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Somerset Levels.

Fisherman Mike

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Someone was talking on the radio and said that a few years ago the woman who was in charge of the envirenment department was talking about letting the wetlands flood as it was good for the wildlife and birds and after all we are a well off country we do not need to grow our own food we can buy it in from from other countries I think that this sums up the attitude of a lot of the people in power they care more about looking after wildlife than caring for the people who pay there wages.

I think your talking ******** again.

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Google Baroness Young and the pumping stations, left wing nutter who was behind the dismantling of flood defenses etc. They thought if they allowed the floods to flow naturally it would sort itself out, Norfolk apparently was the only County that fought a legal action and retained it's rights to maintain it's own water ways.


Now about these birds and wildlife... I wonder how much of it is still alive now.

Most of it probably...They have learned to evolve and live with it over thousands of years of this type of occurrence..


Whereas we have learned nothing..


It would be just as pertinent to lay the blame at the Farmers who drained the levels 100,s of years ago as it is the RSPB and the EA..


No amount of dredging, pumping, damming, diversion, bunds, dykes, barriers, would have abated the amount of water in the levels (and other areas) at the moment.. Not even King Canute could help.


Call me a Cynic but I would wager the majority of residents and farmers would take £250 k a year each in perpetuity to fund a summer residence or replace loss profit rather than spend Billions on flood defences that are likely not to work.


Like I said earlier...Mother Nature is purely reclaiming her own and no amount of money will stop her.

Edited by Fisherman Mike
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Pickles is talking absolute rubbish.He`s blaming the EA to divert attention from the governments cuts to the flood defence budget.The Institute of Water Engineers statement on the Somerset Levels is spot on.The EA`s brief from Government present and past has been to protect areas of population first and rural areas second,which is what they have done.With a limited budget something had to give,this is a case of spending cuts coming home to roost.

Plus one!


Pickles is a load mouth bully looking to shift responsibility from government cuts and a failed gamble on the weather! The impact upon on many peoples livelyhoods, properties and homes is massive and we will all end up paying for it in increased insurances!


Cheers slim!!!!

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There was very little issue with flooding on the levels until about 18 years ago when the Environment Lobby.......sorry, Agency took over. They preferred to leave the rivers and rhymes to their own devices and thought it would be a good thing to let them all return to a nature reserve like state, as their supporters wanted. Oh yeah, and in the process saved millions of pounds.


The system is so clogged up it couldn't drain a bath let alone the rain we have been having. I'm out helping these people everyday and it makes me mad that this country can quickly give millions to India et all but when Britons are in need they do nothing.


Government hang your head in shame.


Eric Pickles says giving all this money away is helping our weather .... Meanwhile Ian Duncan Smith is wasting Billions of pounds on idiotic schemes. God Help Us!!

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this BBC blog I think gets across the point that all this flooding in the south, in terms of properties flooded, is absolutely nothing compared to what we got seven years ago, or even for that matter what we got in the tidal surge before Christmas. Yet a lot of flooded grass in Somerset seems to get far more attention in the media.



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Don`t know much about Mr Pickles,he does seem to have a grip on reality though ! If only the rest

of the government were similar and actually took on the clowns at the EA and Natural England et all .

They are a total waste of resources in this cash strapped island of ours ! (It is ours,not theirs afterall, alledgedly.)

Would this be the same Eric Pickles that pushed through the planning "reform" that encourages borough councils to grant permission to build new housing estates on floodplains (and green field sites)

at the behest of property developers that walk away with the cash and wash their hands of any subsequent flooding/drainage problems..?

what an ****...

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Would this be the same Eric Pickles that pushed through the planning "reform" that encourages borough councils to grant permission to build new housing estates on floodplains (and green field sites)

at the behest of property developers that walk away with the cash and wash their hands of any subsequent flooding/drainage problems..?

what an ****...

pickles comes across as a nasty odious man who looks ready to burst or morph into billy blowfish, on the other hand the guy they are all having a go at lord smith? comes across as a dignified articulate and honest man :good: guess which ones head will roll, as an aside I have just watched a man who's home has been flooded (and yes it cant be nice) say I always wanted to live in a nice house by the river just about sums the problem up that.



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pickles comes across as a nasty odious man who looks ready to burst or morph into billy blowfish, on the other hand the guy they are all having a go at lord smith? comes across as a dignified articulate and honest man :good: guess which ones head will roll, as an aside I have just watched a man who's home has been flooded (and yes it cant be nice) say I always wanted to live in a nice house by the river just about sums the problem up that.



Is this the same Lord Smith that signed off wasting £34,000,000 on creating a nature reserve in the estuary which time and tide would naturally create if left alone when they could not sign off £4,000,000 to dredge the same river? Why yes I think it might be!

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So, contrary to the populist opinion on here, the levels flooded because they were supposed to, as a policy of 'managed decline'.

The final proof will be if they do dredge and pump and the levels are again restored to a safe place to live without squillions being invested.

Seems to fit the reported facts to me.

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Is this the same Lord Smith that signed off wasting £34,000,000 on creating a nature reserve in the estuary which time and tide would naturally create if left alone when they could not sign off £4,000,000 to dredge the same river? Why yes I think it might be!

yes never mentioned what he was supposed to have signed off on (the nature reserve / bird sanctuary bit is apparently a bit of a lie according to him) I merely stated that having listened to him with vitriolic bile and venom being thrust in his face, he came across a thoroughly decent man, who regardless of the head rollings that will follow ( will any be of those who allowed all the building? on flood plains IE billy blowfish pickles etc) can say he maintained dignity in the order of 1st class, oh and as for he could not sign off on the 4 mill for dredging, that may have something to do with the treasury only giving him 400k (his words were ask the paymasters)



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My Brother nearly bought a house near Shapwick about 20 years ago, he had a job offer in Glastonbury.

Made an offer, got accepted, and exchanged contracts….Property solicitor waiting for final search results from the LA…rang him on a Sunday morning the day before completion….” You do realise there is a good chance this place is going to be underwater two or three times in the next 50 years and is completely uninsurable.

Rather put him off a bit.


The biggest problem is in some respects…The countryside has been invaded by the City slickers in the last 20 years… people who have never seen a cow looking for the idyll promised by Kirsty and Phil...Then they want to upset the status quo and expect everything to work smoothly as it does in the city…with Waitrose delivering the shopping bang on the nail…and 24 hour entertainment at the local 17th century Inn

“ Rain in the wetlands, disgraceful, I want the EA to come down here now and board up my orangery, clean the mud off my Mercedes coupe and put a cover on the hot tub.”


Get the picture ?

Edited by Fisherman Mike
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