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Leaky gortex boots


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I purchased a pair of gortex meindl boots 2 years ago and they are leaking like a pair of sieves.

Are you supposed to treat goretex with anything like dubbin for leather? I was under the impression that you didn't have to.


They weren't cheap so any advise greatfully received. I don't have the receipt either as they were a leaving present from a job.





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Contact meindle direct. Goretex is an internal membrane and therefore cant be treated as far as I know.

I've known Le Chameau boot leather split but not leak as the goretex membrane remained intact


As Scully said, I'd contact the supplier first, if no joy then contact Meindle head office in the UK if there is one, if not, then their HQ.


Sounds faulty to me, surprising for such a good boot.

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have you treated the leather outer correctly as meindl will only do the work if the boots have been well maintained otherwise it voids the warrenty and they will charge you for the work. i contacted them regarding getting my burma's re-soled and some internal stitching repaired on the lining.

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I dont rate gortex in boots....unless they are fully sprung soled and very stiff uppers.

The bending action soon breaks the membrane.


My home made dubbin of bees wax and lanolin with some olive oil never fails! On leather!



I am on my third pair of Brasher countryman goretex shoes! two pairs have worn out but the gortex liner was still watertight when they went in the bin! and I just maintained em like ordinary shoes.......with shoe polish!


To protect the guarantee I treat my Meindl Dovre boots with Meindle's own wax.



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I prefer double leather boot my altbergs have had a very hard life and out lived mindle and lowas they where worn every other day the lowas and mindle packed up so for 4 years I wore the altbergs every day they are 12 years old and been to every continent with with me. Altberg do a great job if resoling 3 years ago as well.

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Goretex is a gimmick and isn't worth a carrot. Buy some decent leather boots.


I've yet to come across a single goretex item that does what it purports to for any length of time, whereas the last decent pair of leather walking boots I threw away lasted ten years and with a little regular waterproofing and care remained waterproof throughout.

Edited by mick miller
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Worst case, you could try covering them in Barbour wax proofing. I did this with a pair of 'leaktex' trousers. Surprise, surprise they returned to being waterproof although no longer quite so 'breathable' (not that I ever found them breathable in the first place; leakable yes, breathable no.)

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I had a pair of the meindl gtx lite and they leaked after 2 months. I've heard plenty of reports about meindl's leaking.


It must be something to do with the construction rather than the goretex as I've had goretex jackets and other goretex lined boots (Lowa's every time over meindl) which are 5-10 years old and still going strong.

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Hi Underdog I had a pair of hogs of fife fully sprung keepers boots as a young under keeper when we sent of for them we drew the out line of our foot on a piece of card and sent it of we treated them most days with Mars oil . The head keepers were made of horse hide they were Very heavy cost me 4 pounds. Would love a pair now . Dipper

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