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Day off work- pulling my hair out already


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Maybe he's got big over heads ?


Some people like to work and have no choice ;)

You might well be right be right team tractor and after reading your last post I admire your dedication to your company and the workload .


You say , some people like to work and have no choice , and then at the other end of the scale there are people who don't need to work when they reach retirement age but because like you they have worked long hours all there life including holidays. that when the chance come to have plenty of free time they cant adjust to it and get there enjoyment by keep working even though they don't have to . I am glad to say I am not of there club members ,

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You might well be right be right team tractor and after reading your last post I admire your dedication to your company and the workload .


You say , some people like to work and have no choice , and then at the other end of the scale there are people who don't need to work when they reach retirement age but because like you they have worked long hours all there life including holidays. that when the chance come to have plenty of free time they cant adjust to it and get there enjoyment by keep working even though they don't have to . I am glad to say I am not of there club members ,

That's my dad unfortunately but I like him busy plus work keeps my mum from handing out jobs lol 😂.


I've had 5 days off for holiday this year and 1 sick but I've worked more than that in over time.

I had one of my staff ring me for advice at 8:30pm last week and I said I'm hanging doors. He offered to drive up and help :)

I said no but I'm very lucky to have a genuine offer like that.


I've baby number 4 on route so I'm trying to get in front to spend time at home to help my partner. I'm lucky she understands as her dads the same.

Edited by team tractor
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I used to be like you Edd although I was employed rather than an employer. All I was doing was chasing the dollar of my annual bonus. Jacked it in in April and was a big relief. Now I just pick and chose what work to do. Try to work less. Youre a long time dead.

Edited by AVB
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Just reading all of the comments but before replying to them I will update the illness situation.

Went to work last night at the shop. Luckily the toilet is only yards away as it was used frequently. I just stayed out of the way and left Mrs Edd deal with the few customers that came in. Got home and had a couple of hours sleep. Woke at midnight to go back to the bathroom and no liquid just air. The next hour saw several more visits with the same result until I felt confident enough to stay in bed.

I kid you not, Mrs Edd left and slept in another room. I have basically not slept at all and I have never know anything like it! Reckon I could have filled the Hindenburg balloon twice over!

Seriously I have been absolutely amazed. It seems to have subsided now and I'm actually feeling quite refreshed.

So this leads me back to the work thing.

I have a couple of guys working the weekend and I'm just waiting for them to turn up and I will show them their job. Might hang around for an hour with them before opening the shop at 0900.


I guess I'm the same as some of the other posters here. I just work. It's what I do. Im 39 and have pretty much always been the same having worked for myself for most of my working life and even when i did work for other people i always did my own work too. I've never been someone who can just sit about. I don't really take breaks when I'm in work. I eat on the go, have a cuppa while doing things and don't sit down for one. Never smoked so don't just take fag breaks. Don't see the need for a break for a sit down for dinner if I'm going to be driving somewhere and can eat enroute.

That said if I need a rest I will. Just when convenient not at a set time.

I've pretty much always been the same. Usually any pressure I'm under is pressure I create for myself with goals or deadlines. Not often is it created by customers or contracts the require those timescales.

Mrs Edd is understanding and spends a lot of time in the shop with me. Pretty much every day actually.

Someone mentioned overheads....

I'm pretty proud of the fact that my overheads are so small.

I own about 10 vehicles. Vans, 4x4, tipper, Mrs Edd has a choice of runarounds but usually ends up using "my" porsche. And of course my double decker bus (whole other thread)

But unlike lots who lease or have finance I actually OWN all of them.

I don't owe builders merchants. Sometimes a few quid but purely for convenience so I never have that worry.

I own every single thing in my shop and refuse credit accounts with suppliers.

If I could buy my shop and office premises I would as I don't like to have the rent commitments but it's not for sale so I pay 6 months in advance.

Yes I have mortgages to pay but they are covered by rental incomes.

So I guess what I'm saying is that I really do choose to work the way I do and it's not out if necessity to cover overheads. We don't have an extravagant lifestyle and neither do we want one. We like that we can have nice things if we want. Please don't think that that is showing off. Far from it. We work hard and although we don't have lots of money or anything we do ok.


We have our 1st child due next week (booked in on Thursday so it will be then) so I know things will be different after that. Not only will I not be able to do the hours but I'm sure that I won't want to. But I can't imagine not keeping control of the work/businesses.


