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Ignorant & Stupid Air Gun Owners


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Just because you don't need a FAC to own a sub 12ft pound rifle or 6ft pound pistol, Please understand that these are still weapons and not toys! There are owners out there who need to consider the following.


1. Maiming is not sport. Take some time to get your rifle well Zeroed at a range before hunting. This will help in gauging distance and ensure a clean kill.


2. Respect your rifle and clean it properly.


3. Keep away from children and young adults under 18 years old and keep the pellets in a separate place.


4. Read the Law regarding air rifles and pistols in the UK as you do not want to face doing a stretch inside with a cell mate called Bubba.


5. Think Safety, Safety Safety both yours and others.


6. Just because you bought a cheap rifle does not mean the power is any less than a £1300 Daystate.


7. When buying a second hand rifle ensure its in good working safe order and has been looked after. Most importantly get it Chrono tested to ensure its power is correct, again you could face time with Bubba, 5 years in fact.


8. Find a local club. You will find new friends and gain knowledge from their experience.


9. Get some insurance.


10. If you see people mistreating guns or look under age or breaching the law report it immediately, you may just save some body from horrific injury or fatality.


Be Safe And Enjoy but remember these are not toys.

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Pegasus Bridge, I don't disagree with you but just needed to vent my spleen a little as recently I have seen some results of stupid and Ignorant air gunners and hope that at the very least the good people on here would help promote the right way with me.

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Pegasus Bridge, I don't disagree with you but just needed to vent my spleen a little as recently I have seen some results of stupid and Ignorant air gunners and hope that at the very least the good people on here would help promote the right way with me.

What happened mate? some context might be useful, then we can all get vexed at them and wave the collective angry fist in their direction, rather than just aimlessly in the air!

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You managed to get seven posts in before trying to tell the members of a shooting forum how to behave with their guns

+1 you don't teach you granny how to suck eggs !


Do you really think the local village idiot will waste his pond life time reading this.. If he can read that is.

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oddjobs post is fair and reasonable, I agree that the majority that contribute to these Forums already follow his suggestions as a matter of common sense and good practice, but some of the posts reveal that not everyone does.


I would have also added , "be sure you are legally allowed to kill something, rather than kill it and then post on here asking what it is". :yes:


A timely reminder is no bad thing.

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I would think that your sticky on code of practice covers anything and should we want a refreasher on how to do something,it's all covered.I get annoyed when a newbie (8 posts) write telling us how and too? If he spent some time reading all posts he would realise that the sticky is enough.It doesn't really endear him,and we all have our axes to grind but I don't want to make a point on warning people on what i want to see more of..

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oddjobs post is fair and reasonable, I agree that the majority that contribute to these Forums already follow his suggestions as a matter of common sense and good practice, but some of the posts reveal that not everyone does.


I would have also added , "be sure you are legally allowed to kill something, rather than kill it and then post on here asking what it is". :yes:


A timely reminder is no bad thing.

Thanks Cranfield , for a bit of common sense and reasoned approach, it would help us though

if the poster had elaborated a bit more,its the people that do stupid things and then put it on

youtube that does our sport no good, ,some recent footage i watched showed rats being repeatedly in the middle

of there bodies ,all prey even rats should be shot humanely, i only use head shots on rats

this equals instant death apart from central nervous system reaction before it shuts down, ie, all the the helicopter tail and jumping

and jumping around , safety and common sense should go hand in hand imo.

atb brian

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hey fenman,my problem is simple really,first the title is odd,second with 8 posts a strange way to introduce yourself,lecturing on airgun protocol,when there is a sticky on this.I don't imply or suggest he knows nothing,but in general i find this sort of post odd,no preamble about why he feels he should warn anyone as to the saftey regarding airguns or why he has taken it upon himself to lecture on any subjecy.If for example a moderator or a member with 8000 posts,with some reason or recent example as to why this post is started I might have been more willing to take an interest.


If for example after 8 posts(I've been shooting 6 years shotguns,and air rifles on and off for 35 years)I started a thread saying "idiot shot gunners",do you realise everytime you load a cartridge you could kill with it,be it a .410 or an 8 guage so all you lot take note and be careful 'cos I've seen some stupid stuff and you lot better watch what your upto,I would expect to be told to go forth and multiply.

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I did feel that the OPs post came across as a bit of a rant / lecture and if thats the case it should be saved for those that deserve it rather than the PW members in general .

Perhaps if there had been some context to the post it would have been more acceptable .

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Thank you for all your replies. Let me clear something up, I may be a newbie on this forum as some of you have put it. However this does not make me a newbie around guns. Having served in the HM forces I feel makes me some what more experienced than a so called newbie.


Secondly whilst at a rifle club last week a callous mistake was made an a round fired into the floor and bounced into someone's leg. Remarkably nobody was injured and it was laughed off, much to my disgust of which was made clear to the individual concerned.


Thirdly I discovered an injured animal whilst on a hunt. A rabbit that had been shot in the leg. It was limping and the wound septic. I put it out of its misery.


Finally I don't care for time spent on these forums being a badge of rank. I do care for the safe use of all fire arms or we all get a bad name and bad press and it's up to each and everyone of us to ensure this does not happen.

Edited by oddjobs
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While I have the upmost respect for our armed forces please do not assume having served puts you in a class above the rest of us .


Did you do a autopsy on the rabbit or are you just assuming it was shot ?


Even the very best shooter will occasionally wound an animal, so I cannot see why you would get so upset about a "wounded rabbit" .


If you think you will go through a shooting carrer and not wound something then I suggest you pack it in now .


I cannot see where your army experience is a factor in good firearm safety , I can recall reading about more than enough accidental shootings carried out by soldiers !

Edited by fenboy
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Furthermore no matter how safe you think something is there is always the chance an unexpected series of events can occur which can lead to accidental discharge of the weapon (such as trigger mechanism failure) or a freak series of ricochets that will lead to someone getting a pellet somewhere they should not get one (my wife being a case in point she pulled a perfect 4 rail shot with a B2 and despite firing away from herself, shot herself in the backside).

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