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Why cant we get it right just for once...

The Essex Hunter

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I agree - it is sad to see our international team fail, again, inevitably.

Thankfully our army is better, our science is strong our satellite technology is world beating, we have F! engineering here (inc Mercedes) etc etc.

So how serious is it if our grossly overpaid, spit roasting, numpties fail yet again ?

My solution would be to disband the team and recognise they dont deserve to go to World Cups.

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I'm not sure but my best piece of advice is this. Whenever there is a large, multi national sporting event taking place you should buy a box set dvd.


Everyone seems to have got in a tizz last night, whereas I accepted the inevitable long before the whole thing started and thoroughly enjoyed episode 3 of True Detective.

Edited by mick miller
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There is always next year, with a far more capable English team, and it's over here.




Swing low sweet chariot, comin' for to carry me home...............................


Why go all that way to fail.....



I love my country.....however the list of excuse's will be longer than what has come out of Tony Blair's gob....



Edited by Penelope
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just glad I don't like football,,,,bunch of losers.

If you don't like it you are in no position to make a judgement.


No matter how far we ever get in the World Cup, short of winning it, we would be a 'bunch of losers'. Every team that doesn't win it are losers at some point so clearly every team in the world, except one every four years, are a bunch of losers. Yeah, that's a great way to view sport.

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If you don't like it you are in no position to make a judgement.


No matter how far we ever get in the World Cup, short of winning it, we would be a 'bunch of losers'. Every team that doesn't win it are losers at some point so clearly every team in the world, except one every four years, are a bunch of losers. Yeah, that's a great way to view sport.


We have had years of 'losing well', tried hard and were beaten by better teams after hard fought battles on the pitch.

We are talking here about not even achieving that standard. This is Englands poorest performance in the WC for YEARS. They do deserve to be rubbished, simply because thats the way they perform.

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Its worse being a cricket fan. At least England's footballers are consistently awful. There's no rhyme or reason to the cricket performances. One minute England are the best test side in the world, the next they're playing like disinterested school boys. Its exhausting trying to keep up and work out which phase of the cycle they're in at any given time. And in football someone is held to account when it all goes wrong. There's no shadowy board of selectors hidden behind closed doors.

Agree with Kes , I'm not interested in football , but I do know English football is followed all over the world and this lot are a disgrace.


The football that is played in England is followed all over the world but there's nothing English about it. That's the problem.

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I wonder how many "England bashers" would kick their kids in the teeth having just lost a race at school?


At least these guys are there and trying! It's so easy to sit at home scoffing pork pies and expecting someone else to achieve.....


I support England and they haven't let me down, but that's because I was more realistic in my expectations maybe?




Tin hat B)

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I wonder how many "England bashers" would kick their kids in the teeth having just lost a race at school?


At least these guys are there and trying! It's so easy to sit at home scoffing pork pies and expecting someone else to achieve.....


I support England and they haven't let me down, but that's because I was more realistic in my expectations maybe?




Tin hat B)

I'm not English but I'm surprised the kicking these guys get by so called supporters/fans for not winning. In the media and on this forum.


There's now wonder the players show lack of passion with fans that just put them down all the time.

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I bet these players if you can call them that couldn't give a flying **** about the fans who pay thousands to follow them.

All they seem to care about if their latest pay check, endorsement, hairdo ect.

I stopped caring long ago about England and the world cup, I'd sooner wash my car than watch them.

They're a joke and they should be ashamed, though I know they won't be.

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I wonder how many "England bashers" would kick their kids in the teeth having just lost a race at school?


At least these guys are there and trying! It's so easy to sit at home scoffing pork pies and expecting someone else to achieve.....


I support England and they haven't let me down, but that's because I was more realistic in my expectations maybe?




Tin hat B)


The object of school sports isn't to win but to take part and to give it your best. The biggest cheer isn't for the fastest kid in school who is expected to win, its for the fat kid at the back who was always going to be last but does his best anyway and gives it everything he's got just to finish. Football players are professionals being paid millions of pounds to do a job, which means producing results. They're not school children.

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I was in a Greek bar last night watching the game with ten other Greek supporters watching with me. They asked me why do you have so many foreign players in you're home teams because when you come to the World Cup you have very few to choose from. The only answer I had was the play for the money .

They then asked my do your young people play football so you can choose young players for the future and I replied they seem to play computer games that's why you are at the same level as Greece.


I ended the night buying them all a drink to drown my sorrows.


Due to my vast age I was a teenager in 1966 and the country was magic, those guys played there hearts out on that pitch.


Rant over. ( another pint of Heineken , Spiros, se parakalo)

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I love the if you don't like football why comment your not qualified to blah blah blah threads.


This a forum for debate and discussion on many and varied topics.


This topic is on England's World Cup performance as are others.


I hate sodding football mainly due to the tossers a that are Molly coddled to turn up and do only the minimum needed to earn their pay.


Many other English sportsmen are happy to give everything can when representing their country.


It's the lack of effort and care that gets the fans.



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So we lose to Italy, a team that are notoriously hard to beat and generally feature in the later stages of the World Cup and we lose to Uraguay, where one of the best 3 strikers in the world scored two goals against us and that makes our team a bunch of losers?


Yeah and if you don't watch football, you know nothing about it and aren't qualified to comment any more than I'm qualified to comment on cricket which I hate and don't watch.


I'm really not sure in what our team didn't 'give everything'. I'm sure some of you non-football-watchers can explain based on your clear expertise.

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The object of school sports isn't to win but to take part and to give it your best. The biggest cheer isn't for the fastest kid in school who is expected to win, its for the fat kid at the back who was always going to be last but does his best anyway and gives it everything he's got just to finish. Football players are professionals being paid millions of pounds to do a job, which means producing results. They're not school children.

The object of school sports is to win,it is to encourage competitiveness and team play.The big cheer for the kid that is last is to spare his feelings.With out a competitive spirit children will grow up thinking that you don't have to try hard or train because they have been taught it doesn't matter.


Liberal thinking that has been enforced on schools and is now being rescinded as it does the child no favours in their future life in society where everything is judged on how good you are and what you can achieve.


I would hope that in anything i do i try my best,as do my children who have been brought up to try their hardest and be the best in all they do.

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