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The sweet spot.


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Those on the forum with whom I am acquainted will know that I am far too puritanical in nature to be referring to any part of the female anatomy. No, I am referring to that part of a field where pigeons are feeding to the exclusion of the rest of the field.

Yesterday Clodhopper cruelly cancelled our planned outing on spring rape as he had to sort out his socks and underpants drawer which left me at a considerable loss. Determined not to waste the afternoon I went to watch a field of emerged peas which has had a few pigeons on in recent days, not enough to shoot but enough to keep me interested. The flight line wasn't a long one but it seemed that every pigeon entering the field headed for the same spot, not just when there were other pigeons there but when the field was devoid of pigeons. Even when the birds were disturbed newcomers headed for exactly the same spot in the field when to all intents and purposes the crop was even.

Had I decided to shoot the field from that place the sun and wind would have been in my face.

As I left the field a 'butterfly shooter' who I have never seen before arrived and set up. That was my banker field for next week ruined. C'est la vie.

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Butterfly shooter haha that's a new one to me! but I know the frustration. Someone got permission to shoot over a drilling this year that would've been a 100+bird day almost for sure but they spoilt it for a couple dozen 🙄 only thing is I know they wont stay around for long-they never do. just hope they get bored before the harvest when all us regulars who protect the crops get paid by having some relatively reliable good sport! good luck.

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Hi JDog sorry to hear of your none shooting day, what you describe is what we have found this year, others shooting banker fields we have let build up. We only use to suffer " Butterfly Shooters " on the stubbles when they can drive to the hide position, this was not a real concern as I was usually in Greece for a couple of months. Not this year!!!!

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A Butterfly shooter who go wild fowling is known as he / she who only go when the weather is warm and dry , meaning a lot of them you see in September you don't see again till the following September , most likely you were referring to , fine weather shooters .

Everyone , or nearly every ones definition of when is the right time to shoot a field is different , I go when I feel there is enough to have a go and another person might leave it a day or two longer , or shoot it when he see a few pigeons get out of the trees or lift up from the field , then if they only have the weekend to shoot they are going to go come what may , if they get a few then all well and good and if they don't get any then at least they have had a go .

We are in the position where within reason we can go any day of the week and I don't begrudge someone going over a weekend and I often leave a field alone on a Saturday to let someone else have a go , even then there is a good possibility no one go even if you left it , simple fact is we are not over run with pigeon shooters .

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8 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Not heard the term "Butterfly Shooter" before but I can understand what you mean.


Go early and set up before him.

I cannot claim ownership of that term, Pigeon Controller invented it.

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