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Wildfowling season 2015-2016

silver pigeon 3

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One of the best posts of the current season up to now , both you and anser2 make us feel we are there with you :good: ., as for leaving a blonde in bed at that unearthly hour of the morning must have took some doing , and all I hope she was still there when you got home :lol:


Also a big well done to all the chaps who made the time and effort to take Paul out on two successful flights on the Wash .

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Well done Penelope - Must have been hard staying awake for all those miles...

Reading this at midnight + 30 having just got back from depositing The Memsahib at the local hospital for a stay of a few days. No fowling for me at the moment but it is nice to read of others banging away in my old stomping grounds. Keeps a bloke sane when he is housebound.

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My best wishes to you and your good wife.


Well done Penelope - Must have been hard staying awake for all those miles...

Reading this at midnight + 30 having just got back from depositing The Memsahib at the local hospital for a stay of a few days. No fowling for me at the moment but it is nice to read of others banging away in my old stomping grounds. Keeps a bloke sane when he is housebound.

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Well it was certainly breezy this morning , things we perhaps slower than expected but I managed foreshore ducks number 42 and 43 with a pair of mallard , I have not shot many mallard this season so they were most welcome.

Back out tonight to see what the evening flight brings.



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Well it was certainly breezy this morning , things we perhaps slower than expected but I managed foreshore ducks number 42 and 43 with a pair of mallard , I have not shot many mallard this season so they were most welcome.

Back out tonight to see what the evening flight brings.


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Your gun fenboy look in showroom condition , how on earth do you keep it that clean ? Poor old Big Mats gun isn't as clean as yours as he dropped his in the mud just as a bunch of duck went over him :no: Can you lend him yours ? :lol:



A nice pair of duck there in full condition , I tell yer , you boys up North live well , having said that , one of my jobs tomorrow is to dress a Mallard out for tea , one of a pair of Drakes I got last week. I went last night and despite it being a bit on the rough side I never had a shot and only saw a few duck , the only bit of luck I had was it stopped raining just as I parked my motor going down the marsh and started raining hard again a couple of minutes after I got back , so although I went home with a empty bag at least I kept dry .

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Your gun fenboy look in showroom condition , how on earth do you keep it that clean ? Poor old Big Mats gun isn't as clean as yours as he dropped his in the mud just as a bunch of duck went over him :no: Can you lend him yours ? :lol:



A nice pair of duck there in full condition , I tell yer , you boys up North live well , having said that , one of my jobs tomorrow is to dress a Mallard out for tea , one of a pair of Drakes I got last week. I went last night and despite it being a bit on the rough side I never had a shot and only saw a few duck , the only bit of luck I had was it stopped raining just as I parked my motor going down the marsh and started raining hard again a couple of minutes after I got back , so although I went home with a empty bag at least I kept dry .

I really don't look after that gun as much as I should marsh man.

It only gets a proper strip down and clean every few months same with the plastic once it gets filthy it just has a scrub up in the sink

All I really do is give the barrel and bolt a wipe over with a oily rag after each trip , touch wood three years on and the gun has not had one jam.

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Your gun fenboy look in showroom condition , how on earth do you keep it that clean ? Poor old Big Mats gun isn't as clean as yours as he dropped his in the mud just as a bunch of duck went over him :no: Can you lend him yours ? :lol:



A nice pair of duck there in full condition , I tell yer , you boys up North live well , having said that , one of my jobs tomorrow is to dress a Mallard out for tea , one of a pair of Drakes I got last week. I went last night and despite it being a bit on the rough side I never had a shot and only saw a few duck , the only bit of luck I had was it stopped raining just as I parked my motor going down the marsh and started raining hard again a couple of minutes after I got back , so although I went home with a empty bag at least I kept dry .


marsh man, you need to move to North Wales there's plenty of mallard and teal this year, me and my shooting buddy shot a little inlet last night and had sixteen mallard and three teal and there were plenty pouring in that's me and family sorted for Christmas duck, best of luck to you.

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