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What is it with some dog owners :(


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I went yesterday to look at a dog for somebody. Although it's debatable whether he will be what they want I couldn't leave him there. Lovely little black and white springer dog but he looked more like a bearded collie! I've removed about 25% of all his matted bits and am going to carry on later but what got me was that his skin was red raw underneath and scabby and bleeding so they had obviously been there a long time. He's thin as a rake too, poor little fella. Still he will be ship shape and happy soon but I just had to vent, I'm fuming! Such a good natured little guy too grrrrr!!!

I'll either keep him as a beating dog or find him a super home when he's good and ready bless his heart! Would post a photo but probably best not to :/

Edited by bigbird
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My brown cocker came to me looking like gnasher all wooley and matted, like you I couldnt leave him and had to clip him down to the wood , in all his matted fur were what can only be described as bramble branches full of thorns right next to his skin that had been there for ages , the old owner had the nerve to say id made a right mess of him , my missus took over the conversation from her as she is better with words than I am but they got the message hes made a cracking dog but it took a while , good look with yours

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Someone's going to get a great dog out of this when he's ready.


Would post a photo but probably best not to :/


It would be interesting to see the rags to riches photos, possibly at the end of the process. All the best with him, hope he turns out like R, and no, as much as I'd like to I can't have another yet :no::lol:

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I'm just a softie lol
I got back and looked at all my 15 healthy shiny wiggly Gundogs and wonder how somebody can't look after a super dog when they only have five for goodness sake


15 , are you sure you have room for Ed :whistling:

Edited by fenboy
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How is the little fellow now.


None of my dogs have been that bad coatwise when we got them, but I have a lovely fluffy ginger tabby that was bad. Only way to describe her coat when we got her was like that felt carpet underlay.

Took 3 days of careful snipping to make her comfy as the clippers stressed her too much.

Realised after the first day she was bunged up. At first I thought she might be pregnant despite being told she was spayed her tummy was that big. Another few days of dosing her with liquid parrafin she finally went and it was all solid cat hair.

She is a lovely fussy cat no bigger than a six month kitten and she is 8 now.

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I was once given a tip by a chap that did animal rescue and rehoming.


"Keep your mouth shut while there and stay calm and just get the animal signed over to you.

If you say anything about the state the animal is in they might not let you take it.

On the way home swear as much as you like and curse them for their treatment of the animal when safe in the knowledge you have got it out of a bad situation."


Kept going over this in my head when we picked our little ginger cat up.

Owner said had been a bit busy and hadn't had time to brush her and she was a bit tangled.

Edited by loriusgarrulus
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