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8-32x50 too much?

snipers eye

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hi all would an 8-32x50 be overkill on hmr?,reason for asking is if you see a huge head through a scope at ranges from 50-130+yards(bugs)would it not be easier for better shot placement avoiding jaw shots etc,opinions please, oh and if you have said scope on your hmr,what make/model is it :)

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Each to their own, shot placement is important but with increased mag comes perceived increased shake. Increased mag does not automatically mean better shot placement, it isn't that simple!


I have no use for an 8-32 on anything and I have shot to 1000 yards.


In the field I seldom move off 6x to shoot, 8x at most, that deals with everything for me out to 200yards +++.


Just the same, I know those who use 32x on a 12 ft lb air rifle at 30 yards.


If it works for you, fine!

Edited by Dekers
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No its not required you will get a greatly reduced field of view, heavier and more bulky scope for the rifle at a lot more cost unless you buy gimmicky rubbish. 100yards / 32 = 3.125 yards exactly how bad do you see to need to be closer than that to see a bunnies head? I suggest about 12x as a max for 100 yards /12 = 8.33 yards. In reality if I was calling 100 yards the max I should call it a lot lower mag still (personally I feel 6x is adequate for the purpose to about 150 yards) 150 /6 = 25 yards! Can I shoot a bunny in the head at 25 yards with open sights? yep, easy peasy


extra mag comes with downsides when your not shooting paper

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Its more important to have a good quality glass rather than magnification, i have a 3-12x50 on a 30.06 a 4-14 on 22.250 and also on a HMR then a bit OTT 5-30x50 on another 22.250 its only used anywere near 30 on days but when the light begins to fade even top glass starts to fail as you wind the mag up, not really the glass but the light transmision is greatly reduced at high mag.


HMR i would say 3-12 is ideal :good:

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Air rifle of 12ftlbs never moves off 4x mag for me and am very consistent with it my .223 won't move off 7x mag. I agree that anything more is not really needed. Try following a fox at 100yards under a lamp on 32xmag. You'll soon want to mag back out so you can have a better field of view.

Edited by Foxwit
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Me too, I use 4-16x50 on both .22LR & .17HMR but never go above 8 mag. As others have said, target acquisition on lower mag is a lot quicker/easier and the lack of perceived shake makes for a steadier shot. I use the bracketing method to range-find with mil-dots, so I shoot consistently on the same mag as I find it easy to snap judge distance as soon as I see the target through the scope. It's not as if I'm trying to hit a 10mm circle at 200 yards, anything inside 40mm will do the job on most quarry that I hunt.

As others have said, good quality optics are far better than high mag in any hunting situation. If you can afford high quality AND high mag, well, good for you.

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I was lamping with a mate on saturday, he has a MTC 8-32x60. Saw some eyes about 150-200 yards away. When looking through my S&B 8x56 I could see it very clearly but couldn't quite make out what it was. Tried looking through his scope and it was very blurry at full mag. Had to wind it back to about x20 before I could make out with was a sheep with a black head lying down in matt grass (beige body, beige grass).


So every for ID 32 is too much unless the glass is top notch. I wouldn't have thought you need to go past 20-24 and it would be tricky to shoot consistently at that mag.


Definitely better to go for better glass than try and make up for it with more mag.

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I started off with the high mag thing but now rarely go over x12 on my Nikon Monarch which is x16, much rather just stay at x9. If you want to use a high mag scope make sure you have a well built one with good glass. Many of the cheap Chinese scopes will alter point of impact on the cross hairs when you change the mag, as light fades you will have to reduce your mag. Another thing I found with high mag is that as it exaggerates shake I would move to compensate and just go around in never ending circles. There are many other factors that will improve your shooting though I doubt a 30x scope will do much in the field though maybe off bags at the range.

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Therealchucknorris, on 12 Apr 2014 - 8:05 PM, said:Therealchucknorris, on 12 Apr 2014 - 8:05 PM, said:


Are they culling fleas on the back of the rats?

excellent. :lol::lol:


YeaH. 6X42. Fixed power good glass.

A few years ago when I was a kid, if you had a tiny 4x15 you were a top sniper. AND the 15 was 15mil diameter objective lens not times magnification.

If you can see that target and identify it, shoot. If you cant identify it then dont shoot. Get closer so that you can identify it or get to specsavers.



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Harnser, on 15 Apr 2014 - 8:31 PM, said:

One the best scopes I have ever used was a 2 x fixed mag German scope . Fabulous for off handed shooting . I very rarely go above 4 times mag for stalking .




In Consideration that the original post was for a scope being used on an hmr.


I use a 2.75 x 40 fixed on my 22rf and optically it is a sharp as a pin and I can head shoot rabbits out to about 80 paces offhand.

When I use a larger cal (243 /270) I use 6x42 fixed high quality (Zeiss)/((wetzlar No 4 post)/ Habict).

Leupold on the 223

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One the best scopes I have ever used was a 2 x fixed mag German scope . Fabulous for off handed shooting . I very rarely go above 4 times mag for stalking .



Got to say I have shot more deer on 3x than I have at 12x on my 3-12x50 S+Bender. Shot nearly all foxes at 7x because that is were I leave it, I think I have shot maybe three on 12x all were at the top of a fell on my boundry (no way to stalk closer as its near enough 40 degrees and full of loose rock) so variables do have uses if you get chance to wind the dial, I also go as high as 18x shooting long range vermin from a static position but I do realy mean "long range" and I could have shot most on 7x it just means I can watch the wind on the white grass etc and see any mirage lines when I go higher

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