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henry d

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15 minutes ago, henry d said:

As an aside to the recent thread, this came up on the C4 news tonight. Unbelieveable and seems to be rife in the party and Tice seemed to be ok with it in the video!

It’s rife in ALL sections of society and ALL communities! In legislating to make racism illegal, the authorities have driven it underground! But they can’t control people’s thoughts/minds..................because “you can take a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”

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10 minutes ago, Scully said:

I’m surprised it’s news. I would have thought the party is bound to attract some people of that type. 
It’s common knowledge there are extremists in every agenda driven group, I can’t think why the Brexit party would be any different. 


Exactly, the labour party have one of the worst offenders in Abbot 

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Yes its true, it shouldn't be but it is. The Brexit Party will go the same way as UKIP and self destruct on Islamaphobia despite it being off message and not part of the raison de etre of both parties which should be  EUROPE and the EU. (the clue in both cases is in the name)

Its a discussion for another day and another place but it has no place in a Brexit party. The clue is in the name B-R-E-X-I-T if they hadn't picked that up they should have.

My biggest gripe is that what ever your views, however offended you may be by the people of Islam, burying a pigs head under a Mosque is just so pathetic it  is off the scale

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28 minutes ago, panoma1 said:

It’s rife in ALL sections of society and ALL communities! In legislating to make racism illegal, the authorities have driven it underground! But they can’t control people’s thoughts/minds..................because “you can take a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”


So you are saying what?

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8 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

Yes its true, it shouldn't be but it is. The Brexit Party will go the same way as UKIP and self destruct on Islamaphobia despite it being off message and not part of the raison de etre of both parties which should be  EUROPE and the EU. (the clue in both cases is in the name)

Its a discussion for another day and another place but it has no place in a Brexit party. The clue is in the name B-R-E-X-I-T if they hadn't picked that up they should have.

My biggest gripe is that what ever your views, however offended you may be by the people of Islam, burying a pigs head under a Mosque is just so pathetic it  is off the scale

Farage has already registered a new party name, "The Reform Party". It appears parliamentary reform is next on Nigel's agenda.

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18 minutes ago, Deker said:


Exactly, the labour party have one of the worst offenders in Abbot 

Labour for many years employed racist policies called 'positive discrimination', I can remember adverts in the national press for jobs in  London Boroughs saying only people of Afro Caribbean background need apply. How they got away with it god only knows, but they did.

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14 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

How they got away with it god only knows, but they did.

No one dared challenge it;  The whole 'race' topic is so inflamed, sensitive and 'toxic' - and people are so touchy about it (people like Lamy are always on the look out for something to blow out of all proportions) ......... it has in effect become a 'no go' area.  This is a shame because it allows the problems to continue unchallenged.

Edited by JohnfromUK
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For me its all about education be that formal learning or cultural exposure. Even through formal education it's a difficult topic to manage. 

3 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

No one dared challenge it;  The whole 'race' topic is so inflamed, sensitive and 'toxic - and people are so touchy about it (people like Lamy are always on the look out for something to blow out of all proportions) ......... it has in effect become a 'no go' are.  This is a shame because it allows the problems to continue unchallenged.

Why do you say that? 

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Just now, oowee said:

For me its all about education be that formal learning or cultural exposure. Even through formal education it's a difficult topic to manage. 

Why do you say that? 

Because that is what he does; He did a 'study' on discrimination in University admission selection (I think based on Oxford) which was discredited as incorrect, and he was adamant that 'at least 300' had perished in Grenfell - and the 'authorities' were hiding the truth because they were poor minority individuals who weren't properly recorded (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-politics-40672349/david-lammy-and-andrew-neil-on-tower-block-death-claims)

Time and time again he either tries to bring in the race card, or if it is there, blow it up out of all proportion.

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23 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

Because that is what he does; He did a 'study' on discrimination in University admission selection (I think based on Oxford) which was discredited as incorrect, and he was adamant that 'at least 300' had perished in Grenfell - and the 'authorities' were hiding the truth because they were poor minority individuals who weren't properly recorded (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-politics-40672349/david-lammy-and-andrew-neil-on-tower-block-death-claims)

Time and time again he either tries to bring in the race card, or if it is there, blow it up out of all proportion.

I dont see the race card being played although it certainly looks like a game of politics. Time and time again you say he plays the race card lets see some examples. 

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2 minutes ago, oowee said:

lets see some examples. 

I've given two above!  You can use Google as well as I can.  He uses the 'race' card in every almost move in the 'game of politics'.  He said that Judge Sir Martin Moore Blick was unsuitable for the Grenfell enquiry because he was white, male and 'upper middle class'.  He said they should have had a female ethnic minority chair. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/07/02/labour-mp-suggests-white-upper-middle-class-grenfell-judge-has/

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I hear what you are saying but cannot see any evidence that 'Time and time again you say he plays the race card'. He may be guilty of championing the cause of those excluded from society and championing the cause of minorities but that is not the same as playing the race card. 

Suggesting a Mr Morvic as a choice for the panel was if I remember correctly criticised in all quarters for a variety of reasons. 

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3 minutes ago, oowee said:

He may be guilty of championing the cause of those excluded from society and championing the cause of minorities but that is not the same as playing the race card. 


Yeah he did a great job helping the people of Africa. Oh wait . . .no, he cost them probably millions of pounds of donations with his criticism of Stacey Dooley and Comic Relief.

"The world does not need any more white saviours. As I've said before, this just perpetuates tired and unhelpful stereotypes."

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1 minute ago, Mr_Nobody said:

Yeah he did a great job helping the people of Africa. Oh wait . . .no, he cost them probably millions of pounds of donations with his criticism of Stacey Dooley and Comic Relief.

"The world does not need any more white saviours. As I've said before, this just perpetuates tired and unhelpful stereotypes."

Where is the race card in this? He is right when he says that it perpetuates  stereotypes. 

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Just now, Mr_Nobody said:

Maybe. Doesn't alter the facts that he cost the charity a large amount of money. Doesn't alter the fact that a large amount of people consider him to be an anti-white racist. Where there's smoke . . .


Maybe a large amount of people consider him to be anti white, because he is black. At the same time he is pointing out the indirect discrimination in society which they do not recognise, makes them feel uncomfortable. As a result they lash out in defence of their own position? Where there's smoke ......

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