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Should Scotland keep the pound?


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stand on their own 2 feet instead of being a parasite on us.


Depends and what figures you want to look at, and how you want to twist them I suppose. Have look here, or in the recent FT article. The reality for most of us (i.e. on PW) is that we are probably not getting our "fair share" back. Money has been, and is being, poured into London and the SE at the wont of Westminster without any real benefit to the rest of the UK.

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Depends and what figures you want to look at, and how you want to twist them I suppose. Have look here, or in the recent FT article. The reality for most of us (i.e. on PW) is that we are probably not getting our "fair share" back. Money has been, and is being, poured into London and the SE at the wont of Westminster without any real benefit to the rest of the UK.


That's why London and particularly Westminster if full of Scots then I suppose. Thanks for sending G. Brown down, he was a real asset to the nation, and particularly the south east. Hopefully if there is independence we won't have any of those foreigners in our parliament and we can get on with governing ourselves.


Prudent. Must mean something different north of the boarder?

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Of course it will - or do you use the Groat in Phlegm-Land?


We English have pandered to the money-pit of Celtic nationalism for too long - squandering millions on national assemblies that are nothing but talking shops to chat about how to spend the subsidies handed over by central government.


Cut them all off and England can be like Switzerland - a safe haven with lower taxes, higher GDP and its own currency - Sterling. The rest of you can either join the Euro (who won't have you), use Bitcoin or re-introduce bartering.


Good luck and close the door on the way out!

Why should Westminster worry about losing 5+ million Scots taxpayers from the treasury (a mere 10% of the Uk population), after all they would have us believe that we have been a drain on the UK's finances for centuries - I think NOT!


It is, and has been that Scotland contributes more to the treasury than they gain from it.


That's the problem! We have been conned and lied to for 300 years and why shouldn't the Scots keep the Pound Sterling? They own a part of the Bank of England just as the rest of the UK members! Does the rest of the UK want Scotland to opt the Euro or for that matter the US Dollar?


Lots of reasons for the Scots to say YES to independence - and only a few reasons to say NO!

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Why should Westminster worry about losing 5+ million Scots taxpayers from the treasury (a mere 10% of the Uk population), after all they would have us believe that we have been a drain on the UK's finances for centuries - I think NOT!


It is, and has been that Scotland contributes more to the treasury than they gain from it.


That's the problem! We have been conned and lied to for 300 years and why shouldn't the Scots keep the Pound Sterling? They own a part of the Bank of England just as the rest of the UK members! Does the rest of the UK want Scotland to opt the Euro or for that matter the US Dollar?


Lots of reasons for the Scots to say YES to independence - and only a few reasons to say NO!

The simple reason is that nobody wants to be the Prime Minister who oversaw the breakup of the Union. Nothing to do with the economics of it.


Dream on if you think you believe you are a net contributor.


The majority of people in England also want you to go so please do us all a favour and vote YES. Only then will we know the truth in the cold light of day.

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According to some on here all scots want independance and are dole sucking lazy halfwits

You are wrong

I think salmond is a ****** and certainly wouldnt want him running any country

I have worked all my life , pay all my taxes , help out when i can and try and not be too much of a drain on poor englands resources

Take a look around if you can honestly say you live in a crime free area with no undesireables in your town or village then you are very lucky

Scotland isn't as knackered as you believe

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Scotland apparently has an appreciable percentage of it's workforce employed by the state at the moment. If that's true it must cut down on it's tax raising possibilities. Working for the state does not generate money for the country, it adds to the bills.


Without oil, Scotland is in trouble.

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Scotland apparently has an appreciable percentage of it's workforce employed by the state at the moment. If that's true it must cut down on it's tax raising possibilities. Working for the state does not generate money for the country, it adds to the bills.



Yes and a good percentage of them work for RBS :whistling:

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Depends and what figures you want to look at, and how you want to twist them I suppose. Have look here, or in the recent FT article. The reality for most of us (i.e. on PW) is that we are probably not getting our "fair share" back. Money has been, and is being, poured into London and the SE at the wont of Westminster without any real benefit to the rest of the UK.


Yes indeed. There are plenty in England who'd rather keep Scotland in the Union and see London and the south east go independent.

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It's a technicality but as their money is not printed by the Bank of England and Scotland isn't in England their money isn't legal tender anywhere else but Scotland , so they already have their own currency

Not a bad attempt...but WRONG.


English money is NOT legal tender in Scotland...but Scottish (or Northern Irish for that matter) currency IS legal in England.

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This thread is a complete joke, there seems to be a lot of experts on this forum and a few insulting remarks. These threads always seem to go one way! I for one believe politics, race and religion should be kept out of an online forum. And for the record I am a Scot. Please remember this forum should be about pigeon shooting and country sport. I understand this section is off topic and a lot of comments will be tongue in cheek. ATB to everyone in every part of this Island. McLeod.

