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16, bore users.

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Not having much of an opportunity to use the above during the game season. I tried some Hull High Pheasant 26g No6 on decoyed pigeons. 

Quite impressed, I keep reading how popular 16, bore is becoming but cartridge choice  is limited.

Any  recommendations, as I would like to try a few different makers.


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18 minutes ago, sabel25 said:

I use RC16 no6 28g  and Eley VIP  no6 28g  Rc are a cracking cartridge  VIP's are a good hitting cartridge

My local dealer orders my RC's in when he places his order 

From the two i would opt for the RC

I use both RC 28g No.6 and Eley VIP 28g No.6 also, both in fibre wad and cannot fault them. My preference however is RC.


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I have a 16 gauge Remington 1100 and use it for crows and pigeons with just standard Eley cartridges.  I have shot some Lylevale 16s as well and it shoots as well if not better than any 12 gauge I have.  I also have a 110 year old Army & Navy Boxlock side by side, original damascus and shoot just standard light loads and any thing which flies within sensible range is in serious danger.  I love 16s and could never understand why they did not become more popular.

the Remy holds my all time record of 100 crows for 106 shots in exactly one hour witnessed over some laid wheat.

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12 hours ago, Walker570 said:

 I love 16s and could never understand why they did not become more popular.


I too love 16s and have shot with side by side 16s for the last 25 years having owned some lovely older English ones. I am now down to just two 16s and one 20g. One O/U and one SxS 16 and one O/U 20g.

It would appear that the 16g is having quite a resurgence as Browning have brought out a new 16g and as Sabel25 predicted on here some time ago, perhaps Beretta will shortly follow suit. We'll see.

Also, the makes/range of available 16g cartridges appears to be increasing slightly which was always deemed by some to be the main disadvantage of the sweet sixteen.


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2 hours ago, dougall said:

My old 16g loves Eley VIP 28g 6s........funny init'coz I am not mad on the VIP 12g???......

I do'nt use Eley in 12g either Last ones i bought in 1980 were Super game and still have some boxes in the cupboard

I bought a job lot of  16g cartridges from a gent on PW  Original VIP's high brass  also included some Eley Alphamax AAA   some Grand Prix and some Hull Three Crowns

Also got some off saddler on here  grand prix and Express

If  you  redial  were anywhere near hand you could have some to try

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I`ve just got in from a couple of hours roost shooting with Stour Boy on here and decided to take my 16g AYA Model 400 side by side using Eley 28g fibre wad VIPs and what a delightful time we had, putting the world to rights between shots.

We only got 15 pigeons between us but all provided good little retrieves for Stour Boy`s dog Decker who performed faultlessly, apart from the look we got from the dog when we missed :ermm:. All gundog owners know that look I`m sure.

Anyway, thanks Stour Boy for the company.


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On 20/02/2019 at 20:20, harkom said:

is that carrion crows..?? ..........or rooks....?

That's rooks, they were hammering some laid wheat and had stripped about 80yrds by the time I got there. 


9 minutes ago, wigeon jim said:
walker570 ,  stop talking about your Remy 1100 16g it's making me so jealous ,.  Jim.

You know this Remy 1100 16 gauge I have, I bought it at Thrapston Auctions for £90. Yes there was a slight crack in the fore end but back then i was travelling frequently to the States and purchased a full plastic camo set for it.  Did I ever say what a lovely little gun it is to handle ? Shoot it all day without a sore shoulder etc etc.......

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My post above referred to a short session out with Stourboy. What I omitted to mention was that we were both using 16 bores. Mine was an AYA as previously noted but my pal was using his darned Darne ! Anyone else use one of these ? I had a few shots with it and found it good to shoot but getting used to loading and unloading, plus the tiny side safety, thought that the design, whilst well engineered, was the work of the devil ! For some inexplicable reason, he loves it. Total abberation in my view, but each to their own I suppose. 

Apologies to Johnfromtheuk who I know owns a Darne, but whether he gets to use it much, I don't know.


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Rottweil Special 16's in 6's (uk 5.5 as 2.7mm) have firmly become my favourite over the last year through 1/2 and 3/4 choke, smooth and hard hitting. They are not cheap mind you but in my opinion, they  perform better than VIP/High Phesant.

Either those or Eley Hymax 32 gram from the 70's 😉 

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