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David Bowie dies


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I have to confess that when I read this morning on the Web that he had died I didn't really feel much about him one way or the other. That sounds a terrible thing to say I know but what I mean is that I feel his music didn't really have much bearing on my life.


As the day wore on, and more and more of his songs were played on Radio 2, I found myself thinking 'oh yeah, I like this one'. Now, after watching 'David Bowie: Starman' on Ch4 I realise just how his music had touched people, myself included.


I seem to recall hearing that he was a big advocater of the Web, singing its praises long before broadband came in to being but not much about that seems to have been mentioned.


Rest in Peace Mr Bowie. You may have departed this mortal coil but your legacy will continue to influence many in the years to come.

Edited by Doc Holliday
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Fan or not his weirdness and poetry put this country firmly on the music and cultural map . Alot to be said for free expression in these times and the likes of Bowie should be cherished .Not to mention he used the absolute cream of the musicians .

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Never really a huge fan but listening to Heroes this morning is was a legend of a tune.

When you think about even this popular song ,the keyboards ,bass etc it is just so unlike anything else .Can't think of one Bowie equivalent artist only imitators . You can compare and contrast many other bands but Bowie is just different . Cremated today ,no fuss . Expect his funeral is in the music he produced since becoming ill .

Edited by vole
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