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Never "cut in" at the last minute on motorway


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The sensible an correct action is to just simple come off at the next junction and the come back up the carriageway.Can understand people who for the sake of a poss 5/20 mins on a journey would put their own and others lives at risk.Had this on Sunday traveling back along the A66 standing traffic from 2 lanes to 1 and white van man blasting down the red shevrons throwing all sorts of **** up.

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I do quite a few motorway miles each year and see some scarey stuff. Enough to make me slow down and be the better person in most situations. Cutting people up and pulling into their safe stopping space really ****** me off, not much you can do about it though. Father in Law who's ex police says you're safer not reacting as you don't know who is in the car or what they'll do. They may have nothing to lose, I've everything.


I am also considering getting a dash cam. It won't protect me but might help get rid of someone from the roads in some situations.

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Most? I'd hope not!!

Akin to wavin loaded guns under peoples noses.


I'd hope that ANYONE caught doing such a manoeuvre would see a heavy fine & driving ban in their future...if not prison.

The driver in this case was sadly lucky to survive. ..as from quite a few conversations with similarly "skilled" drivers who've survived similar crashes, the lessons will NOT be taken on board & they'll continue to drive in such a way as to be a permanent danger to other road users.


"Sadly lucky to survive" ?! You really are a horrible person aren't you :no:<_<

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But that wasn't an accident, that was the direct result of her appalling driving.


Luckily she survived but if she hadn't the only person/s I'd have felt sorry for was anyone she'd injured or killed as the result of her actions.



I assume the lorry with the camera either pushed her down the motorway or as there is a jolt on camera, maybe the lorry ran over part of the car ?


I think that even she would agree it was bad driving.


Absolutely terrible driving, but we all misjudge thinks or make mistakes at times. Doesn't mean we should wish death upon those people!

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Yes its someone's daughter-but its someone's stupid daughter and she risked other peoples lives with her hard of thinking.

That surely doesn't mean that we would wish her dead though? I think that was the point being made earlier ;-) People do stupid things all the time, being stupid doesn't mean you should die ;)

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It shows the worth of the dash cam on the lorry though doesn't it? I drive from London to just north of Cardiff and back a couple of times each week now. All I do is sit in the slow lane at around 70 and listen to the radio, sod all that fighting for a few more mph in the fast lane. Surprisingly it doesn't seem to make any difference to the journey time and the fuel consumption is way better.

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A man was sitting on a tube train getting irate because of 2 small children running up and down the carriage and being noisy and badly behaved. The father seem oblivious to his children's behaviour. Eventually the angry passenger got up and had a go at the father of the children about needing to "parent" wild children and how he needs to do things better for the sake of the other passengers, the father turned with tears running down his face and said "their mother has just died in hospital and I don't know how to muster the strength and the right words to tell them."

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