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“Thank you Adolf” Ah if only! :innocent:

What a great clip, I'll have the check this film out.


How sad that so many PW'ers had an unhappy time at school. I've got loads of happy memories of my school days: chips and baked bean with cheese on top, riding my Yamaha Fizzy 50cc around he school field, playing British Bulldog, arsing about with Bunsen Burners and having confusing feelings about the attractive young nun who used to come in during assemblies to play the guitar and sing - happy days...


Regarding the OP's question about whether he should go to his school reunion, I'd say it depends on whether you've got a better offer or not that weekend.

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I would love to meet some of the people I used to go to school with - especially one on one as that was not something they used to do! In fact I would quite happily meet two of them and have a chat :) I used to have a Yorkshire mate who was very proud of the fact that he was one of the school bullies, strangley enough he would never fight one on one if he could help it! Always relied on other people to get him out of trouble - must be a Bradford thing. Not friends any more.

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I had one of the bullies bump into me in the chippy after a few beers and I'm a little bit bigger than him now lol.

He said sorry ;)


I had another bully ask if I was going to buy him a drink in the pub. I told him to go **** himself and he shut up. I left school 9st and quickly went up to 14st and muscle through work.

At the weekend I took my son (6) and daughter (9) McDonald's and a lad who used to wait for me after school (3 years older) was stood outside and I told my children in front of him what he did and to stand up to bullies. He looked away and said nothing .

I'm currently 16st and big built so won't be bullied anymore . I also will never bully

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Quite the entertaining thread, and I have to agree with many of the sentiments of never setting foot back in school for any type of reunion. I stayed in touch with a few good school friends the rest were **** holes so no need, actually the real stupid idiots found themselves 6 foot under fairly early, must be a Darwin thing. Now, as to university reunions...there is one I would go to in a heart beat, but unfortunately 5000 miles away and I have too many competing interests for my money unfortunately.

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Can`t say I loved school but can`t say I hated it either. Used to go in early most mornings but that was purely because a few of us used to play cards every morning. If nothing else school turned me into a demon hearts/black maria player.


There were one or two teachers I really liked, I guess I`d be happy to see them. As for school friends I fell out of touch with the last of them about 5 years ago. Can`t say there are any of them I would particularly want to see again.


I certainly won`t be turning up if a reunion is ever organised.

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I had one of the bullies bump into me in the chippy after a few beers and I'm a little bit bigger than him now lol.

He said sorry ;)


I had another bully ask if I was going to buy him a drink in the pub. I told him to go **** himself and he shut up. I left school 9st and quickly went up to 14st and muscle through work.

At the weekend I took my son (6) and daughter (9) McDonald's and a lad who used to wait for me after school (3 years older) was stood outside and I told my children in front of him what he did and to stand up to bullies. He looked away and said nothing .

I'm currently 16st and big built so won't be bullied anymore . I also will never bully

Haha similar.


It's funny how growing a few inches taller and going up to 14st of muscle makes the bullies shut the **** up.


I can recommend it.

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I didn't enjoy school but we had some fun times. There were good and bad teachers too but going through the Sixth Form meant I got to know some of them better as teachers. Nearly 40 years after I left, none of them are still teaching and many of them dead. There was only one guy I bore any resentment for and his nickname was Scar-**** in which lies a clue - a thoroughly nasty individual in my view. I am still in touch with some of the old boys via Facebook but don't meet up as I moved away from home and the area as soon as I left.

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