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That's cheered me up a bit


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In case you didn't know being a licensed jockey in any of its guises is quite a tricky business especially medically wise. I had the jockey club on the phone this afternoon and I asked about returning to racing once I was healed and whether I'd need the rod taking out of my leg. The good news is that if I'm comfortable and the surgeon is happy it can stay and I can return to action once I'm signed back on. I was getting myself a bit wound up that I was going to be out for 15 months until they could remove the rod and the damage of removing the rod had healed. I've still got a long way to go until I'll be comfortable to get back on a horse - probably a month or 5 weeks till I try out one of the kids ponies and another 5 before I'll be fit to start back riding out - it's a small glimmer of light when your sat with your leg in the air most of the day! I just have to convince the surgeon I'll be ok with it left in!

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You know what they say, physio physio physio, my old fella would bring himself to tears after an opp, doc would say you can leave once you can do such a thing, that was it then mission on.


Look on the brighter side at least you can sit outside while the weather is good imagine if it was January

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They didn't want to let me out of hospital when they did but I was losing the will to live in there. The criteria were I was to be off the morphine driver and able to use crutches to get about. I had a calf that was all colours of the rainbow and I was hurting but I wasn't getting better in the ward. I went for Physio the other day and they couldn't believe I was doing 20 mins on the cross trainer and walking in aided 4 1/2 weeks post surgery. Although I did a day at Chester races on Wednesday and I was really sore the next day. I'm hoping for a nice week next week so I can go and sit under a hedge and shoot some crows and for the silage to come off soon so I can get on the grass fields in the truck.

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Of all the reckless dangerous and down right stupid stuff I've done Mel I was educating a young horse round a small novice team chase and the horse behind me galloped past me and smashed the other blokes foot and stirrup into my leg.


Medic I'm under Mr Pickard in shrews I was operated on in Leicester Royal infirmary. I'd not recommend a stay there it's horrible.

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Of all the reckless dangerous and down right stupid stuff I've done Mel I was educating a young horse round a small novice team chase and the horse behind me galloped past me and smashed the other blokes foot and stirrup into my leg.


Medic I'm under Mr Pickard in shrews I was operated on in Leicester Royal infirmary. I'd not recommend a stay there it's horrible.

an old mate of mine was a jockey , he was a right state , he looked like the elephant man , one leg was about three inches shorter than his other leg , and the long one was bent . apart from his broken nose , his most prominent feature was the leftover lump from his previously broken shoulder , you could have hung your coat on it lol . he reckoned that being a jockey was the best job in the world and hed loved every minute of it lol.


edited to add.


he was about 5 feet tall and the build of your average schoolboy , but he could neck two gallons of guinness with ease and would go toe to toe with any man :lol: .

Edited by mel b3
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Feel for you Ben, as part of the management team at the Jockey Club I also provide medic cover on the Heath. Some of the injuries we deal with are life changing, and it's even worse when it's a 16 year old kid out of the racing school. Glad you're healing ok, don't rush getting back onto one of those stupid creatures!

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