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Where are the pigeon feeding in your area ?

henry d

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well in my area they are not on rape, i go wood shooting saturdays and get a few there more fun then sitting in a hide doing nothing,just come back now after 2 hours on rape nothing about but tryed my sillosocks out they do stand out very well on rape and on the rotor,

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Well i went out yesterday to shoot a fresh drilled field that had been pulling alot of birds on friday. The wind was near gale force , and i had bother keeping the decoys from blowing across the field. I had shot about 20 when the farmer arrived to roll the field. I packed up in a near cloud of soil as the rollers were up wind from me. I then tried a rape field on the edge of a wood which gave me shelter shot a few more before they vanished . Its now 2pm i'm in the car scouting and spot a drilled field on a farm i have permission covered in pigeons , set up and ended the day with 67.

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They seem to be splitting up now here, although this cold snap may change things a bit. Still on osr, but spread all over the place and not decoying at all.

The only success seems to be waiting under sitty trees on the flight line.

Sadly no spring drillings on any of my permissions :)

It has to be said though, all the fields of osr this year look fantastic compaired to last year :oops:



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I`ve noticed the Woodpigeon are on set aside and in woods up here in Scotland and seem to be eating sprouting weeds. I see a few members have been out on early drillings, so what are they doing in your area ?


Up in N Norfolk the pigeons were mainly in the woods after acorns until early Feb. They then started to hit the rape ,reasonably well with some good bags taken. But they were very fussy as to which fields they used. Out 19 rape fields I can shoot over they only used 4 in any numbers and were absent in all but 2 of the others. Had 3 100s on the rape and several 40-60 bags.

Drilling started middle of last week and the birds switched onto it very quickly with only small numbers on the rape fields. Shot the drillings for the first time yesterday and had 135 with a mate. Overall the numbers are well down on last year , but they are decoying very well on both the drillings and thre rape. I should think yesterday 90% of the pigeons that passed within 400 yards came into the decoys.

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Up in N Norfolk the pigeons were mainly in the woods after acorns until early Feb. They then started to hit the rape ,reasonably well with some good bags taken. But they were very fussy as to which fields they used. Out 19 rape fields I can shoot over they only used 4 in any numbers and were absent in all but 2 of the others. Had 3 100s on the rape and several 40-60 bags.

Drilling started middle of last week and the birds switched onto it very quickly with only small numbers on the rape fields. Shot the drillings for the first time yesterday and had 135 with a mate. Overall the numbers are well down on last year , but they are decoying very well on both the drillings and thre rape. I should think yesterday 90% of the pigeons that passed within 400 yards came into the decoys.


You lucky fellows :oops:



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Here in suffolk they are not hitting the rape much averaging bags of 25-30 over osr for 5-6 hours will the occasional surprise return,but only near woodlands. Shot field of parsnips saturday which they a have been mulling over, returned a bag of 62.

Drove over 70 miles today on reconnaissance, watching all the drillings, thats where all the action seems to be.Will be shooting them tommorrow. My year to date from all previous years has been the worst I have known and it seems many people are in the same position.


Any rate all the peas will be up soon!!!!

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Well around mine they are munching away on our rape, was supposed to be going after them on sunday but very high winds and dry fen soil ment it was like a sandstorm out there so i didn't bother :oops: I think my uncle has put some bird scarers out there now anyway.

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Starlight32 which part of Suffolk? Over behind me they have hit the rape hard and the worst i have seen. I looked earlier and there must have been at least 2500 pigeons in a big group plus a few smaller 150-200 groups.




I am based up in Lowestoft, but travel as far as essex & norfolk borders on occasion in my permission areas which is not that far from you. What sort of weather have you had recently your area?

Regards Starlight32

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they are not on the rape round here now they are on the drillings big time massive amount of woodys every where never seen so many pigeons as i did today i pulled by a field today and had my dinner by a field that had just been drilled and i have never ever seen so many woodys on a field i wish i had a camrera to show u lot any body else seen much around :good:

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