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Losing Stuff in the field!


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Mate of mine lost his favourite hunting knife while out on a shoot. I lost his Rayburn sunglasses in a hedge a few years later. We are still talking lol


I lost my Iphone 4 while out on a shoot a couple of years ago. Went back over the field I thought I had lost it in and no joy, couldn't hit a thing for the rest of the day as I was too angry at loosing it.

were they the lpg or multifuel model ? :)

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Lost a few knives and jumpers and a 22 mag, some found some gone forever. The old keeper I used to work with once told me after a keepers day on the next door estate he was driving home over the hill blind drunk and must have got stuck, so walked home with his gun and dogs woke up the next morning with no recollection of what had happened, thought his truck had been stolen or moved as a prank, then eventually realising had to spend most of the day with his underkeeper out looking for it.

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worst of mine was a gold watch bought by my father for my 21st, some where on a shooting estate in the highlands,

2nd worst , a bag with 2 fly reels with lines, fly boxes and a flask, put it down on getting back to the car, drove off, never picked it up, again up in Scotland when fishing the South Esk, parked at the side of the lane, gone next morning, someone had a good find.

I'm a ****** for leaving dog leads on the top of the motor. so much so bought some rope and make my own now

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Numerous gloves, a coat, the odd thumb stick, decoys swept away, and a Go Pro 2 years ago in the tide.


Lost count of mobiles that didn't recover from an unintentional dip while fowling.


I was with a chap last year who lost a diamond and ruby encrusted Rolex on a ploughed field ..... needless to say I did go the next day with a borrowed metal detector, but alas ..... to no avail.

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Numerous gloves, a coat, the odd thumb stick, decoys swept away, and a Go Pro 2 years ago in the tide.


Lost count of mobiles that didn't recover from an unintentional dip while fowling.


I was with a chap last year who lost a diamond and ruby encrusted Rolex on a ploughed field ..... needless to say I did go the next day with a borrowed metal detector, but alas ..... to no avail.

Imagine the Reward.....

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I lost a dog whistle out of a loose seam in a pocket and had a phone wrecked by it's wrist strap getting hooked up on a barbed wire fence. It wasn't until late at night that I realized that it was missing. I went back next morning and there it was swinging in the breeze but overnight it had rained hard and it didn't want to work very well after that. But I've seen all sorts of random things lost on the shoot, > Dogs tied to a post and forgotten about. A beater somehow walked out of his leggings whilst going through the thick.They were never found. another lost a nice engraved hip flask that his father gave him. That was found. Another who had a weird pair of special glasses on a string around his neck. A twig flipped them off.. At the end of the drive after a lot of calling for him to hurry up and come to the truck he eventually stumbled out of the wood. when it was found out what had happened we sent back to see if they could be found > Nothing >> At the end of the day everyone went back to try to work out exactly where the precise spot was and a sort of finger tip search took place. The glasses were never found and the guy had to be taken out of the line and home because he couldn't see where he was going and couldn't continue on any other drives during the day. He had a spare pair but It cost him a lot of money to get another spare set made. Dog leads, Socks, Flasks and all sorts of stuff abandoned in the trucks. My friend was lucky with a Tika mag that fell down between the Hilux cab and the bodywork onto the ground. we tapped on the roof to stop straight away but it was a bit of a job to find it in the grass. Ever since this I have put reflective tape on my mags so that they could be found if I dropped one. We put one by a fence post and drove off to see if it would be found. the reflection from mag was clearly visible from two fields away.

Edited by fortune
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Just remembered this, though it may not be strictly in the spirit of the thread.

I bought a very very nice condition pump and after firing the first shot with it I racked it and turned it over to reload and found a piece of wood had split and dropped out of the stock just behind the action ! There was no guarantee it had happened just there as I'd already walked 200 yards across a field before firing it but got on my hands and knees in the long grass (silage hadn't been cut yet ) and searched for the small ( about the size of a 5p coin ) piece of wood for ages, but to no avail.

Really really annoyed I eventually gave it up as lost and after getting back home noticed another crack in exactly the same place on the other side of the stock. Straight onto the phone to the dealer who said to bring it back, so a few days later did so after mate and me had returned to spot and done another thorough but fruitless search.

It transpired the previous owner had at some time removed the stock and failed to tighten it back up sufficiently ( although it hadn't felt loose in the slightest ) and the recoil along with racking the slide had caused the cracks. All of us were lamenting the lost piece of wood as it would be a burger to match it up so I left it with them and came home.

Was out with another gun about a week later and emptied my shooting vest pocket when back at vehicle and discovered something in the bottom I didn't recognise the feel of so pulled it out and lo and behold it turned out to be the missing piece of wood !

A quick phone call to the dealer who said the gun hadn't been collected yet by their stocker, another call to another mate who was going through to the dealer to pick up his own gun the following day, and the gun now again looks as good as it was when new. :good: I like a happy ending.

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