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Why should Westminster worry about losing 5+ million Scots taxpayers from the treasury (a mere 10% of the Uk population), after all they would have us believe that we have been a drain on the UK's finances for centuries - I think NOT!


It is, and has been that Scotland contributes more to the treasury than they gain from it.


That's the problem! We have been conned and lied to for 300 years and why shouldn't the Scots keep the Pound Sterling? They own a part of the Bank of England just as the rest of the UK members! Does the rest of the UK want Scotland to opt the Euro or for that matter the US Dollar?


Lots of reasons for the Scots to say YES to independence - and only a few reasons to say NO!


"Almost nine in ten Scots receive more from the state than they pay in tax because of a ‘corrosive sense of entitlement’ north of the border, a top Tory said yesterday.

Ruth Davidson, leader of the Scottish Conservatives, said it was ‘frightening’ only 283,080 households – 12 per cent of the total – pay more in taxes than they get back in public services."


Keep taking the smack.


Once the rest of the UK takes back all the civil service jobs it donated to the Scots to at least keep some of them off the dole and you factor in the disability claimants, Scotland probably has nobody left to work - apart from the Scottish Assembly lackeys.


As for keeping Sterling, I though the conversation had gone beyond how the Jocks pay for their Electric Soup and deep-fried Mars bars on a Friday night. The issue is how to finance government borrowing, issuing Gilts, etc. The Bank of ENGLAND (clue is in the name) can change interest rates, buy its own debt, shift exchanges rates, etc without any input from Scotland, should independence kick in. How can the Scots borrow if they don't have any input in the currency upon which they wish to rely? They will have no say in the future currency fluctuations, so borrowing in the long term becomes difficult. Even tin pot countries who borrow in dollars, for example, have a base currency they peg for exchange purposes. Furthermore, the cost of borrowing will shift from the UK's AAA to Junk "High Yield" overnight.


Bring back the Scottish Groat?

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Not a bad attempt...but WRONG.


English money is NOT legal tender in Scotland...but Scottish (or Northern Irish for that matter) currency IS legal in England.

Where did you find this information?


It has always been my understanding that Bank of England notes (which are not "English money") are legal tender within the United Kingdom, whereas the Scottish banks enjoyed dispensation from said Bank to print their own notes. I further understood that these notes were not legal tender; indeed, at one time, there was an exchange rate for Scottish notes.


Happy to be corrected if I'm wrong, but do me the courtesy of identifying a reliable source.

Edited by aldivalloch
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Why do you think we didn't go Euro? Because we wanted needed to control our currency. No way should they have 100% control of their economy and keep stirling . its either independence or not. BTW don't worry when the fools get through with the Scottish economy shops and businesses up there will still prefer the pound over whatever else they have as national Scottish currency and will likely bank it in England :yes: .

So true

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Where did you find this information?


It has always been my understanding that Bank of England notes (which are not "English money") are legal tender within the United Kingdom, whereas the Scottish banks enjoyed dispensation from said Bank to print their own notes. I further understood that these notes were not legal tender; indeed, at one time, their was an exchange rate for Scottish notes.


Happy to be corrected if I'm wrong, but do me the courtesy of identifying a reliable source.

And your sources were what??


Try this site;







Edited by saddler
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Of course it will - or do you use the Groat in Phlegm-Land?


We English have pandered to the money-pit of Celtic nationalism for too long - squandering millions on national assemblies that are nothing but talking shops to chat about how to spend the subsidies handed over by central government.


Cut them all off and England can be like Switzerland - a safe haven with lower taxes, higher GDP and its own currency - Sterling. The rest of you can either join the Euro (who won't have you), use Bitcoin or re-introduce bartering.


Good luck and close the door on the way out!

Well said and so true

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Why should Westminster worry about losing 5+ million Scots taxpayers from the treasury (a mere 10% of the Uk population), after all they would have us believe that we have been a drain on the UK's finances for centuries - I think NOT!


It is, and has been that Scotland contributes more to the treasury than they gain from it.


That's the problem! We have been conned and lied to for 300 years and why shouldn't the Scots keep the Pound Sterling? They own a part of the Bank of England just as the rest of the UK members! Does the rest of the UK want Scotland to opt the Euro or for that matter the US Dollar?


Lots of reasons for the Scots to say YES to independence - and only a few reasons to say NO!

Your on the button pal. Going by the frankly rude, uneducated and racist comments on here they've clearly forgotten about Scotland's input into the UK economy and oh aye the billions and billions of oil revenue handed to Westminster treasury. Also its Govan you muppets

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