot from my lowered noisy saxo either!

Just in case anyone is worried what the anti's think, instead of trying to appease them like Nev did Heir Hitler, tell them get stuffed, the miserable bunch of idiots! As long as I can go and buy mass produced meat from a store no one will stop me harvesting wild meats. Go moan yer bags off to your mp's. Get it all banned YOU WONT STOP ME! I will use a bow, catties, nets and snares.

Let the anti's crimminalise me I dont care. The more you push the more underground it will go.


Neville Chamberlin....seemed like such a nice man. I think he must of had a string of mistresses up and down the land myself!



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My 2pence worth,


Firstly Underdog, I personally enjoy your hunting reports and pics. and I fully support your position. :good: It is refreshing to have input from a traditional hunter who gathers for the pot. The muzzle loaders, rifles and field craft you use to put food on the table clearly requires a level of skill that some don't possess.


I struggle to understand the logic behind comments on using rifles as inhumane and un sporting. Assuming for a moment that a head shot was taken to a duck or pheasant at a reasonable range, it would, scale wise be similar to a golf ball sized bullet with enough mv to pass straight through a human head. What am I missing here?

Unsporting? I think the definition of that on PW is, give the quarry a good chance of getting away first. This presumably means only taking shots that are 50-60-70% successful? To achieve this, surely you have to, shoot beyond your capabilities, at extreme ranges, using unsuitable ammunition or gun?

To those that think rifles are inhumane and unsporting, next time you have to neck a pigeon, pheasant or duck, you look into its eye and decide if you thing you were sporting and humane.


And don't get me started on kowtowing to the antis!!!

Edited by turbo33
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Lets be clear on this....these are not village pond ducks! And I did not shoot from my lowered noisy saxo either!

Just in case anyone is worried what the anti's think, instead of trying to appease them like Nev did Heir Hitler, tell them get stuffed, the miserable bunch of idiots! As long as I can go and buy mass produced meat from a store no one will stop me harvesting wild meats. Go moan yer bags off to your mp's. Get it all banned YOU WONT STOP ME! I will use a bow, catties, nets and snares.

Let the anti's crimminalise me I dont care. The more you push the more underground it will go.


Neville Chamberlin....seemed like such a nice man. I think he must of had a string of mistresses up and down the land myself!




So you own a Saxo :o :hmm::ninja:

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