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Dementia..."oldtimers desease"


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In Russia they are making connections between aluminum cook ware pots pans etc and degenerative brain diseases. All that boiling cabbage and stuff.




Speaking of aluminium, isn't bottled spring water with a high silica content supposed to assist with removing it from the body and have a positive impact on degenerative brain diseases?

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I read a scientific paper not too long ago that linked the recorded crime rate to the amount of leaded petrol that was being used.


That could just be because both crime and vehicle pollution are encountered in poorer inner city areas without being cause and effect

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I think there may be a variety of reasons and one I am fairly certain of. That is elderly who have surgery, say replacement hip. I know of at least three friends who were not quite the same afterwards and eventually lost it completely. Also a fair number of very intelligent people who have lived in the countryside all their lives but never really did anything other than their daily work routine ....became cabbages, to coin a phrase. My belief is to keep active, keep planning your next hour, your next day, your next week AND yes, your next year. This week so far has seen me up and out culling various vermin at 4..30am, back for a couple of large mugs of Morrisons strength 6 coffee and whatever goodies my wife has on the sideboard ... oat and cranberry cookies are the present favourite. Then out with the chainsaw tidying up in the wood or putting wood away for winter, then lunch, probably a double deck ham and chees , plus pickle sandwich and a glass of cider, then out down the wood to check for any grey tree rats trying to sneak in. Evening meal about 6pm then plan to be out till about now 11pm rabbit shooting, or foxing etc etc. It ain't a rehearsal and I believe keeping active , doing things, making things are as good a preventative to dementia as any. Well that's my plan anyway ... a few weeks to go to complete my 77th year and 27yrs retired.


OH!!! Forgot. Just booked my first nine days driven shooting this coming season and hopefully more to come.



Both of my parents had Alzheimer's and I agree with your observation regarding surgery. Both had different surgery and the effect afterwards was startling. A definite backward step in brain function. I did some investigation and it is referred to as post-operative cognitive decline and is being quite heavily researched. If I had the choice I would avoid having general anaesthetic in old age if at all possible and push for epidural etc (a friend of mine had a hip replacement under epidural recently).

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In Russia they are making connections between aluminum cook ware pots pans etc and degenerative brain diseases. All that boiling cabbage and stuff.


Lead has been found to cause damage to brain.


dont forget the in the water clarification process in this country "we" use AuSo4...aluminuim sulphate (Alum) as a floculant in the water cleaning process.............i believe a few years ago one of the companies greatly overdosed the system and it left some people with a green tinge to their hair....

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dont forget the in the water clarification process in this country "we" use AuSo4...aluminuim sulphate (Alum) as a floculant in the water cleaning process.............i believe a few years ago one of the companies greatly overdosed the system and it left some people with a green tinge to their hair....

Yep, Cornwall. All sorts of nasties reported as a result.

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In Russia they are making connections between aluminum cook ware pots pans etc and degenerative brain diseases. All that boiling cabbage and stuff.


Lead has been found to cause damage to brain.


At university we learned that there is a connection between conifer forests and acidification or dissolved aluminium finding its way to watercourses, We like to surround our reservoirs with conifer forests

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My nan lived in Enfield her whole life, was extremely active, worked, did amateur theater, played the banjo etc. I would go more with depression or excessive alcohol abuse after my grandad died as being the cause of her demise



a little known fact about Enfield...................


several years ago i was asked...or my company was contracted to to a nationwide radiation survey of the britain.................this involved teams of sample takers going all over the place ...cutting bags of grass (for take up) and taking soil samples......this was a result of the Chernobyl "incident"....the samples were then sent to the laborities where the EA paid for the testing and results package...............



i knew the director of the said lab as we often sent our remediation samples there....and during a night out on the town and a few beers , he divulged that the highest concentration of radiation isotopes were found on the banks of the watercouses and open park spaces and school playing fields in and around Enfield.....i was expecting the highest to be on the Cumbrian fells...which is were most of the dust cloud from chernobyl drifted over...but there it was very low and beneath the average natural background radiation levels... :hmm:

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My late father suffered from dementia which gave me a great insight into his childhood as he thought I was his brother when I visited him each day. He was a Police Officer for thirty years which gave me a problem at school sometimes and it was a great relief to see that he was human when a child.


The reason I have posted is to say that we did a large amount of investigation into his concern and the aluminium pots came into the frame as he would scrape every last morsel out of the pot. You comment about the lead has me worried as I would walk round our local farm for hours with lead pellets for my air rifle in my mouth.

Edited by pigeon controller
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My late father suffered from dementia which gave me a great insight into his childhood as he thought I was his brother when I visited him each day. He was a Police Officer for thirty years which gave me a problem at school sometimes and it was a great relief to see that he was human when a child.


The reason I have posted is to say that we did a large amount of investigation into his concern and the aluminium pots came into the frame as he would scrape every last morsel out of the pot. You comment about the lead has me worried as I would walk round our local farm for hours with lead pellets for my air rifle in my mouth.



ooooowwwweeeee.......................god i was hoping no one would mention that....me to....me ..to............they tasted sweet...used to chew one now and again like chewing gum...



and i tell you another thing.............i bet we wernt the only ones............ :lol: (dont know if that smiley is the right thing to post)

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It could happen to anyone, my grandad is in the same boat as ditchman. But most of the things named as causes were never present my nan ate well, didn't smoke, rarely drank, worked until she got ill and was and in a way still is the boss, even if she doesn't know who we are

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Don't forget the theory of mercury release from dental fillings.

It's all conjecture and subject to so many variables that I don't think we will ever know for sure- but what I do wish for is greater advances in the treatment and dissolving of the type of plaque that is a factor

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