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To FAC or not to FAC


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On 11/09/2018 at 10:46, Ultrastu said:

Will your .22 air not reach out far enough for you on land based quarry ? 

Possibly consider a .25 air .

Almost (and in some cases more ) reach than a .22lr .and somewhat less risk for tree shots but still need cafeful consideration .

Fx bull pup .25 cal at 50 fpe 

around the farm yard its fine for 50 - 80 yard shots into tree from sheds.

its the field shots where it lacks. the site is very windy and shot tend to be 150 200 yards hence the need to use the rim fire.

i'm very happy with my air rifle and my rimfire they perform excellently as long as i read the wind right.

the pain is that I need to take both guns on the day as the rimmy is no good for the trees and the fac air no good for the long field shots, as its very windy also generally. 

one minute it can be a tree shot the next a field shot.

I though about changing to baiting ground shots only to see how i get on using a different way.

Edited by crow
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On 12/09/2018 at 10:37, bruno22rf said:

Not an ideal round Dekers by any means but still capable - if it can punch sub 1" groups at 200 yards on paper and still carry 70ft/lb+ then it can ruin a Rabbits day at the same range. There are, of course, very many rounds that will make the .22lr look pants but when you consider it's efficiency and the diversity of the available Ammo for the humble 22lr you have to accept that it is a heck of a round.

i have to agree. my first 22lr would not group 2" at 60 yards with anything i fed it.

my second and current 22lr shoots inch or sub at 120y. around 1.5 inch at 150yard. 1.5 inch consistently. 

it has ONCE done a 1.15 inch 5 shot group at 175 yards! and hit a crow at 243 yards!

I totally agree with bruno22rf. 22lr is a heck of a round.

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On 12/09/2018 at 14:44, Ultrastu said:

I dont really think that a well sorted .25 air could match a well sorted .22lr  for long range  distance group size .the drop and bc of a pellet starts to work against it past 80  yds .

I dont think anybody thinks otherwise ? 

Its the effectiveness up to that range thats more interesting (to me at least ) and the added  fallout risk beyond. 

.25 fac air ( 45 ft lbs) doesn't stack up at 200 yards. I've tried it for interests sake compared with a .22lr. Eley HP subs are the most accurate round in my Sako for hunting out to 100 yards.  A lot better with Eley tenex ( at over a tenner a box) accuracy wise. In summary the powder gun win hands down at these ranges. Don't get me wrong I would not raise a gun to vermin at such ranges. The .25 fac didn't come close to the performance of the .22lr on a target at this range. 

But......   .25 fac air out to 85 yards has it's advantages. In some situations I prefer it to .22lr when out and about shooting pests.   






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4 hours ago, Whitetail said:

Good to see things are being kept civil,.Bruno 22 if you get the chance to try a fac 25 they're very impressive , accurate and hard hitting. I had mk 2 rapid running at 45foot pounds and the only thing I didn't like was the impact noise , it would completely empty a small wood or spinney of pigeons where as a .22 or .20 running at 27-30 foot pounds I would get multiple chances . Just to much gun for me and what I needed 

The impact noise was the issue then?  I think this is what you said? 

Was the shot quiet or was the swoosh of air the noisy bit?  

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Intensity  of impact volume will depend on the target mostly .

More energy at the target will obviously get a larger sound generated than less energy .

But shoot a steel drum with  a .177 pistol and it will be louder than a .25 fac shooting soft mud. For example 

So the difference between 30 - 45 fpe into a "quiet " target would be very little .

This difference comes when engaging the sound reactive ones. 

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19 hours ago, Whitebridges said:

The impact noise was the issue then?  I think this is what you said? 

Was the shot quiet or was the swoosh of air the noisy bit?  

