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Transit broken into


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I saw an article on TV news this evening about breaking into Transits. They were picking the locks, not the same as mentioned earlier in the thread, unless I missed the point?!

As a Transit owner myself, it seems worrying, are Transits the most vulnerable of the vans?

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The best answer is to round up all the thieves and place them on a container ship then anchor it in the middle of an ocean somewhere.

Unfortunately it doesn't matter what you do as they will just hold you at knife point.


My mate is traffic for Birmingham and often texts me the happy news about catching another car key thief . They keep breaking into houses and taking the keys

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They are picking the locks. Takes seconds and the tibbe locks on these transit are easy and take no skill with a £30 tool avaliable openly on the Internet.


Fit deadlocks to the load area, that will stop this attack. You can also change drivers door lock (only lock on the van) to a high security lock. Both options cost approx £100 plus vat per door

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that's the saddest part, a month or two from now and they'll be back to see what you've replaced.

I know,it won't be so easy next time and I am going to know they are there.......


I've recently recovered a Movano and three Transits where thieves have literally crow barred the drivers door at the hinges and snapped or ripped out the hinges.

All 4 vehicles were done in minutes whilst the drivers were delivering parcels for Amazon


Not sure how to stop that !.Happy xmas mate,long time no see.

I saw an article on TV news this evening about breaking into Transits. They were picking the locks, not the same as mentioned earlier in the thread, unless I missed the point?!

As a Transit owner myself, it seems worrying, are Transits the most vulnerable of the vans?

Sent you a pm.


Shed alarm works. unbearably high DB that precludes entering the van

Putting one in the van with led flood light,lol.Drive way alert,cameras,dead locks and rear door guards and led white light on pole.Spoke to local plod yesterday who was going round neighbours,he said it was the 3rd crime in 10 years here,so not a bad place to live,just have to be aware no matter where you are the scum are are out there.

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Some years ago I was on site with a transit and locked the back door. A bloke on site said "what you locking the door for"? I told i'm that I had tools in the back. He said that it was a waste of time and that he could be in there in 20 seconds. I just said " O yeah, show me". He opened the door in a few seconds and the front door also. I was astounded by this display. He said that he had seen it on the BBC the previous evening. BUT he was a bit of a naughty boy and I'm sure he knew an awful lot about cars and how they were made. It was so simple that it beggars belief that Ford or any manufacturers make vehicles with such rubbish locks. All that was needed was one simple tool and there was no damage at all to the door or the locks. Another one was where someone had used a hand nibbler and had cut a panel out of the side of the van.

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Some years ago when car crime was even more rampant than it is now, and manufacturers doing absolutely nothing to improve car security. Whatever government was in power pulled all of the senior directors of all of the car makers in this country together and gave them lists in ranked order of which were the easiest cars to steal. They then told them that they were going to publish this list in the press and on the WWW.


Guess what.... car security was improved no end. It is now a lot harder to steal a modern car, not impossible but harder. This led to a new crime of breaking into houses to get the keys/fobs for high end pricey cars.


Maybe the same should done WRT vans.


Merry Christmas everyone and a very happy and safe new year.




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