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Recent loss of permission

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I understand about you not wanting aggro' etc, but I would not back down from this idiot. I would do as other's mentioned, and phone the police when you intend to shoot on the land, and also phone them if you see him approaching you. You could also use a video camera, such as the SJ4000, and start recording as soon as he's near you. It's bad that it has to come to this, but I wouldn't let him win.

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The odd thing I find with this post is how on 2000 acres you can't get miles from the keepers boundary.

This time of year is a stressful one for them and some do get a bit excited about shooting near their boundaries but away from them most would be quite keen as it would push birds back. Personally I reckon there is more to this and if it is as described a bit of dialogue and understanding might well go a long way to sorting things out!

Contrary to popular opinion most are shooting men and fairly normal

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Don't really ubderstand wot the FEO has to do with it all?? Even if u give the FEO any video of hinm shouting its either only going to lead to ur 'relationship' getting even worse or the keeper losing his ticket and his job. Surprised so many are keen to see a keeper lose his job.

Plenty of people shout bit when under stress doesnae make them bad people.

He probably has a host of dog walkers tresspassing with dogs of lead all throu his woods too, that never listen so possibly the last straw


I tend to agree with Al4x and think there must be more to it. Keepers do get very stressed at this time of year with the long hours and looking after birds in pens.

Is it always the same field or nearby field where keeper approaches u? Possibly he has a pen of young pheasnts nearby?


I would notify the police that u are shooting when u go to save them turning up if called

I'd ask for his shoot dates and organise to shoot away from his side on or before a shoot day and try to work together

Edited by scotslad
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We have a bloke on neighboring land (a huntsman) telling us to stop shooting the foxes & leave them for the hunt.Going to film his mug next time and its going to the wildlife leason officer.

I wouldn't take the course of action you are proposing. There will be no way back for you if you do.

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I walked away from 2,000 acres of land I have shot for 4 years this weekend , simply because of the keeper who neighbours the land calling the police on us and generally causing as much trouble as he could.

We had the armed response turn up on me and my son about 2 weeks back , then he sent the police again this Saturday , I don't know why but the land owner seemed most annoyed at us and I just said I would rather not go through this any more s I am totally lawful person and have no wish to be persecuted by anyone in the name of sport .


Anyway so far I have spent 6 hours driving round asking land owners and farmers for permission in total over 29 farms , so far nothing, not one interested person . This is not the first time I have done this , I fact it's the 3rd time in 4 years ...



I don't really want advice or help , I think I just need to vent my frustration !!


Sorry pigeon watch , but you are my audience for my vent !


Ps I ******* hate pheasant shooting , it's the blight of the country side !!


You gussed it , mostly uptight syndicate land ...

It look as if his mind is made up before all of this. But if he has looked around for other ground then it shows that he still wants to shoot and this is a big loss of shooting ground. I know that I wouldn't back down over this and I would be really pro active about having a word with the keepers employer about the keepers behaviour and also the farmer on whose ground that I was shooting on.

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We've had similar issues with a neighbouring gamekeeper and helpers coming onto our land to herd pheasant back onto their land, overshooting birds on our land then sending in beaters to pick them up. They were kicked off twice last year and my permission landowner was threatened in the process of going about his lawful business, despite acting reasonably. They also shoot over public footpaths and tresspass onto an adjoining section of land (armed tresspass) belonging to people we like and get on with. We informed the landowner, and they put up signs saying no trespassing and no shooting, only to have the signs taken down by these complete muppets.


This year we're ready for them. Radio comms ready, volunteers drafted in, we'll have contact with police and adjoining landowner, and dialogue with the BASC RE Codes of Shooting practice. We'll photograph every incident of trespass or armed trespass we come across, theft of overshot birds and the like and hand all evidence to the police and advise BASC in case these idiot shoot owners/gamekeepers are BASC members (will the BASC accept their ongoing membership with evidence of unlawful behaviour I wonder? We know who they are, and where they live). Word'll soon get out and these muppets will either be prosecuted or the well to do will no longer entertain paying good money for a gun slot on that shoot. The shooting world is smaller than some might think. They also came onto our land after dark a few years back poaching deer and were caught red handed but the landowner let them off that time as he couldn't prove where the deer in the back of their pick up truck came from despite the truck being parked in the middle of his field!


Some shooters simply don't give a toss and give the sport a bad name. People like this want weeding out and their FACs revoked permanently.

Edited by Savhmr
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I wouldn't take the course of action you are proposing. There will be no way back for you if you do.

So we all pretend we don't know they willingly go out with the intension to chase and kill fox.No jumped up huntsman is going to say we shouldn't shoot foxes on our patch,I don't agree with his over weight fat bum breaking the horses back,but I'm not saying he shouldn't do it.

Edited by Davyo
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So we all pretend we don't know they willingly go out with the intension to chase and kill fox.No jumped up huntsman is going to say we shouldn't shoot foxes on our patch,I don't agree with his over weight fat bum breaking the horses back,but I'm not saying he shouldn't do it.


So much for give and take, thank the Lord we don't have types with this atitude round here !

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We have a bloke on neighboring land (a huntsman) telling us to stop shooting the foxes & leave them for the hunt.Going to film his mug next time and its going to the wildlife leason officer.




If you need John Wilbor's phone number just give me a call....

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thats the same that happened to the wood i have over there they had false earth in it and everything.

The farmer asked them not to go into certain fields when they were round as they were to wet.

And to be on the safe side he put padlocks and chains on the gates, the cheeky **** cut the chains of and went across the fields on quad bikes

they were in a right mess..

They are now banned from all his land...

And I'm under instructions to shoot every fox i see when I'm over there..

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