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Ammo stock

spurs 14

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Hi all , hope everyone is safe and well , couple of questions thinking of putting in for fac tkt  when this crisis is over at min not sure on .22 lr or 17hmr so will probably put down for both , any thoughts on that ? 

 Secondly what numbers would you advise to put down for ammo for both , for buying and holding ? 

Many thanks 

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West mercia aren't doing the buy X keep Y anymore from what my FEO said a few months back. It's now you can have Z amount. Think I've had buy 200 and keep 300 for my 17hmr when I first got it. 22 is cheap to feed, has a semi auto option and can fire subsonics but range is limited to 100yds or less (gross generalisation gentlemen don't get excited) it will kill foxes but range and bullet placement is the name of the game. 17hmr gives you more range and a faster bullet so flatter trajectory out to 150yds (again I know they're good for further) but the light bullets are affected by the wind, not subsonic and even moderated you'll still get the super sonic crack from the bullets. There has been issues with ammo in the past, never happened to me but some people have had catastrophic rifle failures but hopefully it's a thing of the past. The 22 wmr is a mix of the two. It's got the power to fire a heavier 22 bullet than the HMR further in a semi automatic configuration. Never even knew they existed when I took out my FAC otherwise I'd have probably had one instead of the HMR. Finally there's the 17 WSM it's the HMR ramped up. Slightly different bullet choice 15, 20, 25 I think. Never seen one and don't know much about them but they were only available in savage rifles which I don't like, if the other rifle companies have got on board by now then it could be a viable alternative if ammo is available to you locally. I love my HMR and its never given me any issues and has accounted for a lot of foxes over the years. 

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like a lot of people i have both .22lr and hmr.

tend to use the .22 semi auto  for plinking and hmr for the rabbits as its easy shooting out to 125 yards with the flat trajectory.

if had to chose only one it would be the hmr  its a cracking little  bunny round .

if i was just plinking and targets then it would be the .22lr as its cheap as chips to shoot.



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