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New gun for daughter


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I’m just getting back in to shooting and I have recently brought myself a silver pigeon. My daughter is keen to come along and start on the clays, she is 14 years old, I would like to buy her a gun but not too sure what to go for, I was looking out for a 20 bore !

what would you recommend for someone at the age. 

Many thanks 





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  On 25/03/2018 at 12:15, Dave at kelton said:

Agreed, did that with my daughter. Started her off with a light 20 bore but she didn' take to it. Bought her lessons and she settled on a silver pigeon 12 bore and light loads. Would have been cheaper to the instructor route at the start.


Thanks for the advice dave


  On 25/03/2018 at 12:15, Dave at kelton said:

Agreed, did that with my daughter. Started her off with a light 20 bore but she didn' take to it. Bought her lessons and she settled on a silver pigeon 12 bore and light loads. Would have been cheaper to the instructor route at the start.


Cheers Dave 

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Try first for sure bought my 11 year old a 20 bore and it was too much. He didn’t like the recoil at all so we sold it and bought a yildiz  .410 which he shoots really well and enjoys far more.  Advise is buy the gun for him not what you think he needs. 

Edited by Wingman
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I’d go gas operated 12g semi auto for youths especially girls vitualy no recoil light to use and can be adjusted to suit her shape. 

12g carts are the cheapest you can buy some semi autos will cycle 21g carts, if she takes to it she can use a over and under later as she grown in strength and shooting stance. At first it feels alien to hold weight out in front of you. 

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Guest stevo

As figgy says ☝️

A used browning maxus would be  worth a look 

26 “ barrel  option . Very light , fantastic loading system ( won’t bite your fingers when you load a shell  underneath in magazine ) Unlike berettas semi autos 

And you can always borrow it for a bit of pigeon shooting . 

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depends upon her size/attitude/strength etc...1st off would take her to a clay ground and let an instructor fit her with a ground gun/instruct her...v easy to put her off and you will know after 1st session whether she really is interested in taking it further..my kids both started off with 28 g club guns nice and gentle nudges/light and pointable...cartridge choice of course most important too.....start as light as possible...fear of recoil is massive for kids starting out. As we all know a nice heavy gun soaks recoil better but a junior wants a light weight gun as easier to handle......lightweight is fine so long as cartridge selection sensible...clay grounds use light loads typically. I have little experience of Semi-autos(in fact never particularly liked them)..but they are supposed to be best for felt recoil.......most good grounds will have a selection of guns,let her try a few before deciding what to buy.......

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Young people and Girls have smaller faces than grown men, and need a Higher Comb on a gun to fit them well.  At last Berretta and Browning have brought out a "Youths' and Womens' gun" with a higher comb, and in 20 bore,  both my girls get on well with them.  The advantage of a Auto is that most of them have adjustable stocks, which make an enormous difference.  Ask a Qualified Coach to start them off.


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Fully agree with having some lessons and trying different sizes and makes. As a novice shooter it was the best advice I received before getting my first gun.

I nearly fell into the trap of getting my 13yr old a "light weight" 12g, based on what I thought was what he should have, but then he had a lesson and shot a 20g and got on great. managed to find a 2nd hand 20g Beretta s57E that has a 14inch stock and fits him perfectly.

As he is hitting plenty of targets is extremely keen to go shooting when he can, which I think he would have lost the enthusiasm if I had got the 12g as would have been to much for him. Has nothing to do with his size or strength not being able to hold a 12g, as a tall lad and plays rugby so has the strength to hold his own but as always "fit" is everything

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  On 25/03/2018 at 16:57, Wingman said:

Try first for sure bought my 11 year old a 20 bore and it was too much. He didn’t like the recoil at all so we sold it and bought a yildiz  .410 which he shoots really well and enjoys far more.  Advise is buy the gun for him not what you think he needs. 


Exactly.  Great little gun, more than capable and comes with a slction of chokes.  If you have not already done so, then try patterning the 410 on some large cardboard boxes or such and see which provides thebest pattern.  I shoot 410 exclusively today (almost) and I did this and was very surprised how choke/cartridge combinations alter patterns with this small gauge.

The joy of that gun is he can keep it and shoot it the rest of his life

What cartridges is the lad using ?

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