I don't know what will change but I'm sure something has to - Anyone want a job in a gun shop or to be a manager for a small construction company or to work as a letting agent for a small new company please get in touch!


Anyway. I had better get to work!!



Edited by eddoakley
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Just reading all of the comments but before replying to them I will update the illness situation.

Went to work last night at the shop. Luckily the toilet is only yards away as it was used frequently. I just stayed out of the way and left Mrs Edd deal with the few customers that came in. Got home and had a couple of hours sleep. Woke at midnight to go back to the bathroom and no liquid just air. The next hour saw several more visits with the same result until I felt confident enough to stay in bed.

I kid you not, Mrs Edd left and slept in another room. I have basically not slept at all and I have never know anything like it! Reckon I could have filled the Hindenburg balloon twice over!

Seriously I have been absolutely amazed. It seems to have subsided now and I'm actually feeling quite refreshed.

So this leads me back to the work thing.

I have a couple of guys working the weekend and I'm just waiting for them to turn up and I will show them their job. Might hang around for an hour with them before opening the shop at 0900.


I guess I'm the same as some of the other posters here. I just work. It's what I do. Im 39 and have pretty much always been the same having worked for myself for most of my working life and even when i did work for other people i always did my own work too. I've never been someone who can just sit about. I don't really take breaks when I'm in work. I eat on the go, have a cuppa while doing things and don't sit down for one. Never smoked so don't just take fag breaks. Don't see the need for a break for a sit down for dinner if I'm going to be driving somewhere and can eat enroute.

That said if I need a rest I will. Just when convenient not at a set time.

I've pretty much always been the same. Usually any pressure I'm under is pressure I create for myself with goals or deadlines. Not often is it created by customers or contracts the require those timescales.

Mrs Edd is understanding and spends a lot of time in the shop with me. Pretty much every day actually.

Someone mentioned overheads....

I'm pretty proud of the fact that my overheads are so small.

I own about 10 vehicles. Vans, 4x4, tipper, Mrs Edd has a choice of runarounds but usually ends up using "my" porsche. And of course my double decker bus (whole other thread)

But unlike lots who lease or have finance I actually OWN all of them.

I don't owe builders merchants. Sometimes a few quid but purely for convenience so I never have that worry.

I own every single thing in my shop and refuse credit accounts with suppliers.

If I could buy my shop and office premises I would as I don't like to have the rent commitments but it's not for sale so I pay 6 months in advance.

Yes I have mortgages to pay but they are covered by rental incomes.

So I guess what I'm saying is that I really do choose to work the way I do and it's not out if necessity to cover overheads. We don't have an extravagant lifestyle and neither do we want one. We like that we can have nice things if we want. Please don't think that that is showing off. Far from it. We work hard and although we don't have lots of money or anything we do ok.


We have our 1st child due next week (booked in on Thursday so it will be then) so I know things will be different after that. Not only will I not be able to do the hours but I'm sure that I won't want to. But I can't imagine not keeping control of the work/businesses.


I don't know what will change but I'm sure something has to - Anyone want a job in a gun shop or to be a manager for a small construction company or to work as a letting agent for a small new company please get in touch!


Anyway. I had better get to work!!



Good for you! Youve got life sorted, just dont forget to enjoy it!

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Sounds like your always busy, but a baby is a whole new game, I was only doing upto 60 hrs before my daughter was born, not working for myself but pretty much bullied into it, small company this is how it is, I left two weeks before she was born they were stunned.


I would say your over doing it and need a balance especially once the baby comes as your misses and the baby are going to need lots of attention, can you get someone to cover or help with the shop or on site?


Hope your guts behave from now and good luck.

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Apologies in advance for this, but the sayings "richest man in the graveyard" and "there are no pockets in a shroud" keep popping into my mind!

Understand where you are coming from but it's really not like that.

I can't imagine having the worry of having to pay bills each month. Suppliers, vehicle finance, credit cards and lots of other things that people have. To me that would be so much more stressful than working a lot of hours.

I have never really had a 9-5 and a salary/wage. Yeah sure when I started work I did but always went out doing my own thing to get things that I wanted.

As such I have never said "Can't come to the pub until pay day".

"Got a new car at x amount per month because I can afford it"

"Paying x amount off each month for next year's holiday"

The truth is that if I didn't get out of bed the bills would still be paid. That's because I have worked hard and been sensible (mostly).

I've had holidays, (Dubia loads of times, Aus, Vegas, Florida, Caribbean several times...plenty of places) always had a decent car and never financed one. Always pretty much had and done what I want within reason. I'm not saying that I never had any help because I did. It's been hard at times but I don't think I'd change it.

