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Black cats


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Look ---- This is pointless going round in circles like this, use your apparent tracking skills get one of these beast dead or captured then just get the true notoriety you will justly deserve.

I am sure you saw something and you genuinely believe it was a cat or cat prints you saw, but where is the thing now?

You cant just proclain to the world you saw a black cat or tracks from a cat bigger than an Alsatian and expect anyone to acept what you say.

Be realistic you need to go out and get one of these cats grassed pronto you owe this to society at large in ther uk big cats are dangerous they do eat people .

If there was a big cat where you say it is we would all know about it already, there is no hiding place for such a creature in these islands. The evidece of its existance would have been well documented by now and the animal located.

The idea of a super ellusive wrath like creature appearing and then dsissapearing never to be captured shot or killed is frankly out there with the fairys.

We have the remote habitat we probably have enough game for a cat, but for it to go on without leaving any trace of its acctivities and in so many different places and for so long. :no: Trust me now you were very much mistaken, you preobably truthfully bellieve you saw a cat prints etc . but thats down to you getting your sums wrong thats all and it does not mean you got a degree in mathamatics just because you say you know.

Il get a couple of trail cams up when I next see it. And it was eating a sika no more than 30 yards from me... Again, I know it wont convince any one until i have proof as DM pointed out so that's what Il get :)

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Il get a couple of trail cams up when I next see it. And it was eating a sika no more than 30 yards from me... Again, I know it wont convince any one until i have proof as DM pointed out so that's what Il get :)

You need this thing dead mister or in a zoo its a liability if its killing sika it could kill a person. .

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If you had seen a big cat on a kill in the U.K. then surely it should have been reported to the Police. There is a threat to public safety. The kill (dead sika) would have been treated like a crime scene, and likely the offending animal could have been identified. The idea that a sighting would be suppressed by the Police or any other authority is absolute nonsense.

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If you had seen a big cat on a kill in the U.K. then surely it should have been reported to the Police. There is a threat to public safety. The kill (dead sika) would have been treated like a crime scene, and likely the offending animal could have been identified. The idea that a sighting would be suppressed by the Police or any other authority is absolute nonsense.


I agree with the last bit. Everything these days is risk managed and auditable. Nobody would want to be the one on record who suppressed details of a dangerous animal roaming loose.

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Newcastle brown ale it can make you mistake things this is what google puts all this down to.

I don't drink :L I reported it to the local wildlife officer who is also a copper and said she can't do anything? Also the head ranger who didn't do anything or go any further even though he knows I'm there every day. Anyway, until I can get the evidence I wont be replying to this thread as its a bit of a waste :L thanks all

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I've seen one, along with my shooting buddy. You just don't think to take a pic or shoot it, you just stand there with your mouth open. We didn't speak to each other for a good five minutes after, then the first thing I said was "What did you just see"? You just don't believe it yourself.

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Have seen something once that fitted the bill and still cant say what it was but in all the years thats the only time.

Too few actually found/shot and the one program i remember aired had a bunch of SAS wanabee loonies making a meal of everything so nothing credible there.

Every picture seems to be taken with a potato which doesnt help either.No doubting there are big cats out there but some ferals grow to big proportions and had some in Caithness that were shocking big.

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Well there was me and my mate just come back from duck flighting AND1! there was this bright light lit up the whole road it did, then there was this growling sound and a suden presence a large thing shot by the van and made a loud hiss and a pop as it went by it hissed and p[oped and growled its way up the valley at incredible speed , we had never seen anything like that before ever.

We sat there looked at one another and wide eyed i trembled as i phoned the police , a panda car showed up and two aprehensive policemen took our statements.

Just as we were signing the statements one of the police is on the radio, Theyve got em. ! Have they i said, what were they martians ? No thewy got them at the dog and duck pub, 4 of them in a subaru last registered 4 years ago to a bloke called smith. :lol: :lol:

I know what you think you saw all you need to do now is prove you did. But there will be a simple explanation like my fictitious tale above it will be something very normal.

