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A marvelous evening.

aga man

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I had spied a good few pigeons on some winter barley here and due to the recent high winds and heavy rain some decent sized patches had laid.


I was keeping a close eye on the pigeons and waiting for numbers to build before having a shot or two. The farmer however had been spraying his neighbouring wheat field this morning and spotted what he said was ' a massive cloud' of pigeons erupt from the barley. Needless to say he was on the phone this afternoon and was quite keen for me to get up there asap.


With tropical temperatures forecast for the weekend and only today offering any sort of wind i decided to have an eveniing session tonight.

At such short notice JDog or any of my other regular companions was unable to join me.

I thought this would be a good chance to get out with my most recent PW buddy Wilksy. I have tried to get him out with me all week on the peas but the numbers i have shot over 3 sessions have been poor to say the least.


After a few text's Wilksy and i was on the field at 5pm and pleased to see 300 pigeons move off the field. After a 200yd walk with the kit we built hide to share close to a large laid patch with the wind at our backs. After a short while it became clear, our two dead bird bouncers and 2 deads on cradle wasn't convincing enough so the magnet was put out. Almost instantly the birds decoyed a treat.


I didn't take a dog tonight and because of this we decided to try and drop our birds in the laid area. wilksy showed great restraint and we only shot birds we felt we could pick.

We shared some great conversation in the hide and even shared a nice cold beer. We took it turns to shoot and although we both missed a couple wilksy shot very well with his side by side.


At 8 pm we packed and had a good search for the slain and wounded. We had 39 birds on the clicker and picked 33 so sadly lost 6 birds.

Wilksy had never shot over laid barley before so hopefully he learnt from the session. He certainly makes a good gundog!

Although the bag wasn't huge due to the conservative shooting, it was a very enjoyable session indeed.


The pigeons will be back here tommorow and i am certain the numbers are going to swell so more reports to come off this field i dare say.


Thanks for reading.





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A massive thankyou for inviting me along agaman, really enjoyed it! I'll bring some sausage rolls or something next time!

It really does add another element thinking about were your dropping the birds, and what a difference the magnet made, pulling birds from 300yrds or more.

We did have some good chat I bet your ears were burning Jdog!

Thanks again agaman your a good bloke!

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Good one Gentlemen.


I suppose you had a fair old time laughing at how fat I am, how I cannot read a flight line, how useless a shot I am, all the usual stuff.



On a more serious note I have yet to see any laid barley in these parts.

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