I've probably done more than most of my mates and now I don't have to worry about being able to pay my bills. I'm often the one that helps mates out when they are short or in trouble. I like that I can do that. I like that I know I won't be working in a job I hate until I'm 65 (or whatever the age is now)

I like that I don't have the same worries that lots of my mates do.

I get that it's not for everyone. People who have never worked for themselves would never understand and people who don't have the same drive wouldn't either.

Like I said in a previous post I know things will change next week (yep it's really that close now!!) But that also makes me realise that I like that Mrs Edd can take longer maternity break, or if indeed she goes back to work at all as I would prefer her not to. That I have no idea at all what's been spent on baby stuff and I really don't care. They can have anything they want. And you know what? I like working. Not for money because it really doesn't bring me that much, but for the sense of achievement. I like doing good building work. I opened a gun shop on a whim and I think it's turning out to be pretty succesful. I started a property management company/letting agent as it seemed like a good idea and it's growing with very little effort. I'm proud of my modest achievements and think that will always motivate me (as well as being able to provide for my family)


So although I realise that I can and won't want to always be doing this many hours I don't think I have missed out on anything.



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Just reading all of the comments but before replying to them I will update the illness situation.

Went to work last night at the shop. Luckily the toilet is only yards away as it was used frequently. I just stayed out of the way and left Mrs Edd deal with the few customers that came in. Got home and had a couple of hours sleep. Woke at midnight to go back to the bathroom and no liquid just air. The next hour saw several more visits with the same result until I felt confident enough to stay in bed.

I kid you not, Mrs Edd left and slept in another room. I have basically not slept at all and I have never know anything like it! Reckon I could have filled the Hindenburg balloon twice over!

Seriously I have been absolutely amazed. It seems to have subsided now and I'm actually feeling quite refreshed.

So this leads me back to the work thing.

I have a couple of guys working the weekend and I'm just waiting for them to turn up and I will show them their job. Might hang around for an hour with them before opening the shop at 0900.


I guess I'm the same as some of the other posters here. I just work. It's what I do. Im 39 and have pretty much always been the same having worked for myself for most of my working life and even when i did work for other people i always did my own work too. I've never been someone who can just sit about. I don't really take breaks when I'm in work. I eat on the go, have a cuppa while doing things and don't sit down for one. Never smoked so don't just take fag breaks. Don't see the need for a break for a sit down for dinner if I'm going to be driving somewhere and can eat enroute.

That said if I need a rest I will. Just when convenient not at a set time.

I've pretty much always been the same. Usually any pressure I'm under is pressure I create for myself with goals or deadlines. Not often is it created by customers or contracts the require those timescales.

Mrs Edd is understanding and spends a lot of time in the shop with me. Pretty much every day actually.

Someone mentioned overheads....

I'm pretty proud of the fact that my overheads are so small.

I own about 10 vehicles. Vans, 4x4, tipper, Mrs Edd has a choice of runarounds but usually ends up using "my" porsche. And of course my double decker bus (whole other thread)

But unlike lots who lease or have finance I actually OWN all of them.

I don't owe builders merchants. Sometimes a few quid but purely for convenience so I never have that worry.

I own every single thing in my shop and refuse credit accounts with suppliers.

If I could buy my shop and office premises I would as I don't like to have the rent commitments but it's not for sale so I pay 6 months in advance.

Yes I have mortgages to pay but they are covered by rental incomes.

So I guess what I'm saying is that I really do choose to work the way I do and it's not out if necessity to cover overheads. We don't have an extravagant lifestyle and neither do we want one. We like that we can have nice things if we want. Please don't think that that is showing off. Far from it. We work hard and although we don't have lots of money or anything we do ok.


We have our 1st child due next week (booked in on Thursday so it will be then) so I know things will be different after that. Not only will I not be able to do the hours but I'm sure that I won't want to. But I can't imagine not keeping control of the work/businesses.


I don't know what will change but I'm sure something has to - Anyone want a job in a gun shop or to be a manager for a small construction company or to work as a letting agent for a small new company please get in touch!




Blimey someone likes to brag, hope it done your ego some good and you can get some rest now 👍

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Apologies in advance for this, but the sayings "richest man in the graveyard" and "there are no pockets in a shroud" keep popping into my mind!


Reminds me of a comment made by an old friend of mine. He once said to me "He who dies with the most toys wins". I just laughed.


