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Trouble at the RSPCA


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hello, i watched most of it but it does seem to be like the BBC who think they are untouchable, felt sorry for the welsh farmer and his family until it went to court, but then not getting the dogs back seemed very petty, i wont be donating until they change their regime

Edited by oldypigeonpopper
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hello, i watched most of it but it does seem to be like the BBC who think they are untouchable, felt sorry for the welsh farmer and his family until it went to court, but then not getting the dogs back seemed very petty, i wont be donating until they change their regime


I have to say that I have mixed feelings about the sheep farmer but that aside I think it is high time that the RSPCA got back to what they was set up for caring for sick animals people treating animals badly is or should be a police matter even if that means that the police should have an animal protection section.


If people want to campaign against fox hunting or fishing or even shooting I have nothing against that but it should be a separate organisation and thus funded separately not using donations given by old lady's to care for cats dogs birds etc not wasted on expensive lawyers.

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Well I watched the program and I was disappointed, Panorama usually dig deep and expose all that's wrong with an organisation, I felt they went fairly light handed with the RSPCA.

I had the program on in the background whilst completing other tasks, so wasn't paying full attention. The program finished and I thought - is that it? Like you, I felt it was very light compared to what it could have been. Disappointing.

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