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I knew it :yes: now Cameron is saying they will offer "incentives for Scotland" to encourage the non committed to vote for the union, so that will be a cut for the English somewhere along the line, time to cut the umbilical and let the sibling go its own way in life sink or swim.



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Say what you like about Salmond he has turned a 22point deficit into a 2 point lead in the lastest Yougov poll.He is running rings around the no campaign at the moment.I`m not saying he would be a good leader but as a campaigner he has no match,at least not in Scotland.

How do they calculate these polls? I'm hoping a lot of the no voters have been quite quiet over the campaign but will turn up to vote. I have to say the yes campaign has been much more proactive.

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How do they calculate these polls? I'm hoping a lot of the no voters have been quite quiet over the campaign but will turn up to vote. I have to say the yes campaign has been much more proactive.


The YouGov polls are all done online, you register with YouGov and they send you various polls to complete on all sorts of subjects. I don't know if they use every response or if they syphon out based on a certain set of criteria. Most of the polling organisations do the same thing.


There is only one poll so far from the major polling organisations that show a Yes lead. I also suspect that there is an orchestrated campaign by Yes to have supporters register and try and influence the poll results to help sway the undecided, after all it is easier to go with the majority.


I agree with you that the Yes campaign have been much more active at grass roots level, there is a huge amount of energy and passion in their campaign, but sadly so much of it is incredibly uninformed. I guess that doesn't really matter if the people they are appealing to are uninformed as well.


I suspect that the voters in the rest of the UK perhaps don't appreciate what a Yes vote would mean, it will effect everyone as there will be massive constitutional upheaval.

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There are so many unanswered questions i find it unbelievable that so many are prepared to take the risk on the great unknown.

In respect of sorting out poverty the money wasted on the Edinburgh tram system would have gone along way to helping the needy! £766 million and that does not include the interest to pay of £200 million on the 30 year loan taken to cover the shortfall in funding!


No doubt oil revenues will make everything right!

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The YouGov polls are all done online, you register with YouGov and they send you various polls to complete on all sorts of subjects. I don't know if they use every response or if they syphon out based on a certain set of criteria. Most of the polling organisations do the same thing.


There is only one poll so far from the major polling organisations that show a Yes lead. I also suspect that there is an orchestrated campaign by Yes to have supporters register and try and influence the poll results to help sway the undecided, after all it is easier to go with the majority.


I agree with you that the Yes campaign have been much more active at grass roots level, there is a huge amount of energy and passion in their campaign, but sadly so much of it is incredibly uninformed. I guess that doesn't really matter if the people they are appealing to are uninformed as well.


I suspect that the voters in the rest of the UK perhaps don't appreciate what a Yes vote would mean, it will effect everyone as there will be massive constitutional upheaval.


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Whatever the merits of the campaign - this comment about underestimating Alex Salmond made the laugh. He is out of his depth.


The wheel is still turning, but the hamster has left.

Alex Salmond is not out of his depth not by a long way!! , I'm no great fan of him but he his a clever man who has definitely been underestimated by the no campaign and I think they will regret it !!

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I knew it :yes: now Cameron is saying they will offer "incentives for Scotland" to encourage the non committed to vote for the union, so that will be a cut for the English somewhere along the line, time to cut the umbilical and let the sibling go its own way in life sink or swim.



agreed :good:

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Alex Salmond has with alacrity, by guile and ingenuity together with the assistance and incompetence of the former British Government secured the key to ‘Pandora’s Box’ and now finds himself within an ace of having her vessel of wondrous splendours placed at his feet. However the key once turned and the box opened, some of the delights hidden therein might come as an unwelcome and unpleasant surprise for him and the rest of our Scottish yes camp cousins! :bye2:

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Wasn't the present British government responsible for allowing the referendum on Scotland not the previous one?If Scotland votes yes Cameron will be toast.

I believe the scene was set by the previous government and the present one just followed it through, they all ‘sell their souls’ to acquire power most however pay the price of political oblivion for their former follies.



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If the Scottish are gullible enough to follow Alex Salmond, then they will deserve what they get.


To those who rate him and think he is bright - he must have a doppelganger touring Scotland. The one who appears on TV comes across as a bumbling idiot.

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If the Scottish are gullible enough to follow Alex Salmond, then they will deserve what they get.


To those who rate him and think he is bright - he must have a doppelganger touring Scotland. The one who appears on TV comes across as a bumbling idiot.

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Alex Salmond has with alacrity, by guile and ingenuity together with the assistance and incompetence of the former British Government secured the key to ‘Pandora’s Box’ and now finds himself within an ace of having her vessel of wondrous splendours placed at his feet. However the key once turned and the box opened, some of the delights hidden therein might come as an unwelcome and unpleasant surprise for him and the rest of our Scottish yes camp cousins! :bye2:

beautifully put, I'm interested in what will become of all the bigots from both England and Scotland, who will they have to blame and counter blame, interesting times

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Alex Salmond is not out of his depth not by a long way!! , I'm no great fan of him but he his a clever man who has definitely been underestimated by the no campaign and I think they will regret it !!


As will the YES voters when the place goes down the pan.





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These threads are nonsense. One or two people have an idea what's going on here and the others most certainly don't. If your a Scot or live in Scotland and are entitled to cast your vote, then you have a decision to make. Your vote up here will depend on your outlook on the future and what has happened over the past 30 to 40 years to this country. If you have relocated up to Scotland in the past few years your vote may be different. Do not underestimate the sentiment and strength of feeling regarding Westminster politics. I know most of you guys will be making comments tongue in cheek, but some seem to think that Englandshire is the best thing by far and that we up here are the poor cousins who should put up and shut up. This isn't going to happen. No matter what you think about Alex Salmond and the SNP most people who want independence are not necessarily voting for him. ATB Mcleod

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Just suppose it is a yes vote, with Scotland not being eligible to join the EU does that mean we could rebuild Hadrians wall and have manned checkpoints? After all, they will then be a foreign country, not a fellow member of Europe.

What about Scots living here or wanting to work here in the future? Will they need passports? Will we see disenchanted Scots applying for asylum?


There might be some benefits after all. :lol:

Ha ha. Hadrians wall is further from Scotland than you are from France. Allo allo Tmmytree.

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Cut them loose. I only hope the UK government has the balls to make sure non-UK tax paying Scots with British citizenship don't take advantage of services in the south.


I think it will really hit home when Scots have to go to travel to a consulate rather the local post office to renew their hated UK passports. Thats what every other UK citizen in a foreign country has to do.

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These threads are nonsense. One or two people have an idea what's going on here and the others most certainly don't. If your a Scot or live in Scotland and are entitled to cast your vote, then you have a decision to make. Your vote up here will depend on your outlook on the future and what has happened over the past 30 to 40 years to this country. If you have relocated up to Scotland in the past few years your vote may be different. Do not underestimate the sentiment and strength of feeling regarding Westminster politics. I know most of you guys will be making comments tongue in cheek, but some seem to think that Englandshire is the best thing by far and that we up here are the poor cousins who should put up and shut up. This isn't going to happen. No matter what you think about Alex Salmond and the SNP most people who want independence are not necessarily voting for him. ATB Mcleod

If it is true that the majority of Scottish men and women believe that there can be nothing worse than being ruled from Westminster and embracing all that goes with it, then returning a yes vote at the referendum will surely put them on the road to enlightenment. The time honoured saying, “Better the Devil you Know” I believe will eventually come to haunt the yes camp. The rich and the powerful will gain more wealth and power and the now disaffected poor will still be just that, poor and disaffected and who will they blame, well anyone but themselves but most likely, you guessed it, Westminster and so do I. :mad:

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