Not my philosophy at all. I'm not at all materialistic, I really don't care if someone else has a ton of nice new things. As long as I can afford to do the things I want to and enjoy my life that's good enough to me. I'm strictly in the working to live camp, not the living to work camp. But then again I don't have a family to support. If money does get tight it's only me that suffers.


I must admit I have a grudging admiration for those like the OP but it's just not me. I can happily take a day or week off and just lounge around, watch videos and play poker or whatever else takes my fancy.


My dad is much more like Edd. Ran his own business for most of his life, took on rental properties, ran shops, whatever it took to keep the money rolling in. Once he hit 55 or so he cut back and eventually retired at 60. Nowadays he seems to spend a large amount of his life on cruise ships. He deserves his current lifestyle, he certainly worked hard enough for it.

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Just reading all of the comments but before replying to them I will update the illness situation.

Went to work last night at the shop. Luckily the toilet is only yards away as it was used frequently. I just stayed out of the way and left Mrs Edd deal with the few customers that came in. Got home and had a couple of hours sleep. Woke at midnight to go back to the bathroom and no liquid just air. The next hour saw several more visits with the same result until I felt confident enough to stay in bed.

I kid you not, Mrs Edd left and slept in another room. I have basically not slept at all and I have never know anything like it! Reckon I could have filled the Hindenburg balloon twice over!

Seriously I have been absolutely amazed. It seems to have subsided now and I'm actually feeling quite refreshed.

So this leads me back to the work thing.

I have a couple of guys working the weekend and I'm just waiting for them to turn up and I will show them their job. Might hang around for an hour with them before opening the shop at 0900.

I guess I'm the same as some of the other posters here. I just work. It's what I do. Im 39 and have pretty much always been the same having worked for myself for most of my working life and even when i did work for other people i always did my own work too. I've never been someone who can just sit about. I don't really take breaks when I'm in work. I eat on the go, have a cuppa while doing things and don't sit down for one. Never smoked so don't just take fag breaks. Don't see the need for a break for a sit down for dinner if I'm going to be driving somewhere and can eat enroute.

That said if I need a rest I will. Just when convenient not at a set time.

I've pretty much always been the same. Usually any pressure I'm under is pressure I create for myself with goals or deadlines. Not often is it created by customers or contracts the require those timescales.

Mrs Edd is understanding and spends a lot of time in the shop with me. Pretty much every day actually.

Someone mentioned overheads....

I'm pretty proud of the fact that my overheads are so small.

I own about 10 vehicles. Vans, 4x4, tipper, Mrs Edd has a choice of runarounds but usually ends up using "my" porsche. And of course my double decker bus (whole other thread)

But unlike lots who lease or have finance I actually OWN all of them.

I don't owe builders merchants. Sometimes a few quid but purely for convenience so I never have that worry.

I own every single thing in my shop and refuse credit accounts with suppliers.

If I could buy my shop and office premises I would as I don't like to have the rent commitments but it's not for sale so I pay 6 months in advance.

Yes I have mortgages to pay but they are covered by rental incomes.

So I guess what I'm saying is that I really do choose to work the way I do and it's not out if necessity to cover overheads. We don't have an extravagant lifestyle and neither do we want one. We like that we can have nice things if we want. Please don't think that that is showing off. Far from it. We work hard and although we don't have lots of money or anything we do ok.

We have our 1st child due next week (booked in on Thursday so it will be then) so I know things will be different after that. Not only will I not be able to do the hours but I'm sure that I won't want to. But I can't imagine not keeping control of the work/businesses.

I don't know what will change but I'm sure something has to - Anyone want a job in a gun shop or to be a manager for a small construction company or to work as a letting agent for a small new company please get in touch!

Anyway. I had better get to work!!


Its amazing you get time to write such big posts lol

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Blimey someone likes to brag, hope it done your ego some good and you can get some rest now 👍


Really wasn't bragging and didn't want it to come across that way. Just making the point that I don't regret working a lot and do it to get the things I want. I don't feel like I have missed out on things through working.

There are plenty of people (on here) with a lot more than I have or ever will.

But I am proud of the things that I achieve through my hard work.


I also know that things will change very soon.




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Reminds me of a comment made by an old friend of mine. He once said to me "He who dies with the most toys wins". I just laughed.


Not my philosophy at all. I'm not at all materialistic, I really don't care if someone else has a ton of nice new things. As long as I can afford to do the things I want to and enjoy my life that's good enough to me. I'm strictly in the working to live camp, not the living to work camp. But then again I don't have a family to support. If money does get tight it's only me that suffers.


