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Texas atrocity

Sha Bu Le

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Yet another mass shooting, this time a church in a town called Sutherland in Texas. 26 dead including children many injured. Murderer found dead in his car, not clear if self inflicted or a police bullet taken earlier.

God bless the victims especially the children, poor innocents.

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Reports that the gun used was an AR-15.

Attacker ran away when somebody fired back at him and later died I 'assume' from police gun shot wounds post car chase.

Piers Morgan will no doubt have a lot to say on the matter...


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23 minutes ago, Scully said:

Piers Morgan has a lot to say about everything; he has an egotistical and emotive approach to problems he doesn’t want to understand in order to garner popularity, in the pretence he is a feeling soul and is offended. He is neither.

Agreed. The first 40 seconds of this interview sum that up  



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Once again innocents gunned down by a physcho for just being there and the shame is idiots like Piers Morgan and other shock jock types will as a;ready been stated hijack the story for their own bigoted ends.People have been murdered going to church and it shouldnt be used to self promote egomaniacs but is further proof America needs to wake up to some form of gun control .It cannot be just accepted oh another mass slaughter pass the coffee dear.

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Interested in what PW's thoughts would be towards resolving this problem. Clakk mentioned gun control, what exactly does that look like? Control it to what extent?

An ignorant rant by Piers' is imminent. As Ben Shapiro said in the video above, he lacks enough consistency in what he proposes that it absolutely validates what Scully's suggesting - he's failing to understand the crooks of the issue.

In any case, my thoughts really are with the victims here. Can't imagine how hard it must be to lose someone like that.

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It’s a sad state of affairs but it’s one the Americans have created for themselves.

Texans pride themselves ( more so than most other states ) that they have the freedom to carry firearms. Whether they consider it a tall price to pay is one Americans themselves can only decide.

There are some deep rooted problems within American society, and the lack of any substantial, co-ordinated and meaningful mental health programme,  together with the freedom to carry firearms makes a volatile mixture. 

There are other countries with liberal firearms laws, yet it’s the Americans whom appear to have more of a problem with this type of crime.

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5 minutes ago, Scully said:

It’s a sad state of affairs but it’s one the Americans have created for themselves.

Texans pride themselves ( more so than most other states ) that they have the freedom to carry firearms. Whether they consider it a tall price to pay is one Americans themselves can only decide.

There are some deep rooted problems within American society, and the lack of any substantial, co-ordinated and meaningful mental health programme,  together with the freedom to carry firearms makes a volatile mixture. 

There are other countries with liberal firearms laws, yet it’s the Americans whom appear to have more of a problem with this type of crime.

This.  The problem is not with the guns in America, but the element within their makeup that makes them want to slaughter innocents in order to sate their own perverse ego/agenda.

It over simplifies it massively, but there is very much an attention seeking statement element to it all.

Almost like if i'm gonna go out then everyone is gonna know.

It is a terrible perversion of the 'American Dream' belief.

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Unfortunately Americans go mad at the "man" as they call the goverment controlling anything they do so it would be a very difficult proposition to implement a retro active form of gun control.The country is awash with firearms and people willing to use them,the so called leader of the free world is 5 minutes away from anarchy and thousands would fight tooth and nail to keep their guns without any form of registration or permit systems .

I dont have the answer but as others say its not just the quantity of weapons its the mentality of the person holding them thats the big issue ,America needs to decide how many more deaths it will "allow" before it says enough no more needless killing 


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5 hours ago, grrclark said:


It over simplifies it massively, but there is very much an attention seeking statement element to it all.

Almost like if i'm gonna go out then everyone is gonna know.

It is a terrible perversion of the 'American Dream' belief.

I think that sums it up. It is related to the modern cult of celebrity or what I would call the bake off syndrome. Everyone is not equal and most will live and die in anonymity. Suggesting that everyone can make their mark on the world via Twitter, reality tv or gogglebox means the warped converse of that is some will make their mark in a more brutal manner.

although it could also be the pressure of modern life. Years ago there was a book, stand onZanzibar that used an over populated world as a backdrop. One the effects was the periodic appearance of “muckers (people who run amok) who had broken and just went on killing sprees until stopped.

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