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Gout again.


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Hi gang.

                  I've got the dreaded gout again which means no shooting or dog walking today.  Drinking plenty of water but cant see the Doc till Wednesday.

                  I've had it quite a few times now. I don't seem to eat the foods that can cause it. So i don't know why i keep getting it.

                  But i know one thing it is very painful. Oh well must just soldier on.

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46 minutes ago, Capt Christopher Jones said:

Have you any anti inflammatory pills - Naproxin ,i always make sure i have a some "in stock""


My Doc stated is was not food or drink ( red wine ) its uric acid crystals in the joints that causes the problem

Hope to get some medication from the Doc on Wednesday. Plus i don't drink.

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I have had it a number of times and it is very painful - and quite seriously incapacitating if you get it in both feet at once.  It is caused by crystals of urea forming in the joints - which then cause severe pain and inflammation.  It is a form of arthritis and if experienced repeatedly can cause longer term joint damage.  There are a number of points to keep in mind;

  1. As you rightly say - drink plenty of water and don't get dehydrated.  That is a very frequent trigger.
  2. Most people have certain 'danger' foods and drinks, typically being;
  • Seafood especially shellfish and oily fish (herring, mackerel, anchovies etc.)
  • Certain offal types of meat, especially liver, kidney etc.
  • Things with yeast in - beer, Marmite etc.
  • Some veggies, sometimes mushrooms, peas, lentils, pulses, asparagus, and I have heard cauliflower.
  • Fizzy type soft drinks with high sugary content

There are various medical things you can do, both 'short term' and 'long term';

  1. Short term, anti inflammatory can help - Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Diclofenac etc.  The latter two are prescription only I think.  I don't take these because my doc isn't keen on them with other (blood pressure) medication I take.  I have in the past used (pain killer and prescription only again) codeine to treat flare ups, but old doc has retired and new doc doesn't like it.
  2. There is a drug called Colchicine which cuts down on the crystals - BUT - it is prescription only, can only be used for a short period (3 or 4 days), and can upset the digestion.  It works well for me with no side effects, but not everyone can take it.
  3. If you get it more that once or twice a year, you can be put on alopurinol - which is a long term (read for the rest of your life usually) which reduces the urea levels.  It works well for many people, but takes time to work and get the dose adjusted.  It can initially actually cause a gout attack, and should not be started when you have had a recent attack.  I have not started it yet, but may have to at some stage.

It is worth noting that attack frequency can be reduced by losing weight.

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I started on Allopurinol several years ago after a number of bouts of gout in my right big toe joint over ten years, or so. The Allopurinol was prescribed once I was clear of symptoms and it has kept any further bouts at bay in the intervening time.

Anyone who's had gout will certainly empathise with you it's a very painful thing to have.

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5 hours ago, malmick said:

I started on Allopurinol several years ago after a number of bouts of gout in my right big toe joint over ten years, or so. The Allopurinol was prescribed once I was clear of symptoms and it has kept any further bouts at bay in the intervening time.

Anyone who's had gout will certainly empathise with you it's a very painful thing to have.

Same here, it takes a lot of self honesty to realise that ones diet is responsible. 

Edited by Hamster
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Know what your going through all to well, 

Cherry juice is very good for gout, removes the acid that causes the crystals in the joint. 

I used to love and still do smoked Mackerel and always had an attack afterwards so wasn't difficult to fathom what was responsible. Game apparently is also a cause, I can't verify that due to me being such a **** shot.

Try Cherry juice, always have a bottle or two in the house just incase.

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