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retirement age


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A lot of the problem in that contributions made today are funding the pensions of today. There is no time for these payments to grow.


I figure more and more that you have to look after yourself and retire when you like. Relying on the state isn't going to get you far. In fact with such low investment returns things can only get much worse.


A third of UK pensioners rely solely on the state for income during their retirement years and it's a struggle.


I would disagree with your last comment, in that I would say that it's damn near impossible, and the sooner that people realise this the better the situation will be. Blissful ignorance is sheer stupidity. The country is bust, with nowt left in the coffers.


We have all heard some people say that life is hard, whilst smoking a fag and drinking in the pub, and discussing their next holiday.


I am not seeking to ignore the fact that for some life can truly be hard and full of misfortune, but I am sick and tired of head in the sands attitude that ignores the blatantly obvious facts of life. Those that seek to rely on the government to look after them in their old age have obviously never seen the news or read the financial pages of newspapers.

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I would disagree with your last comment, in that I would say that it's damn near impossible, and the sooner that people realise this the better the situation will be. Blissful ignorance is sheer stupidity. The country is bust, with nowt left in the coffers.


We have all heard some people say that life is hard, whilst smoking a fag and drinking in the pub, and discussing their next holiday.


I am not seeking to ignore the fact that for some life can truly be hard and full of misfortune, but I am sick and tired of head in the sands attitude that ignores the blatantly obvious facts of life. Those that seek to rely on the government to look after them in their old age have obviously never seen the news or read the financial pages of newspapers.


So if I had written;


" A third of UK pensioners rely solely on the state for income during their retirement years and it's damn near impossible ".


We would find ourselves in agreement would we? I'm comfortable with your wording.



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£12 billion a year for overseas aid. Makes my blood boil. Expect to work till I drop with no retirement. Future is ever more bleak for my children.


Lots of things make my blood boil -


Uncontrolled immigration that results in overcrowded schools, and some of those immigrants receiving benefits that they have not contributed to.


Some of the really needy receiving nothing, whilst scroungers have foreign holidays paid for by you and me.


Some lawyers coining £millions on the back of legal aid for lost cause miscreants who show no remorse whatsoever.


Etc., etc


However, I am fairly certain that much of the 'foreign aid' goes as kick-backs to foreign politicians who award the UK with contracts for work supplied by UK companies. It's just that this could never be officially admitted....


All you can do is to educate your children with the financial aspects of life, and cross your fingers that they take in what you are saying. The world does not owe them a living, and the chances of winning the lottery are virtually nil.

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Talk to the Islanders eg Shetlands, Orkneys, Western Isles. It's not Scotland's oil it's theirs. Had there been a yes vote then the Islanders were suggesting they would become self governing like the Isle of Man. Presumably taking their oil with them.

I wouldn't blame the Shetlanders if they voted to become part of Norway.

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Everyone wants to retire with a state pension, have a minimum wage, have state benefits, have bobbies on the beat and an army that can travel the world not to mention a national health service.


With an increasing age population, who is going to pay for all of this?


As a nation we have lost our grip of the economic situation.


First sniff of any reform and the pram goes over whether it be a bedroom tax, chopping legal aid, closing tube ticket offices or lifting a tenner off anyway going to see their doctor.

This ^^^^


It seems that taking responsibility for ones self is becoming less and less important, after all why should we when the state 'should' do it.


Boils my blood.

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All the politicians concern themselves with is winning votes so they can stay in power.


What we need is a true leader who would go on TV and tell the people how things really are.


A hell of a lot of people in this country need a wake up call. Way to many living in clover and contributing nothing for their benefits cheque.

Edited by Whitebridges
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All the politicians concern themselves with is winning votes so they can stay in power.


What we need is a true leader who would go on TV and tell the people how things really are.


A hell of a lot of people in this country need a wake up call. Way to many living in clover and contributing nothing for their benefits cheque.


There is only one thing wrong regarding your request for a true leader - Joe Public wouldn't vote for him!


They don't like bad news, and prefer to listen to the golden tones of Tony Bliar, Gordon Brown et.


What a democracy we have here - the civil servants are only allowed to support ministers who want to stay in the EU as this is 'government policy'.. You just couldn't make it up.

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All the politicians concern themselves with is winning votes so they can stay in power.


What we need is a true leader who would go on TV and tell the people how things really are.


A hell of a lot of people in this country need a wake up call. Way to many living in clover and contributing nothing for their benefits cheque.

It's not just those on benefits though, so many think the government money tree flourishes somewhere in the garden of wealth.


So many also think that the elite few harvest that tree all for themselves.


The thing is that in the UK way less than half of the population actually generate wealth for the country, anyone who works in the public sector or is indirectly employed by the public sector are consumers of government pennies.

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It's all a ploy.


The only valid reason they raise the retirement age is 'studies' that declares presumptuously that people are living longer.


Guess what? YES they are, the people dying today (and thus part of the stats) are in their 80's and such like, and have been retired for 30 years, therefore, yes most of them had a pretty nice long, happy retirement. My father in law is approaching 90, and he's been retired since he's 45! He's as strong as an ox maybe, but not having to work 8-10 hours a day VERY LIKELY helped quite a bit.


The people who work TODAY won't have that luxury, and will have to work their *** off for a lot longer, therefore increasing vastly their chance of dying early. I know quite a few already who died in their late 50's.


So soon, once the wave of 'happy oldies' have all died, the statistic for longevity are going to *crash*. Very likely well under the retirement age.


Which is perfect for the state as it's free money. Everytime they add 1 year to the retirement age, they must be making a few billions.


So, the only one who benefit from the mandatory pension you now have to contribute to are... the pension funds.


Sound familiar? Finance/corporation matteys of the government profiting?

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Buze, the public pension debt for the UK is something like £7tn and thankfully that cannot all be called in at once.


They would need to increase the pension age by a 100 years to make money and even then only those in the private sector actually contribute in net terms, those in public service take more out the same pot than they put in.

Edited by grrclark
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Buze, the public pension debt for the UK is something like £7tn and thankfully that cannot all be called in at once.


They would need to increase the pension age by a 100 years to make money and even then only those in the private sector actually contribute in net terms, those in public service take more out the same pot than they put in.

By 'making a few billions' it was a figurative was of speaking.


Ultimately the money /paid in/ is profiting the pension funds /now/ -- and party donations and so forth...

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Ok what would you suggest then?

Dunno. could start with stopping sending billions of aid outside the country.

Sending expensive military toys to Syria after having more or less created a problem there on purpose to get a war only the US seems happy with.

Actually /taxing/ these big huge companies (Seriously, 4K taxes for fecebook??).


There are probably many others. But the gov is capable of printing money in the region of hundred of billions to save toxic banks, they surely can do something about providing pensions to the population who actually /paid the money in/ ?

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