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On the radio last night there was this guy saying that we should ban people making bad comments about there profit this got me thinking its a funny old world when you cannot say a bad word about Black Brown Chinese Gay people as we have seen of late with the football managers/players they just say a wrong word and the media pounce on them yet you can say anything about gods and things that people care deeply about and that is ok I am not condoning what these nutters have done just stating a fact. :sad1: :sad1:

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And that's the official MSM view. That Radical Islam and Islam are somehow not connected. The bigger question needs addressing and that is whether Islam is compatible with British or indeed European traditions, culture and values.


So you think they are connected? A bit like saying everyone with a legal firearm is connected to those with illegal ones.


"Radical Islam" is by far in the minority. Might it be increasing? I'd hazard a guess that yes - it is. Do many Muslims understand why it is increasing - I think so. One of the hooks used to radicalise people is to play on the hatred and marginalisation they receive from the society they live in.


Islam is a fairly long standing religion and has been around in the UK/EU and the western world for a long time. What has changed in the past 15 years?

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So you think they are connected? A bit like saying everyone with a legal firearm is connected to those with illegal ones.


"Radical Islam" is by far in the minority. Might it be increasing? I'd hazard a guess that yes - it is. Do many Muslims understand why it is increasing - I think so. One of the hooks used to radicalise people is to play on the hatred and marginalisation they receive from the society they live in.


Islam is a fairly long standing religion and has been around in the UK/EU and the western world for a long time. What has changed in the past 15 years?


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So you think they are connected? A bit like saying everyone with a legal firearm is connected to those with illegal ones.


"Radical Islam" is by far in the minority. Might it be increasing? I'd hazard a guess that yes - it is. Do many Muslims understand why it is increasing - I think so. One of the hooks used to radicalise people is to play on the hatred and marginalisation they receive from the society they live in.


Islam is a fairly long standing religion and has been around in the UK/EU and the western world for a long time. What has changed in the past 15 years?


What has changed? The numbers through our open door policy. As their proportion in our society increases so they feel more empowered and confident. Less likely to integrate and adopt our values.

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What has changed in the past 15 years?


people have started to use planes as weapons, murdering innocent people in cold blood on the street all over the world, THATS what,s changed and also what has changed is peoples opinions about this religion ,


from what people thought was just another peaceful religion their views are changing and they now feel it is an out of control religion that certainly has people in it that will go to any length to get what they want is the sake of their so called religion,


I for one do think it will get worse, why I don't know,,spitting a dummy out springs to mind but ALL religions must adhere to the laws of the countries they are preaching in

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What has changed in the past 15 years?


people have started to use planes as weapons, murdering innocent people in cold blood on the street all over the world, THATS what,s changed and also what has changed is peoples opinions about this religion ,


But what has changed for this to start happening? Has the religion changed?

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But what has changed for this to start happening? Has the religion changed?


I don't think the religion has changed. The world has changed certainly. Take the Middle East, the end of the Cold War plus our western meddling has meant the end of many dictatorial regimes who kept the militants suppressed. Plus modern communications have made countries within physical borders vulnerable to the rhetoric of the radicals. Our western leaders through design have preached their gospel of multiculturism and shown weakness time and time again. You can see why the islamics think their time has come.

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I don't think the religion has changed. The world has changed certainly. Take the Middle East, the end of the Cold War plus our western meddling has meant the end of many dictatorial regimes who kept the militants suppressed. Plus modern communications have made countries within physical borders vulnerable to the rhetoric of the radicals. Our western leaders through design have preached their gospel of multiculturism and shown weakness time and time again. You can see why the islamics think their time has come.


So blaming the religion itself is then pointless. Rather blame the minority who seek to further their political aims by hijacking and twisting religion.

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So blaming the religion itself is then pointless. Rather blame the minority who seek to further their political aims by hijacking and twisting religion.


No, it's always been backwards and barbaric. It's just now that it finds an opportunity to express itself both in act and publicity via modern communications. Plus the majority is the breeding ground for the minority, you cannot split the two as radical and moderate for convenience.

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But what has changed for this to start happening? Has the religion changed?


Probably quite the oppisate, it hasnae changed in thousands of years!!

It does not seem to have moved with the times 1 bit,


Can't speak for other religions but christianity seems to have evolved massively in the last 50 years, (allowing women as ministers, gay weddings etc) and these ae written in the bible as forbidden.

Yet the strange thing is christainity is dwindling. Probably in the next 30 years will be very few folk going to the kirk, infact almost by gone. And my area like most in uk will have churches and kirks all over the place that used to be full to bursting just 50 yrs ago and are now sold of or sitting empty.

My mother was recently out in Kosovo doing a charity thing, (they still love the west there for saving them, esp Clinton? i think) but the ammount of new mosques being built over there is really scary, very moderate at min but mum said even the moderate muslims were worried about the way and speed things are changing at


Just as well some christain religions are not as 'up tight' or the residents of Craggy island and creator of father ted would be very scared now.

I caught the end of a tv documentry of satire and comedy (TWTWTW, spitting image, rory bremner etc) and they have poked fun at almost every political and religious topic available in an often very near the knuckle way, but he say's many are scared to do the same with islam, which there never has been a religion that needs to lighten up more.


I just cannot see how we can fight this. The more it goes on the more mistrust/resentment will grow in the non muslim communites/world and possibly different treatment by the polis too (and quite rightly too) but that only feeds the fundamentalists and will make the problem worse.


Muslims might moan about the treatment they recieve sometimes at the hands of the security forces but compared to the way the N.Irish were treated in the 70's or 80's they're really eing treated with kid gloves

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No, it's always been backwards and barbaric. It's just now that it finds an opportunity to express itself both in act and publicity via modern communications. Plus the majority is the breeding ground for the minority, you cannot split the two as radical and moderate for convenience.


While I support your right to express your views - I would respectfully disagree.

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So blaming the religion itself is then pointless. Rather blame the minority who seek to further their political aims by hijacking and twisting religion.


This has been a fair assessment when you examine all "religion based" conflicts in history.


You have to split the followers of any religion as "radical and moderate" , that is only fair.

To assume all followers of any religion are all radical, is just ridiculous.

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This has been a fair assessment when you examine all "religion based" conflicts in history.


You have to split the followers of any religion as "radical and moderate" , that is only fair.

To assume all followers of any religion are all radical, is just ridiculous.


Very true. But there is not a constant split. Greater radicalisation can be sparked by an incident or a charismatic leader or opportunist at any time, equally of course the reverse. History has shown us this many times.

Edited by TriBsa
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Those are dead men walking... I bet (and i hope) they wouldn't be captured alive ...


Sadly that's probably their hope too.


They seek martyrdom and all the associated rewards that await them in paradise.


Better to capture them alive to suffer the indignity of justice and all the time in the world to reflect upon what they have done.

Edited by DeepThought
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Nothing has really changed - religion again at the heart of this albeit one horribly distorted interpretation. Even in our so-called civilised society one persons version produces monsterous results. This will be part of our lives for ever and a day sadly.

Not religion but one groups' interpretation of it then using it as an excuse for their own evils aims- has been said many times on this thread and many times before.

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