I must admit I have a grudging admiration for those like the OP but it's just not me. I can happily take a day or week off and just lounge around, watch videos and play poker or whatever else takes my fancy.


My dad is much more like Edd. Ran his own business for most of his life, took on rental properties, ran shops, whatever it took to keep the money rolling in. Once he hit 55 or so he cut back and eventually retired at 60. Nowadays he seems to spend a large amount of his life on cruise ships. He deserves his current lifestyle, he certainly worked hard enough for it.

I must admit D/M we have the same way of thinking , I started seasonable work two years before I left school at 15 and up to the day I retired I had never been out of work .


I worked hard as a jobbing builder and my first ambition was to pay off the mortgage as soon as possible , by working weekends and after tea I paid little lump sums off it each year when we got a statement in and on the tenth year I got my wife to go in and ask them how much I owed at the end of the financial year and went in and paid it off .


I was then around 39 and my next ambition was to retire early , by then I was in charge of the building works on an 5000 acre sporting estate on the Norfolk / Suffolk border , we had around 60 houses , pub , hotel , post office , school , boat yard and a large stately home to look after , as a job it was as good as you were going to get and for well over 20 years I never missed one shoot and some years we had over thirty days , to me the priority on the shooting day was the shoot and it didn't matter what work we had on I was going on the shoot , once the dates went on the calendar , I knew what I was going to do on that day


As the years rolled by, the thoughts of retirement were getting stronger and stronger and from my mid fifties I decided to call it a day on my 60th birthday which was on a Friday ( 23 Nov ) and we had a shoot the next day which I attended and to this day I still do all the shoots .


When I was talking to my boss when I first finished , he said did I have any regrets , no not one and if I had known what I did now I would have finished a couple of years earlier , well he said your money wont last for ever and I told him no and nor will I , I like the simple things in life and the simple things I like don't cost a lot of money , with this he smiled and he knew exactly what I meant .

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I must admit D/M we have the same way of thinking , I started seasonable work two years before I left school at 15 and up to the day I retired I had never been out of work .


I worked hard as a jobbing builder and my first ambition was to pay off the mortgage as soon as possible , by working weekends and after tea I paid little lump sums off it each year when we got a statement in and on the tenth year I got my wife to go in and ask them how much I owed at the end of the financial year and went in and paid it off .


I was then around 39 and my next ambition was to retire early , by then I was in charge of the building works on an 5000 acre sporting estate on the Norfolk / Suffolk border , we had around 60 houses , pub , hotel , post office , school , boat yard and a large stately home to look after , as a job it was as good as you were going to get and for well over 20 years I never missed one shoot and some years we had over thirty days , to me the priority on the shooting day was the shoot and it didn't matter what work we had on I was going on the shoot , once the dates went on the calendar , I knew what I was going to do on that day


As the years rolled by, the thoughts of retirement were getting stronger and stronger and from my mid fifties I decided to call it a day on my 60th birthday which was on a Friday ( 23 Nov ) and we had a shoot the next day which I attended and to this day I still do all the shoots .


When I was talking to my boss when I first finished , he said did I have any regrets , no not one and if I had known what I did now I would have finished a couple of years earlier , well he said your money wont last for ever and I told him no and nor will I , I like the simple things in life and the simple things I like don't cost a lot of money , with this he smiled and he knew exactly what I meant .


Now that sounds almost perfect!

Found a great job with great benefits. Made a plan or two and was able to stick to them. Hopefully my stuff pans out as well.

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Now that sounds almost perfect!

Found a great job with great benefits. Made a plan or two and was able to stick to them. Hopefully my stuff pans out as well.

I am sure it will Edd , at the moment you are building up your business and devoting everything, including most of your time and energy towards it , but life has its twist and turns and when your new edition comes along, boy / girl will put your plans on hold for the time being , anyhow , I hope the birth goes well and everything works out to how you want it to . GOOD LUCK.


P S..... I do know one or two who have pushed themselves to the limit when they have carried on working past retirement and health have stopped them carrying on any longer so when they finally have time to enjoy there outside pursuits or whatever, they are house bound and can no longer take part all because of putting a few more pennies in the bank.


Next month will be ten years since I retired and when I look back the time has flown and I am glad I took the decision when I did as the body cant do now the things it could ten years ago, and I doubt it will be able to do what it can now in ten years time :good:

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