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Stolen guns


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Just seen this on Facebook,


Folks I've just been robbed.. They've taken my car and all my guns. How the they found the key I'll never know!! But they have!! If anyone here's of any guns for sale off ticket please call the police. A .270 a .243 a .17hmr and 3 shotguns. It's a long shot but this is a big group. Staffordshire area




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I don't know if they was after the car or the guns?
Car was a BMW m4. The keys for the car was on the side. They must of seen the shooting things then searched for the safe keys. They was hidden but not good enough. All the guns ammo bolts gone. Lucky I suppose as me and my girlfriend was asleep. They went in all the rooms other than ours. Police have been round spoken to the firearms just waiting on the out come.. Gutted. £25k in guns and scopes plus the car. Just hope I don't lose my ticket. If I could give any advise get a separate safe and lock your keys in them.. Mine was hidden that well even where I keep them.


Got the lot. Bolts and ammo out of another safe.
Tikka .270 stainless with a Zeiss ht 3x12-56 and a sonic mod
.243 tikka stainless with a Zeiss duralyte
Cz .17hmr
Brettra gold E
Escort semi auto
Baykal side by side

Edited by Peskyfoxs
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Ouch. Very nasty, expensive amount stolen too.

Safe keys aside, you see people on the net breaking into gun safes pretty easily anyhow.


Perhaps better house security is in order.

If the safe keys were hidden, surely someone who stole all of it would have known the location for the keys. Searching around in the dark or even with light on, whilst trying to be ultra silent would be fairly hard work if searching absolutely anywhere for keys. Either that or they were left hanging up with the other keys.


A thief would have a real trouble finding my keys, certainly couldn't do it keeping me asleep.

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Mate forget about the car (as nice as it is) and the gun value (assuming they too are insured?) Just be thankful the scrotes didn't decide to wake you up to ask where the keys were!


I always left my M3 keys in plain view of the front door, so that in the event of a break in for them they would find them straight away. I didn't want to be woken up at 3am with a baseball bat thug asking me where my keys were!


lets be honest, a car thief is one type of criminal, a car thief willing to do serious time stealing several guns is another beast altogether. Hopfully the police catch up with them sooner rather than later, and that you have done all in your power to keep your guns safe, if you have I am sure you will be ok.


Sorry to hear of your theft but glad you are here to tell us about it!!

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My neighbourhood watch mailing list is full of stories of peoples home being burgled while people are asleep. Mainly going for car keys. It seems best practice is to take all keys and handbags upstairs into the bedroom now.

As per the above from your message, wouldn't that put you in more danger of getting stabbed etc?

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As per the above from your message, wouldn't that put you in more danger of getting stabbed etc?


I suppose if it comes to that level of violence being common in these types of thefts (as it is in South Africa), i'd have an alarm with the downstairs PIR's armed. Fortunately it is highly unlikely in the UK. I think most of these guys go in knowing where the keys are beforehand. Either from looking through the window or letterbox, or other information.

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Mate forget about the car (as nice as it is) and the gun value (assuming they too are insured?) Just be thankful the scrotes didn't decide to wake you up to ask where the keys were!


I always left my M3 keys in plain view of the front door, so that in the event of a break in for them they would find them straight away. I didn't want to be woken up at 3am with a baseball bat thug asking me where my keys were!


lets be honest, a car thief is one type of criminal, a car thief willing to do serious time stealing several guns is another beast altogether. Hopfully the police catch up with them sooner rather than later, and that you have done all in your power to keep your guns safe, if you have I am sure you will be ok.


Sorry to hear of your theft but glad you are here to tell us about it!!

Its not me, I have reposted from facebook

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I suppose if it comes to that level of violence being common in these types of thefts (as it is in South Africa), i'd have an alarm with the downstairs PIR's armed. Fortunately it is highly unlikely in the UK. I think most of these guys go in knowing where the keys are beforehand. Either from looking through the window or letterbox, or other information.

True, I used to be a pest control surveyor and the amount of times I went into a house to see a full rack of keys hanging up as you entered the kitchen after the hallway....


Incidentally, I don't leave any keys in obvious places, they are put in a special place each night as part of my bedtime routine. I have those funny window alarms too, except I set them off myself a few times and scared myself silly. I also installed the pull across bolt things on front and back door. Can't do any spooky systems to get round that other than breaking door.


Funny thing is I haven't the guns at my address either, they are at my parents house which is worse to get into that mine, I just don't want anyone robbing the only possessions I have lol.

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Keep the dogs in the house, then at least you get some sort of alarm if anyone tries to break in. Anyone knocks at our door it sounds like the hounds of the baskeville set off.

The scrotes only tried to get in once just after we moved here when we went out shopping. The scratches around the lock on the outside od the door were more than matched by the ones on the inside of the door were our shepherd was trying to get at them.

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Bloody hell , where were cabinets and ammo safe located?? In his second dwelling 3 miles away????,


Sounds a bit suspect to me,

£25k in guns and a motor mmmmmmmmmmm!,,,, I wonder if he is insured ha ha ha

Just my opinion


I agree with the below by mental malc


If the safe keys were hidden, surely someone who stole all of it would have known the location for the keys. Searching around in the dark or even with light on, whilst trying to be ultra silent would be fairly hard work if searching absolutely anywhere for keys. Either that or they were left hanging up with the other keys.


A thief would have a real trouble finding my keys, certainly couldn't do it keeping me asleep.





Edited by flynny
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It never ceases to amaze me how much noise that I can make putting weapons away with locks and racks ECT when I come home from night shooting and the wife is asleep. She is just completely out of it so I can see how someone with enogh nerve could ransack a house without disturbance. A friend of mine had a house invasion by 3 men at about 4.20 am about a year ago and it was a very nasty business in which he was quite badly beaten and hospitalised all for a couple of hundred quid.

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