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Dispatching Foxes Safely


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Hi everyone, new user here just looking for a little advice.

I’ve been asked to look into humanely dispatching foxes in cage traps and I understand that a moderated .22LR (if FAC permits it) or 410 seem to be the way to go but as I’ve never shot anything at extreme close range I just wonder what the safety concerns are? What are the chances of over-penetration and/or ricochet etc? What precautions can I take?
Any advice would be appreciated.
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I've used both and prefer the 410 to be honest with 9gr 2" shells. At that sort of range the pellets are just like a solid slug.


As said above the 22lr will ricochet off anything, so if you were unlucky with shot placement, it could go through the fox and bounce off the bars of the cage. (Very unlikely but they don't always sit still for you.)


If you try to aim your shot into the head but parallel with the body line, so any overpenetration just goes further into the body. if that makes sense. :good:

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As Walshie says, at a range of 2 feet or less, a 410 shell has the same effect as a solid slug, but the energy dissipates incredibly rapidly. So you don't get over-penetration. I use 2.5" 14g, but only because that's my 'standard' 410 shell, and I can't be bothered buying 2" shells specifically for foxes in cage traps.

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