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is this flowering rape


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Fat Hen is found in my stomach after a Sunday roast.




look ere' its no good you lot being obtuse...im trying to get a sensible observation going here.......i would hate to think of the other things that are found in your stomach on a saturday............ :lol:

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wonder what that would taste like at that stage......anyone had a go...........ive had "fat hen" steamed and it is not too bad...that has been found in the stomachs of bog people..

Some rap verities used for industrial/bio-diesel production contain harmful chemicals, to-be on the safe side give some to the wife first, if she doesn't spend all night on the loo your ok to go.

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Yes this is the early stages of budding/ flowering, would guess about 4-6 weeks away from full flower.

also remember these palnts will grow nearly 1ft per week in the next 6 weeks!!

Fertilzer will be due very soon this will speed the process up a bit.

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