The noise of the pellet hit the quarry, body shots on wood pigeon mainly, the rifle wasn't any more noisy than any precharge ive used or seen used. Last week over three evenings I shot 80 pigeon coming in to roost often getting more than one shot out of a group of birds With a 25 running at 45 ftp that wouldn't have happened , you would have one very dead pigeon from each flock. Like I said if your just having the occasional shot a 25 would be a excellent choice 

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On 02/09/2018 at 11:26, The Burpster said:

Have you looked at CB longs for the rf? You will have to re-zero as it’s a loopy load but produces around 30ft/lb and in BA rf incredibly accurate and quite. They aren’t prone to ricocheting like subs as the bullet is smaller. Just a thought before you shell out the best  part of a grand setting up an FAC air. Once I found them didn’t use my FAC air anymore and sold it. 👍

Thanks to the burpster ,just bought a box of these to try very impressed with the little round , .22  zeroed at 60 yds with subs ,put crosshairs on the target at 25yds  17mm five shot group with the cbs 

Crosshairs on a stick at  56yds  little round fell short by about 5yds ,think these will be perfect for squirrels off a feeder and possibly the odd pigeon ,crow etc in trees depending on the situation

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21 hours ago, telf said:

Thanks to the burpster ,just bought a box of these to try very impressed with the little round , .22  zeroed at 60 yds with subs ,put crosshairs on the target at 25yds  17mm five shot group with the cbs 

Crosshairs on a stick at  56yds  little round fell short by about 5yds ,think these will be perfect for squirrels off a feeder and possibly the odd pigeon ,crow etc in trees depending on the situation

No worries,  worked for me on rats and tree rats. 👍

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40 minutes ago, spandit said:

I'll give him a call, thanks. My new licence came through with a slot for FAC air on it which hasn't cost me anything and as has been said before, a box of CB is a lot cheaper than an air rifle set up

As i said they work a treat the only problem i found with them is sometimes they cycle out of the mag no problem but the odd one will rise up to much and will need pushing down with your finger so the bolt can push it home obviously because they are slightly shorter than normal subs , other than that which really is nothing there a cracking little round ,if you can get them i think youll be pleasently surprised

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  • 4 weeks later...

Caps are quiet and pretty powerful - haven't chrono'd them yet but at 20 yards went through 2 sheets of plasterboard (stopped by the 3rd) - they won't eject, though, which is really annoying. Designed and printed a magazine especially for them too although a bit pointless if I have to poke a cleaning rod down the barrel after every shot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back on the original topic. I can't see the point of going FAC for squizzers. I've taken down a lot this autumn @ 30 - 50 yards with a BSA Scorp in .177 (10g slightly better than 8g). My FAC R10 can hit harder but it's not quite as accurate, so what's the point? A well placed shot is always better. 

I had to drop my R10 down to 18lbs to get the best performance, so I'm not convinced they are good at 22+ lbs but they don't need to be set that high anyway.

Another downside is that the re-sale market for FAC air is terrible.

PS can't believe some of you have posted that you can shoot an FAC air rifle up into the trees! 

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If you shoot a fac .177 8.5 grn pellet at 15 fpe ( i do ) 

It will have less energy at 60 yds than a sub 12  .22 (16 grn pellet ) 

And less energy at 50 yds than a sub 12 .25 (25 grn pellet ) 

Where is the extra consideration when it comes to  fall out range with the fac ? 

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10 hours ago, DC177 said:

Back on the original topic. I can't see the point of going FAC for squizzers. I've taken down a lot this autumn @ 30 - 50 yards with a BSA Scorp in .177 (10g slightly better than 8g). My FAC R10 can hit harder but it's not quite as accurate, so what's the point? A well placed shot is always better. 

I had to drop my R10 down to 18lbs to get the best performance, so I'm not convinced they are good at 22+ lbs but they don't need to be set that high anyway.

Another downside is that the re-sale market for FAC air is terrible.

PS can't believe some of you have posted that you can shoot an FAC air rifle up into the trees! 


Is 11.99999999 magically safe and 12.00000001 Not?

Each shot should be considered regardless!

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19 minutes ago, Ultrastu said:

Dc 177 is your fac r10 in .177 cal or .22 ? Cheers 

22 and Ratworks tuned. Without the tuning it was all over the place but the previous owner was a fettler.

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