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Tory Party Election Fraud


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So no mentions from this mainly Pro-Tory site regarding the fact that they actually brought the election and around 28 tory MP's are currently being investigated by various police forces across the country for Fraud then? They tried their hardest to prevent the police from being given an extension of 12 months to investigate it in court and failed miserably.................. i am confident if it were the Lib Dems, UKIP or Labour you lot would be all over it like a rash :-)

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They 'brought the election' : eh? Who, what, when, where?


Not sure what this is about (is there a link to anything in the press?) but broadly speaking being under investigation is just that - if there was any evidence one would have thought it would have come to light in the whole year that has passed and such as to give rise to formal charges.


I have seen people required to re-attend police stations whilst plod work out what they are / aren't going to do and it's no fun - especially if you're innocent. So it doesn't surprise me at all that after a whole year someone has dared to suggest that they should either be formally charged or allowed to get on with the rest of their lives.

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What is involved in "broughting" an election? Are any MPs from other parties being investigated?


Are there any facts at all to back up this sweeping statement?


I will admit to genuine shock - I didn't know this is a mainly pro-Tory site?


There has obviously been a secret poll of which I am unaware.

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Nothing wrong with that. It stopped Libour getting in and we, at least, are getting a referendum. No other party could have delivered that.


I don't mind the odd bit of cheating as long as the right side wins.

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This government is the first in UK history to be investigated by Police for election fraud.


But seriously, this is not the place for rational debate TS! You're about to be told, "How dare you question the PW Status Quo?!" (probably by someone who on another thread is braying about how his mate the pub bore down the road is a much better authority on all things EU than any of those "independent experts" who are all part of the conspiracy orchestrated by the Status Quo.)



Edited by Granett
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This government is the first in UK history to be investigated by Police for election fraud.


Really ? So no other party ever has been investigated,its hardly 'buying your way' into government by slightly overspending on a campaign is it?


People saying 'Why havnt we heard more about this attack on democracy' , because its a non story,that only the bitter losers are bothered about.


But seriously, this is not the place for rational debate TS! You're about to be told, "How dare you question the PW Status Quo?!" (probably by someone who on another thread is braying about how his mate the pub bore down the road is a much better authority on all things EU than any of those "independent experts" who are all part of the conspiracy orchestrated by the Status Quo.)


For one thing,if you are so disappointed in PW political discussion ,why do you bother entering into it, after all we are mostly tories on here :lol:




I would rather listen to an ordinary man/womans opinion on the EU than listen to an 'independent expert' who will have a vested interest one way or the other,have you ever heard one of these experts give a level ,non biased view on the matter?

No didnt think so.

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This government is the first in UK history to be investigated by Police for election fraud.


But seriously, this is not the place for rational debate TS! You're about to be told, "How dare you question the PW Status Quo?!" (probably by someone who on another thread is braying about how his mate the pub bore down the road is a much better authority on all things EU than any of those "independent experts" who are all part of the conspiracy orchestrated by the Status Quo.)



Being investigated means nothing, the police are obliged to investigate when a complaint is made, however silly the complaint may be. The only party to be found guilty of election fraud was Labour and that was a much more serious matter. That was actual vote rigging

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