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to take the heat off trump for a bit........


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Good for them we should have done it years ago but our lefty media would create Mary hell that is ok tell them to get stuffed covering women's faces is thirteenth century stuff not 2017 we in the west have long outgrow such stupid things if these people living in la la land whant to still do it ok but not in our country thank you.

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Good for them we should have done it years ago but our lefty media would create Mary hell that is ok tell them to get stuffed covering women's faces is thirteenth century stuff not 2017 we in the west have long outgrow such stupid things if these people living in la la land whant to still do it ok but not in our country thank you.


How dare you be so right.

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Already band at my local Bank,Petrol station and post office,Oh sorry that's crash helmets.

They tried that in my local petrol station so I wore a full balaclava the next time I visited and refused to remove it saying here is the correct payment in cash either take it and give me a receipt please or give me the petrol for free, they don`t ask anymore.

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It is not for government to put in place legislation that polices your personal choice of wardrobe, I do think, however, that where there is a requirement to remove crash helmets or similar that the wearers of the full veil should also have to comply with that ruling so that security is observed.


Seems a fair compromise. I'm not against the full face veil, in fact I wish it were more widely adopted across society, some people can be very hard on the eyes, I myself have suffered from the occasional bad hair day, to deliberately go out with a bag on my head always struck me as socially unacceptable however.

Edited by mick miller
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It's the face covering that's the issue. If they want to wear a headdress fine but no letter boxes.


Government should make it real simple, comply or bloody well leave, this is our country this is how it is choice is yours.

Edited by figgy
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