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Countryfile is awful!!

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Ah, but only those entertainments and leisure activities that have the Beeb's stamp of PC approval. There are plenty of town and city dwellers that take part British rich tapestry of field sports.


Did anyone see the fantastic wildlife programme about France? Funny how the Beeb are happy to show, and extol the virtues and cultural history of Stag hunting in Fontainebleau Forest but deride it here.


In a nutshell Countryfile is simply portraying the countryside as entertainment and a place for leisure activities for those people that live in towns and cities.

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If they did bring Out Of Town back they would no doubt have a right plank like Bill Oddie or Brian May introducing it, and no doubt another yound attractive young blonde like Ellie for the PW masses to lust over and keep the viewing rating going! :lol::whistling::lol:

yes I'm sure they would find a way to trivialize it

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Every Sunday the urban masses spend hours painting mud on their freeloader wheel arches before popping on their patterned Hunters and sitting down for a taste of fresh air. Watching Adams pet farm where nothing ever dies or gets hurt is a shot of joy to all as everybody soaks up a little heritage and learns how the "real" people of the countryside spend their days playing Aunt Sally before meeting in huge village groups to quaff scrumpy in terracotta mugs that their Ancestors knitted. Its all good fun and depicts the world as the public want to see it .

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Ah, but only those entertainments and leisure activities that have the Beeb's stamp of PC approval. There are plenty of town and city dwellers that take part British rich tapestry of field sports.


Did anyone see the fantastic wildlife programme about France? Funny how the Beeb are happy to show, and extol the virtues and cultural history of Stag hunting in Fontainebleau Forest but deride it here.


Now how are the Beeb going to continue to spend all of the licence tax that they receive if they aren't taking a small army to France for a jolly to film something they could here.

If you compare the TV licensing system to the car industry you would still have to pay a fee to Benz regardless of the vehicle you drive!

Just another government influenced organisation willing to tow whatever party line is en vogue, they trivialise the important and promote the irrelevant.

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Every Sunday the urban masses spend hours painting mud on their freeloader wheel arches before popping on their patterned Hunters and sitting down for a taste of fresh air. Watching Adams pet farm where nothing ever dies or gets hurt is a shot of joy to all as everybody soaks up a little heritage and learns how the "real" people of the countryside spend their days playing Aunt Sally before meeting in huge village groups to quaff scrumpy in terracotta mugs that their Ancestors knitted. Its all good fun and depicts the world as the public want to see it .

excellent, rare insight of the real world, can i join! i want one of those mugs

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I think they should show proper working farms,not Adam all the while,moaning all the while about no money!but all brand new motors,quads,tractors etc but I've never seen him do anything.!!matte a bit to mamby pamby,John craven should of retired after his news round.But your all right,ellies well worth watching.

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youd never find another Jack Hargreaves

Sorry to disagree

But there must be one

What happened to the lad in his episodes country boy

there's a years with of program's on the forum

You just need a front man to introduce them

And to convince a tv company that it would get viewers

Hard to do and making country films expensive but possible

So as I see it we can moan about rubbish program's or try and change it

How I'm not sure that's the best of a forum someone will know someone who knows how


All the country skills are here on this forum


Anyway only my thoughts

All the best


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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry to disagree

But there must be one

What happened to the lad in his episodes country boy

there's a years with of program's on the forum

You just need a front man to introduce them

And to convince a tv company that it would get viewers

Hard to do and making country films expensive but possible

So as I see it we can moan about rubbish program's or try and change it

How I'm not sure that's the best of a forum someone will know someone who knows how


All the country skills are here on this forum


Anyway only my thoughts

All the best


I could do it...honest... don't want to name drop again, but I will ! took Jack Chub fishing on the Upper Thames once ....Film Crew the lot... to be honest though he was the most miserable and unhelpful ****** I've ever spent a day with...just goes to show...shouldn't judge a book....

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