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Yes I have seen ferals which for some reason seem to grow much bigger thyan domestic cats. Still not pumas though.




They will be in the eyes of some of the general public who have been brought up with little kitty,esp in the dark and at distance.

I had a jet black feral ,wont post the pic,and a large portion on here would have thought wth if seen under poor light.


Not sure for the reason why they grow so big sometimes but they sure do.

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As everyone has a camera on their phone these days, I don't know why the pics of these "beasts" are always so out of focus and grainy.


On the other hand, can every single person who thinks they've seen one be mistaken or a liar?

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All we saw was a very large black cat, very large, big Labrador size with a long tail sticking out the back. So what was it then?? What breed?

One would guess a black panther from what you say, but i think you are mistaken myself, and it was a labrador or some other dog and your mind filled in all the gaps all by irtself and you believe with all your heart its a black cat.

The country could sustain these things thats not in doubt, but in the numbers sighted in the country, we would be applying for variations for puma and there would be pictures or brnos and tikkas on bi pods next to dead bodies posted on this web site and all the others, let me tell you of all the animals on this planet a leopard is the one thing i would so love to kill so i hope they do exist in good number. . .

Its as simple as this at the end of the day, science needs a carcase go get one.

Edited by TONY R
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I remember seeing Lion cubs Etc. for sale in Petticoat lane market in the seventies ,when they became too large how many were dumped in the country?,I have had two sightings both in the small hours driving on the country roads out of Aberdeen & no I hadn,t been drinking I was driving a bus.

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I seen the panther when I was 15yrs old and I'm 45 now I was with a man,his son and another kid who were 10yrs old and John was 32yrs old at the time.we were out lampung where we lived and it was in a field when we put the lamp on,it was like watching a kitten playing with a ball of wool.it stood about 23inches in height about 3 1/2 foot long with a long tail,it sat for a few minutes watching us before running to the other end of the field a then running up the dyke back stopping now and again to look at us.when I've watch the program the Durham puma when I looked at the dates it was spotted it was the same time we seen it but a few around the country.truth be told I don't care who believes me as as 4 of us seen it that night and 4 people can't tell the same story if they have never seen something.atb

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Yes it would be a bit bigger than that walsgie i think, trouble is here lurchers its dark its on a lamp ok i am sure you thought it was that big and i truthfully believe you, but like i said before i think peopl;e yes even four people can see something and let their minds fill in the gaps for them, then they just take it as fact based on that.

At the end of the day, science needs a body.

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Yes it would be a bit bigger than that walsgie i think, trouble is here lurchers its dark its on a lamp ok i am sure you thought it was that big and i truthfully believe you, but like i said before i think peopl;e yes even four people can see something and let their minds fill in the gaps for them, then they just take it as fact based on that.

At the end of the day, science needs a body.

It probably was bigger but at 120yds and the thing is just sat looking at you then takes off you don't really hang about do you but like I said I'm not bothered what you think as we didn't see a little family pet moggy.i was going to go to the farm as my friends dad owned it but I wasn't risking going up on my own as the other 3 would of been gone.

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One would guess a black panther from what you say, but i think you are mistaken myself, and it was a labrador or some other dog and your mind filled in all the gaps all by irtself and you believe with all your heart its a black cat.

The country could sustain these things thats not in doubt, but in the numbers sighted in the country, we would be applying for variations for puma and there would be pictures or brnos and tikkas on bi pods next to dead bodies posted on this web site and all the others, let me tell you of all the animals on this planet a leopard is the one thing i would so love to kill so i hope they do exist in good number. . .

Its as simple as this at the end of the day, science needs a carcase go get one.

About 50' away, lit up in main beam on a tarmac road. Came towards us then turned sideways and went through hedge. So two people, well lit, good view, no obstructions, front and side view. It wasn't a labrador.


So i still ask, what was it if not a very large black cat ?

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