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Eley subs .22lr

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I quite liked Eley until they got covered in muck, appeared to be oversize and live rounds kept jamming in the chamber - not clever in the dark. Changed to SK which were even better in my rifle and so have no intention of going back to Eley. Worth trying a box if you've not already done so.

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I'm using RWS and find them very accurate but they don't seem to hit as hard as Eley - I stopped using Eley as they felt very tight to 'bolt in'. Might try the SK's if I can get them.


Precisely the same for me. I switched to RWS about a year ago.

Likewise i'll try some Lapua SK out of interest if I can find a local supplier.

Edited by Whitebridges
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Iv been putting fiocchi hp 40g through my cz and am really happy. Less than 1" 5 shot groups at 60yards, 2" drop at 100. Next to no flyers and at only £4.50.

I tested some of the Fiocchi HP's in this video. My results were just the same, about an inch at 65 yards. I used Eley HP's for many years but have now switched to RWS HP.

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mate a 40 grain sub sonic round zeroed at 75 yards will drop about 4.3"




I'm not the only one puzzled then Colin :hmm: Mines zero'd 50 yards with winnies, and that's 5 3/4" drop at 100. Eleys, within a whisker, the same....tighter groups, but uncomfortabley tight to close the bolt on, so I stick with Winnies :yes:

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We have heavy gravity in this neck of the woods too. With the variable velocity of the Eley subs over the last year or so, any where between 6-8 inches is about normal. Although the RWS only show around 1000 fps through the Chrony, I find them more consistent than the current Eley's.

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RWS do drop more than most but remain accurate indeed they are a match for my favoured sk subs in this regards. 50 yards zero gives 6" drop with faster subs and 8" with slower ones as a generalisation fired at 850 ft ASL. This isn't from computer but from a lot of testing and practice.

I haven't bought Eley subs for years but a mate brought a brick up and I tested them out to 150 yards or so, they held great accuracy and the drop was within the realms of a high quality faster sub. though never put them over the chronograph and didn't side by side test on the day (the true way of finding if its better ammo). He has no complaints about how they kill rabbits though

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I don't use eley anymore, they use to be fantastic but aren't great now. I just use cci standard target ammo which group 1/2"@55yrds and I have recently been given 200x Remington thunderbolts which are grouping 1/2"-3/4" and 1.75" high @55yrds when zeroed for the cci so can't grumble. Not tried either at 100yrds yet though.

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Is it me or are all the LAPUE products round nosed and not hollow point? Just been on there website and all of the Rimfire round I can see are round nosed and not hollow points..... they all seem to be the same ballistics as well i.e. 1073 and 40 grain.


Must admit I am happy with the Winchester sub-hp but always interested in testing other rounds.

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Is it me or are all the LAPUE products round nosed and not hollow point? Just been on there website and all of the Rimfire round I can see are round nosed and not hollow points..... they all seem to be the same ballistics as well i.e. 1073 and 40 grain.


Must admit I am happy with the Winchester sub-hp but always interested in testing other rounds.

Have a look for SK - I think you'll find that they are part of Lapua but am not 100% certain without double checking. Suffice to say they do the hollow points.


Edit: Checked and found correct.

Edited by wymberley
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I use (Lapua) SK Subs in my CZ452, they are 40gr hollow point.

Typical chronograph readings are in the range 1040 to 1057.

My zero is 55 yards as that gives me the flattest shooting with the second zero falling at 20 yards.

In effect I am shooting fairly flat from 15 yards to 60 yards, about half inch low at 15 yards, half inch high at 40 yards and half inch low again at 60 yards. The drop at 100 yards is six inches.

Accuracy and consistency is excellent. Never a duff bullet, fliers are usually my own incompetence.

Half inch or better groups at 60 yards, opens up to a little better than one inch groups at 80 yards and about one and a quarter inches at 100 yards.

Dare I mention..... clean barrel, only one "conditioning" shot required.



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Is it me or are all the LAPUE products round nosed and not hollow point? Just been on there website and all of the Rimfire round I can see are round nosed and not hollow points..... they all seem to be the same ballistics as well i.e. 1073 and 40 grain.


Must admit I am happy with the Winchester sub-hp but always interested in testing other rounds.

Manufacture shifted to Germany of the Lapua subsonic hollow point ( six years ago at a guess?) Now sold as SK

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If the target was in the middle of an 18" target then you was more the 9" high to go over the top and difference between sub sonic and the rounds going supersonic won't amount that that much difference my lr is zeroed at 50 yards with subs and when i use hv rounds it's shooting about an i ch and half l

high so if your missing the wood i would say there is something wrong there



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