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To buy or not to buy


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We have a small clayground, we shoot every other wednesday there is about 8 of us i am the youngest at 64, they are amazing company, some very good shots among them. We have a great laugh. i get around the country with my caravan and have been to some great claygrounds. .

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Get yourself a gun, invite a few mates, and before you know it the club could be revitalised. New members, new income, new incentive, new drive. Opportunity or what?

Don't shoot the existing members, no matter how tempting. It wont go down well.

Edited by Scully
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I can't honestly see how a clay club can run out of members, they can run out of people prepared to run the club, and I suspect thats what is happening here. Isn't a week goes by that somebody doesn't walk into the local gunshop asking about clubs and the FEO gets asked the same way

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Why not try and promote the club via local newspapers? Take a few photos of people clay busting etc and write an article explaning what it entails then submit it to one or all of your local rags. Or maybe invite their reporters down so they can do a write up.


Very often when its a slow news week they need things like this to fill pages and could generate interest in people joining.

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