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Is Dyslexia the new bigger illness than covid ?

Spend Friday afternoon going round two shopping centres getting the scraps from butchers for animals , and despite Keep left signs and masks must be worn at all times in the centre the number of  folk who are unable to read the signs amaze me and its not just youngsters a lot of older folk who should know better as well 


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No wonder there's a second spike on old boy was coughing over every one and everything  , And these seniors are supposed to be the most vulnerable ?. , I would have the police make unannounced inspections no mask you got a immunity letter ? Fine thats £100 on the spot fine 

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OH was in the supermarket earlier in the week. One lady pulled her mask down, coughed on her hand then put her mask back on. No hand cleaning done.  She then proceeded to sort through a load of identical packets. OH challenged her and an assistant came up and spoke to her and got her to clean her hands with a spray he was carrying.  The assistant then removed the packets she had mauled from the display.  OH was thanked by the assistant,  but got a comment from a passerby saying "grumpy old man" about him. No one else thought to challenge her at all.


Edited by loriusgarrulus
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7 hours ago, loriusgarrulus said:

OH was in the supermarket earlier in the week. One lady pulled her mask down, coughed on her hand then put her mask back on. No hand cleaning done.  She then proceeded to sort through a load of identical packets. OH challenged her and an assistant came up and spoke to her and got her to clean her hands with a spray he was carrying.  The assistant then removed the packets she had mauled from the display.  OH was thanked by the assistant,  but got a comment from a passerby saying "grumpy old man" about him. No one else thought to challenge her at all.


Tell Andrew well done . For all anyone knows , he may have just saved a life or two👍.

This covid malarky is a big old mess  .  None of us ( including the experts ) have all the answers ,  maybe it'll just turn into nothing , and maybe it'll take another 50,000 deaths before we all sit up and take notice , nobody really knows . For my part , I just try to be sensible and reasonable,  I wear a mask if I'm going to be around people and I can't keep my distance , and I wash or hand sanitize my hands whenever needed , it's no different to washing your hands after visiting the toilet , or before you eat , or looking left and right before you cross the road ,  just basic common sense steps that might just keep you alive .

In a couple of years well most probably have the answers . I'd rather be sitting there thinking that I didn't really need to take those extra precautions after all , than have my ashes sitting on the mantlepiece in an urn. 

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I was in the chippy the other day chatting to the owner I know. This woman next to me lost her friend to it.

she says they were out drinking and she had a little cough and 2 days later dead . Only in her 40’s 😮. No health issues. It’s luck of the draw I think . 

my mates mate died recently in a car crash and yep it’s down as covid 🤷‍♀️😮

I wear a mask but only as it’s just easy and stops me being told off . I’m not really sure what to believe but if it Saves a live it’s worth it . 
my mate was tested a few weeks back and he was positive . He had it January. I’m convinced I had it too . I was on steroids for my breathing.

Edited by team tractor
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15 hours ago, Bigbob said:

 I would have the police make unannounced inspections no mask you got a immunity letter ? Fine thats £100 on the spot fine 

Why oh why are you wishing to impose a police state on yourself and the rest of us. Is that really the kind of world you want your kids / grandkids growing up in?


14 hours ago, Pistol p said:

No mate, just a lack of common decency, forethought and consideration. The usual suspects in everyday Britain.

Surely mask wearing should be on the basis of irrefutable science, not "decency and condideration".

The evidence for mask wearing is weak.

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2 hours ago, treetree said:

Why oh why are you wishing to impose a police state on yourself and the rest of us. Is that really the kind of world you want your kids / grandkids growing up in?


Surely mask wearing should be on the basis of irrefutable science, not "decency and condideration".

The evidence for mask wearing is weak.

No mate but i work as security at a university and i know how inconsiderate the youth of today is , when this first started we had thousands on campus ," The i dont give a fig" brigade .

The first case on campus they couldn't get away quick enough mummy please come and pick me up ?. They bailed leaving all there stuff in there rooms they couldn't get away fast enough 

At the start i was dreading it with the press coverage and i going to take this deadly virus home im just a grandad and am i going to carry it back to my grandson ?

Well my grandsons just about to celebrate  his 1st birthday had a nasty cough a bout 6 weeks ago he got tested they say hes had it and now got antibodies ,Now i don't care every time i play with him i pick him up above my head he drools all over me. So if hes had it ive had it 

Next week we get a new intake of first years ?  when there first put in the halls of residence they catch everything from mumps to vd being so close to each other with out control this virus if going to have a hayday 

Yesterday Sturgeon admitted they don't know how the virus will react to the winter , we are all ready seeing a second spike and cities on lockdown . I honestly reckon if folk don't play ball it will get worse 

Me i've probably got the antibodies should i join the i dont give a fig brigade ?. don't think so would not wearing a mask no  doing the social distancing be fair on the rest of my family or friends ?. 

if it takes police action to stop this virus killing another 100,000 because of a few a holes so be it 

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