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Gun opening after second shot


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Hi Guys,


I'm looking for some advice. I'm a relativly new shooter, so please excuse me if I use the wrong terminolgy.


I recently upgraded my gun to a S/H Bettinsoli Diamound MK3. I have been using the gun regulary for 4 months and it has not missed a beat. I went shooting last night, on the second trap I dismounted the gun after taking my shot and noticed the action was starting open and was not locked Firstly I put this down to user error however, a few shots later it did the same. I got a mate to watch what was happening when I shot. He said on the second shot the locking lever was moving around quite alot.


I assume the locking level is spring loaded or similar and what ever holds it in place is starting to get a little worm. Am I roughly in the right ball park? Suffice to say my shooting went to pot after this, I was worry more about the issue than the bloody clays!


Hardeys is my local gunsmith so I was thinking of taking it up there over the weekend.


Any advice welcome.


- Ash

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reminds me of an old single barrel cooey I had years ago, shoot that thing and the empty case either hit you on the forehead or, if you were used to it went past your ear, spent more on that pile of crud than any other gun at the time, ended up chopping it up with an angle grinder and handing it in to the local plod for disposal

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Take to Hardy's they will sort it out or take it to browns both great places both will give you honest advise and will not rip you off

Can't recommend Brownies enough (not really had any dealings with hardy's, its at the posh end of town :) )but he doesn't have and in house gunsmith. I have heard lots of good things about the one who does his work tho (Pat IIRC, but don't hold me to that)

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Ash as you bought it from a friend you may just have to bite the bullet and pay the bill . You do not give a location so difficult to say who to talk to . Many shops who claim to be "gunsmiths" a largely generic term just put work out so best if you can se some one who actually does the work who will be able to tell you exactly what is wrong .

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Over the years I have seen quite a few guns in the field with lakky bands drapped round from the trigger guard to the top lever kind of power assisting the shut and stopping the lever travel. All of them should have gone in for repair but I suppose it is a combination of The person needing the gun and then thinking " well it might not look nice but it works and it aint cost anything, I'll get it in at the end of the season". AND " I'll get some of those strong lakky bands from the posty when he delivers.

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Many thanks for the replies. I'm located at J1M18 Bramley area.

I took the gun into Hardeys yesterday and explained the situation. He said its one of two things. Either the top spring or it may need re-hinding. (I may have misheard on that). He hopes in the top spring and says it will be around £50 and he will service the gun while its stripped. If it needs the second item its going to be around £150.

I will keep you all posted.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Guys, thanks for the comments and thoughts on this.


This gun is now back from Hardy's, very nice chap and great service. The top spring has been replaced and the gun cleaned for £45. I have used the gun on the last two shoots, putting 100+ shells though it and the issue looks to have gone away.


A few miss fires on the second barrel but this may be down to cartridge choice or shooter error. :-)

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Guys, thanks for the comments and thoughts on this.


This gun is now back from Hardy's, very nice chap and great service. The top spring has been replaced and the gun cleaned for £45. I have used the gun on the last two shoots, putting 100+ shells though it and the issue looks to have gone away.


A few miss fires on the second barrel but this may be down to cartridge choice or shooter error. :-)


Used to get a misfire on my old bettinsoli, it was user error though as I wasn't pushing safe over to correct side, every now and again in the heat of the moment I would just push it forward which was ok for first shot, but not enough travel for second shot to engage.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, my luck ran out. The gun was behaving and 200 shots had been fired and then the issue has returned. The gun had got a little wet in the action area as the weather was poor yesterday, but I think I'm grasping at straws there!


I'm going to pop back to Hardy's during the week and see what we can do. They have been open and honest with me so, I'm just a little unsure of what do to, Cut my losses and upgrade the gun or have it re-hinged and hope the issue goes away.


Also to make matters worse my boot started to leak yesterday.... I was glad to get to the pub and forget my troubles :hmm:

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I can't quite see why this would call for re-hinging unless the hinge trunnions are heavily worn, in which case they should have been sorted 1st time. The theory presumably is that the barrels are bouncing off the breech face due to worn hinges and causing the locking bolt to back out. Well I'm not a gun smith I can't say for certain that's BS but previous experience with Mirokus, which use exactly the same locking method, is that replacing the top lever spring is a short term fix and eventually a replacement locking bolt is needed rather than re-hinging.

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I had a mate with a Browning 325 opened after first shot even after new top lever spring. Far to liberal with WD 40 made everything to slippy After cleaning and properly oiled never a problem after 1000 rounds.


Cooey well known open when fired I have one that doesn't do that and is the best Cooey I have seen I thought they came new with dints and rust but this one not a mark on it metal or wood been in someones cabinet and not used. Mind you in my cabinet and not being used now.

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I had a mate with a Browning 325 opened after first shot even after new top lever spring. Far to liberal with WD 40 made everything to slippy After cleaning and properly oiled never a problem after 1000 rounds.


Cooey well known open when fired I have one that doesn't do that and is the best Cooey I have seen I thought they came new with dints and rust but this one not a mark on it metal or wood been in someones cabinet and not used. Mind you in my cabinet and not being used now.


Interesting point. I do like to clean the gun after every use. I was told, it may be incorrect. Remove the barrels and spray a little cleaner (Brunox) in the action, rub with a toothbrush and then wipe off with a cloth.

Edited by MrShirley
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