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Good few hours


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Booked with NPPC  at a field with a nice flight line as I have mentioned before(high flying birds) this time got there early to try and draw the birds in on the way out  got set up for about 830 first few shots where at really high birds that went over me and I missed ,eye not in yet ( well that’s my excuse) The main flight was 100 yard to my right and I’m not allowed to shoot that field  but they weren’t bothered about decoying again then the first that showed a bit more interest I hit which was a left and right a high first shot low second shot I had a couple come into the decoys and missed the simplest of birds... I have just bought a shotkam so reviewed why on the play back .. I’m shooting at them ,not under them...there was an oak tree about 25 yards to my right with an height seat nailed to it so I decided to try and put a couple of floaters in ..10 mins after putting them in had one heading in boom gone had another hour or so and got 4 more for the pattern just as the the weather turn to rain I got a visit off of the game keeper I told him who i was shooting for and he told me  he new but said he had told someone else that they wasn’t welcome during the season I told him I would pack up and informed John of nppc that no one was to shoot... so what could have been a great day day turned out to be a good morning  .... I need to learn how to put shotkam vids on here


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Just now, strimmer_13 said:

I'd be a little upset paying a fee and not being able to use the land? I know its no good arguing with the keeper, what he says gos, but maybe the nppc or whoever should of been aware of this. 

Keep plugging away fella 

I guess the keepers told the farmer and the farmers not reported it as when I called John he had no idea of the situation also who ever  has been told before  not to shoot there has not reported it ... on a good note I may have beating opportunities next season 

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Good result. Obviously you had a good reaction to being kicked off, no way to change the keeper’s mind once he’d come out and also no point falling out with people in this small shooting world. Life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

I had two police come out to me when decoying, I was as helpful as I could be and so they left in under a minute and I was able to carry on.

You see lots of “it’s your right to shoot” or “you don’t need to tell them” etc. 

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Nice report Jacko. You clearly have the right attitude as others may have wrongly stood their ground, but it has hopefully given you beating opportunities for next season.

Like JDog said, look forward to the shotkam video.

Well done.


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That could have been a bit upsetting to have someone come after you and say you shouldn't be shooting there , I would blame the one who is taking your money , he should have stated the situation and should have known where and when he can let paying guns shoot over certain crops throughout the year .

After this coming Saturday you should be in the clear as far as game shooting goes , you never know , the chance meeting with the keeper could be the start of better things to come , lets hope so :good:



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10 hours ago, Old Boggy said:

Nice report Jacko. You clearly have the right attitude as others may have wrongly stood their ground, but it has hopefully given you beating opportunities for next season.

Like JDog said, look forward to the shotkam video.

Well done.



21 hours ago, JDog said:

I am looking forward to seeing the shotkam video.

The 'keeper was a bit mean.


22 hours ago, Clodhopper said:

Nice report Jacko. Well done on getting a few. Shame about the early finish.


2 hours ago, old'un said:

Well done and thanks for your report, your certainly keen.

has said, there could be an opportunity there with the keeper but if you are only a weekend shooter be careful he does not become to demanding, believe me they can.

I just enjoy been out good or bad days

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Really interesting footage there, and you're certainly getting stuck in and downing a good number for a "novice" so fair play 🙂

The first question I ask myself watching this is how accurately placed is the red dot in the middle?  How does the camera system synchronise the red dot with your gun sights?

If it's incredibly accurate then you're shooting under quite a few birds.  Also at the beginning of the video  it's difficult to get a real gauge of the range of those birds but they look a stupidly long range to shoot at!  They look like 70+ yard targets which I'd not even raise the gun to but that's possibly just the effect of seeing it through the camera?

With the close range birds you're putting lead on them when you don't need to, aim straight at them ;)

Keep it up, and don't be afraid to post more shotkam vids, they give a really interesting insight into the the technique of shooting a shotgun at moving targets! I find it fascinating.

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10 hours ago, Jim Neal said:

Really interesting footage there, and you're certainly getting stuck in and downing a good number for a "novice" so fair play 🙂

The first question I ask myself watching this is how accurately placed is the red dot in the middle?  How does the camera system synchronise the red dot with your gun sights?

If it's incredibly accurate then you're shooting under quite a few birds.  Also at the beginning of the video  it's difficult to get a real gauge of the range of those birds but they look a stupidly long range to shoot at!  They look like 70+ yard targets which I'd not even raise the gun to but that's possibly just the effect of seeing it through the camera?

With the close range birds you're putting lead on them when you don't need to, aim straight at them

Keep it up, and don't be afraid to post more shotkam vids, they give a really interesting insight into the the technique of shooting a shotgun at moving targets! I find it fascinating.

You place the gun on a mount of some sort aim down the rib and bead at something about 20 to 30 yards away, go on to the phone app and set the red dot to the point of aim 

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3 hours ago, Jacko3275 said:

You place the gun on a mount of some sort aim down the rib and bead at something about 20 to 30 yards away, go on to the phone app and set the red dot to the point of aim 

Never used a shotcam but I was wondering what the cross over point is like, e.g. if you set the red dot point of aim at 25-30 yards then in theory at say 45-50 yards the red dot in the video would look like you are aiming above the bird, or close birds the red dot in the video would look like you are aiming to low.

It would be interesting to see what this looks like on video by placing the gun on a rest, aim down the rib and bead and set the red dot on a small target at 25 yards, then place the target at 45 yards, aim down the rib and bead and record where the red dot is in relation to this point of aim.

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