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What is this. Fox, badger or what?

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That's a Hobbit hole that is !



Seriously it looks like its not in use much, to identify the culprit look close and careful for hair in the walls of the tunnel Badger or fox the difference is obvious (your only looking for one or two), is bedding pulled out to air ever is there often fresh scrapings of earth as (badgers do this foxes don't), no bits of birds etc about and more likely its badger as foxes are untidy. Badgers are a member of the weasel family has five toes and a wider print foxes have four and are slim like a small dog any prints about? Last but not least have a sniff foxes have a certain odour once you know it.


Never discount an earth or set that looks abandoned, foxes in particular move about between homes and Badgers often move in were they were not the week before due to expanding populations. This one however does look empty

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